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WikiLeaks refers to the US 'deep state' in some of its publications. What is the US 'deep state'?


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Some current musings about it, that might all change tomorrow. Interesting and prescient now that Trump is being pushed around by the CIA.  The Snowden paragraph (16th) was not as bad as I'd fear

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Some current musings about it, that might all change tomorrow.

Interesting and prescient now that Trump is being pushed around by the CIA.  The Snowden paragraph (16th) was not as bad as I'd feared, if anything I would say it doesn't go far enough.  HUGE chunks of Silicon Valley are currently government contractors or crucially depended on being government contractors at their inception, and the CIA has been intertwined with the Internet from its foundation.  Silicon Valley is not only "complicit" with the surveillance state, it literally IS part of the surveillance state (for example see this https://surveillancevalley.com/blog/why-is-thcia-protecting-google).  My beef with Snowden is that his libertarian ideology prevented him from fully grasping the magnitude of his own revelations, (even now https://surveillancevalley.com/blog/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-tor-project) which is that the private "free-market" spying is a bigger and more pervasive problem in most people's daily lives than government spying on terrorists and criminals.  The libertarian notion of "internet freedom" is a tool used by the USA State Department for regime change around the world.  (Again, Tor is a perfect example https://surveillancevalley.com/blog/tor-project-the-super-secure-anonymity-network-built-on-deception-false-promises-and-heaps-of-libertarian-bullshit)  

Ultimately the term "deep state" is not well defined enough even here.  This article, to me does a good job of describing the circumstances of why the term is popular, but the nailing down a precise and useful meaning is tricky.  Was Alexander Hamilton an agent of the "deep state" when he established military sovereignty violently against the native nations and Whiskey Rebellion in the 1790s?  Or did he and George Washington form the USA's "deep state" through western land speculation/conquest?  When did USA's "deep state" take form?  Under what possible circumstances could any society advanced enough to have an intelligence apparatus NOT have a "deep state"?  The spies of any nation are usually fanatical supporters of that nation, but that alone doesn't prove that they can actually control what that nation does.  

Yes, evidence has piled up since the 1970's that the USA's spies are a "class unto themselves" in the sense that spying is an industry autonomous from the government (https://www.thenation.com/article/five-corporations-now-dominate-our-privatized-intelligence-industry/) but ... so what?  You could say that about all defense contracting in general (see: the F-35).  Is the network of capitalist interests behind the building and maintenance of firepower really so important in the decision-making process of the deployment of that firepower?  Or are they merely loyal servants of politicians who are just greedy careless murder-happy imperialists?  This is the crucial question posed by the term "deep state" and the article doesn't directly answer it.  If anything, I'm leaning towards the latter hypothesis, and if that's true, then there is no deep state, just a plain old classical Marxist ruling class.

To argue by analogy, Hollywood is an industry autonomous from the government too (even though, just like Silicon Valley, it grew out of the machinery of war - early WWI-era propaganda techniques laid the material basis for the modern advertising, movie and recording industries), controlled by interlocking rings of capital who profit from it.  These capitalists make similar products, and the industry has become dominated by monopoly and oligopoly over time.  Do we need the concept of "deep script" to explain why the new Star Wars movie is basically Al Qaeda propaganda?  I don't think so, at least not necessarily.  Seems to me that media act as state propaganda because that's what's materially profitable (Like Chomsky and Herman said https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_model), as plain and simple as that.  When private actors work in concert to serve state ends, it can be explained by shared material class interests... the question is what exactly are those interests?

Since inception the USA's spy-state it has served the interests of capital around the world by systematically attacking and destroying secular multi-ethnic nationalism and communism everywhere.  The CIA's very first job was overthrowing the 1948 Italian election results.  The entire purpose of NATO was to prevent the spread of communism west, and the CIA immediately picked up on anti-communist counter-insurgency techniques from the Nazis, and recruited collaborators into the highest positions of government (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip).  NATO has never had a problem with working with terrorists whether the Islamic Jihadist or the European Fascist.  We (US) invaded Iraq and destroyed Libya for the same reasons we (US) helped destroy Yugoslavia and pressured the Soviet Union to fall apart - our ruling class WANTS large secular non-racist governments to fall into chaos so they can buy off the remains after the collapse for cheap.  No need for a "deep state" explanation; it's simple class interest.  Same goes for our cooperation with Arabian oligarchies, Central and Latin American juntas, Turkey, Israel, criminal militias in the Congo, etc.  Class interests, and a material need for cheap resources.

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The American world power pretending to be a " lamb" and being a "dragon" .  These conditions (as described above) are like eggs that are scrambled - one cannot separate the ingredients any more.   It will take intervention from Jehovah to correct what is going on.  This is why the powers of this unjust world have to be dismantled by Jehovah when the time is right - He is the only one that can do it because the powers of the people (so-called democracy) are ineffectual. Rule by humans for justice is a sham. Much suffering and poverty will unfortunately be the outcome for as long as these hidden things are going from bad to worse. "Get out of her my People."  Get out of Babylon the Great and out of all political entities which are serving the powerful purposes of Satan.

Thanks for the article and the replies.

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