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Wedding of a couple of Jehovah’s Witnesses

The Librarian

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Wedding of a couple of Jehovah’s Witnesses Via

Glad you caught that Melinda. I actually wrote it that way on purpose. ;-). 

A couple of Jehovah's Witnesses were in the vicinity last week and I used the opportunity to get the latest magazine, as I hadn't seen you for a little while. I am studying with a Jehovah's Witne

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3 minutes ago, Linmi said:

October 15, 2006 Watchtower, last paragraph of page 29 and first of page 30

*** w06 10/15 pp. 29-30 Increase the Joy and Dignity of Your Wedding Day ***
Consider what the bride wears for the occasion. While tastes vary from person to person and from country to country, the Bible’s admonition is applicable everywhere. Women are “to adorn themselves in well-arranged dress, with modesty and soundness of mind.” That applies to Christian women at all times, and it certainly includes the wedding day. The fact is that a joyful wedding does not require “very expensive garb.” (1 Timothy 2:9; 1 Peter 3:3, 4) How satisfying when this advice is applied!

David, mentioned earlier, comments: “Most couples endeavor to follow Bible principles, and they deserve commendation. There have been cases, though, when the gowns of brides and bridesmaids were immodest, being very low-cut or see-through.” In his meeting with the bride and groom beforehand, one mature Christian elder helps them to keep a spiritual perspective. How? By asking them whether the attire they have in mind would be modest enough to wear to a Christian meeting. Granted, the style of clothing might be different from regular meeting attire, and what is worn for the wedding may reflect local custom, but the level of modesty should accord with dignified Christian standards. Even if some in the world might view the Bible’s moral code as restrictive, true Christians are content to resist the world’s attempts to squeeze them into its mold.—Romans 12:2; 1 Peter 4:4.

“Rather than viewing the clothes or the reception as the most important thing,” says Penny, “Aret and I focused on the ceremony, the spiritual part of the occasion. It was the most important part of the day. The special things I remember are, not what I wore or ate, but whom I spent the day with and the happiness I felt at marrying the man I love.” A Christian couple do well to keep such thoughts in mind as they plan their wedding.

[I didn't notice at first. I think it's the word "low-cut," right?]

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