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Child Abuse within the JW community

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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" """""Nooooooooo. My momma said never to let a RCC priest or a Jehovah's Witness man touch me ever ! I mean look what is happening in Australia at the Royal Commission into Sexual Abuse within the Jehovah's Witness movement - 1006 perpetrators ....and not one of them was reported to the authorities ! ..................so put me down ! """"




i WATCHED the Entire Australian Royal Commission Inquiry 29, which went on for more that than week, and even if you know NOTHING else except the TRUTH, which many of the elders being interrogated under oath showed so pitifully clearly, those HARD FACTS exposed for all the world to see how much SHAME the GB, the Branch Offices and the Elders have brought on Jehovah's Name and slanders HIS name by us behaving in such a manner, perverting JUSTICE for over 5,000 victims of over 1,006 perpertrators ALL HIDDEN IN SECRET ENVELOPES IN THE KINGDOM HALL FILES, and in BLUE secret envelopes copies sent to the Branch Offices, and in NOT ONE of these cases was this CRIMINAL activity reported to police to protect the small Brothers and Sisters... THE SOLUTION was to threaten the victims and their families with disfellowshipping, and in many cases that WAS DONE, to keep everybody's mouths shut, for over 50 years.

I talk to MANY people a week about the Truth of God, and half of them DO keep up with global news, and they ask me ... "How can you POSSIBLY still be a champion of Jehovah's Witnesses, when they are involved with all this evil (not just in Australia, but in the UK and the United States ...) ?".

There is NO way to defend it, and I would not ... so to make a VERRRRRyyyyy long story very short .... I just say "All clergy, once it reaches a certain organizational size ALWAYS evolves into making many buildings, and may distractions, and if Justice interferes with the cash flow ... Justice is the FIRST thing that is abandoned."

There has NEVER in the History of Civilization been ANY exceptions to this rule. None exist today.

This March the Australian Royal Commission on Child Abuse #29 will have a week long follow up, Case #54, or #57, if memory serves.   THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS ALL ABOUT THIS, as Intrepid Traveler's links show.

YOU HAVE A CHOICE .... Remain ignorant, and by extension deliberately choose to be a fool .... or find out what is REALLY going on around you.

When you deliberately choose NOT TO KNOW .... just like in Nazi Germany ... the appropriate label is ....


The REAL question is why are 90% of ALL JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ignorant of ALL of this.

The answer is:  They GB thinks we are all wallets and small children, and their complicity in all of this would be exposed, and the financial empire .... AND THEIR JOBS .... would be forfeit.


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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:



The REAL question is why are 90% of ALL JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ignorant of ALL of this.

The answer is:  They GB thinks we are all wallets and small children, and their complicity in all of this would be exposed, and the financial empire .... AND THEIR JOBS .... would be forfeit.

James Thomas Rook Jr.

All who are true followers of Christ will be persecuted. some think not me? WHY? Because they are of no value to the truth, as those Satan attacks ARE persecuted some to death. Abuse is everywhere, I've been physically, emotionally and spiritually abused over 45 years. A man who goes forth with lies will be believed, why? Because there is not two Witnesses! So after almost being killed twice literally, I went to courts for nonsupport. I brought 6 years of taxes and the elders said can't look at those...Even when the court took over 65% of his assets because of his proof of negligence they never did anything to him, he's still in good standing. I was made to look like I was rebellious and liar. As if the Judge could not see the true reality? I am not angry at men, imperfect and ignorant as to the facts. What was being done in the past was illegal also. Every state has laws against abuse, ANY TYPE!! So why so much fear standing up in the congregation? We are supposed to set the example not present problems!! Well, one lesson I have learned, no man will dictate to me to be obedient to abuse or rebellion. I look to Jehovah to clean them out in his "perfect time." He will and already has one of them. The days are wicked, let go of the wicked people and liars, they will be gone forever. If any man or woman is perfect let him step forward. We know soon more will come, the apostasy. Let them be, the son of destruction. Either you love Jehovah or love men! Woman are supposed to be silent, yet, I have learned to speak in a dignified way even if they talk behind my back. Jehovah reads hearts and knows those who love him and worship him correctly. One day all falseness will be gone! Weigh on Jehovah all this! Was not Judas one of the 12 in the beginning? Then he became the traitor. We are only seconds away, don't let go. Remember judgement starts first with the house of God. Jehovah is just and will clean out it all soon, remember even those in the temple selling. As a woman my new motto is: I have no fear Jehovah is near. We just need to rely more on him! You'll see much more soon, the chaff will be cleaned and burned in the fire. Yes not all Witnesses are ignorant, walk on the Road of Holiness, try your best. They is no other road left! Isaiah 35:8-10. Agape ???

1 Peter 4:17-19.

17 For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start withthe house of God.+ Now if it startsfirst with us,+ what will theoutcome be for those who are not obedient to the good news of God?+18 “And if the righteous man is being saved with difficulty, what will happen to the ungodly man and thesinner?”+ 19 So, then, let those who are suffering in harmony with thewill of God keep on entrusting*themselves* to a faithful Creator while they are doing good.+


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