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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Royal Commission Case Study 54: What to expect - by an anonymous reporter who DOES homework !


With Case Study 54 only a few days away, THIS FRIDAY (AUSTRALIAN TIME) MARCH 10, 2017 (You do the math for local time...) a lot of discussion has been circulating as to exactly what we can expect when Watchtower appears once again before the Australian Royal Commission.

I’ve decided to chip in a few observations here to help set expectations and to contribute to the discussions as best I’m able. So without further ado, let’s quickly run through what we know:


  • What exactly will be discussed?

According to the Commission website, the scope of the study is as follows

1.      The current policies and procedures of Jehovah’s Witnesses and Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia Ltd in relation to child protection and child-safe standards, including responding to allegations of child sexual abuse.

2.      Factors that may have contributed to the occurrence of child sexual abuse at Jehovah’s Witnesses and Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia Ltd institutions.

3.      Factors that may have affected the institutional response of Jehovah’s Witnesses and Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia Ltd to child sexual abuse.

4.      The responses of Jehovah’s Witnesses and Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia Ltd to relevant case study report(s) and other Royal Commission reports.

5.      Any related matters.

The purpose of this public hearing is not to inquire into individual sets of facts or particular events as has occurred in previous Royal Commission case studies.

  • Why does the Case Study 54 hearing appear to be only one day long?

This may appear at first glance to be a surprise. How can a single day of testimony possibly be enough to cover the vast and complex issue of Watchtower’s child abuse scandal?


Well, remember that Case Study 54 isn’t a fact finding mission. That was Case Study 29. The Commission spent days digging and interviewing, and ultimately issued a detailed report on every aspect of Watchtower’s failure. As far as the Commission is concerned, the facts are in. There is no further debate. Case Study 54 is tasked purely with a quick review of those facts and then with publicly asking Watchtower what is has done to address the damning failures identified in Case Study 29.

Remember what Justice McClellan said to Watchtower’s legal team? That they were going to come back to Watchtower and publicly ask them what had been done to address the issues?

That’s what this is.


  • So what has Watchtower done in the 21 months since Case Study 29?

As far as I am aware, the only potential effort from  Watchtower to address any of the concerns raised in the Royal Commission has been to no longer require an abuse survivor to confront their attacker. However, it was not clear from testimony if this practice had actually been halted before the Commission sat. Watchtower seemed to insist in testimony that it was, but their documentation did not reflect this.

Thus one cannot say with certainty that even this potential change has come as a result of the Commission report.


  • So Watchtower is going to stand before the Commission, after 21 months, and basically say they’ve done nothing at all?

I have no idea.


I mean, that would be the honest thing to do, but remember how slippery and devious Watchtower was in Case Study 29, with senior Watchtower officials like Rodney Spinks, Terrence O’Brain and Governing Body Member Geoffrey Jackson attempted to mislead and outright lie to the Commission on multiple occasions. As far as I can see, Watchtower has three options


  • Admit they’ve done nothing and that they don’t intend to for religious reasons, and turn the whole thing into an issue of religious freedom.
  • Try to stall and muddy the waters by saying they’ve not had enough time, that they have no authority to make the changes required without Brooklyn agreement, knowing full well that Brooklyn is beyond the reach of the Commission. The idea here would be to stall until the day is over, then slink away and wait, knowing no further testimony is required.
  • Dive full into another round of misleading doublespeak and outright lies to try and pull the wool over the Commission’s eyes.

Which one will they pick? Again I have no idea. Judging from Watchtower’s jaw-dropping legal incompetence in Case Study 29 and in the recent Fessler case, it’s very hard to predict their strategy. It seems to have no rhyme or reason, but keep in mind three things.


  • The men in charge of Watchtower are firstly very deluded. They genuinely think they are defending God’s organization against Satanic and apostate attack, and feel that compromise will be a victory for Satan.
  • The men in charge of Watchtower are very out of touch with real life, spending all their days in a world where you don’t question Watchtower or those who run it, and now they’ve risen to the top. Their word is law. Odds are that no-one has told Anthony Morris III that his ideas are stupid for a very long time. They have no idea how to handle the kind of environment the Royal Commission brings to the table. Geoffrey Jackson’s excruciating performance, where the Commission made mincemeat of his arguments, was proof of that.
  • The men in charge of Watchtower are caught between being honest with a Commission that has all of their dirty little secrets on the one hand, and playing to the growing audience of JW’s who they know WILL find out about March 10th one way or the other. They have to both be as compliant as possible to the Commission whilst also appearing to be steadfast and unmovable to the Witnesses who will end up seeing the testimony on YouTube.

So delusion, seclusion, and public relations are all going to crash into once horrible mess as they did in Case Study 29 and as a result I have no idea what Watchtower will do on Friday.


We  hope to preserve the live steam video for future reference as the Commission does not archive or make this video available once the live stream is over. However, technical gremlins are always a factor so if you have the ability to record the live stream, it would be a great idea to do so as well. The more people do this, the less chance of this footage being lost forever.


Lastly we will of course be following up with articles on the day, giving you a more detailed analysis of what has transpired.

Get your popcorn (and your coffee if you’re staying up late) and lets all observe the car crash together!

And one last thing: if it is safe for you to do so, please tell as many Jehovah’s Witnesses as you can about the events on March 10th. Their children are at risk and they don’t even know it. They may choose not to look up the Case Study, but simply being aware that it exists is the first step in raising awareness that the Governing Body is not being honest with them about the international scandal of child abuse inside the Watchtower organization.

(edited for political correctness and other stuff ...) JTR






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This was very interesting to watch and listen to. Something that I thought was of special interest was the facts brought out about shunning. Mr. Rodney Spinks and Mr. Terrence O'Brian both acknowledge that JW's are told to shun certain individuals. This admittance is in direct opposition to what jws, who man the cart, express when posed with the same question. Not only that, the "disassociated one is shunning the congregation" statement is also in direct contrast to what many people experience within their own family and friends. The DA one usually still wants contact with their family and friends, but they are shunned....even by parents. How is this loving as Christ loved? When a jw meets a stranger on the street, do they not say hello and possibly have some chit chat? If they KNOW this person is no longer a jw, they scatter or turn into a proverbial rock. That person who used to be a jw is treated less than, just because they do not align themselves with a group who admits they err in doctrine but still requires absolute adherence to company policy. 

I just hope this wakes a few people up to the unrealistic requirements of the wt and maybe take a stand for change. This speaks noting of belief in this or that, but about humanity and control. 

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 IF I MURDERED SOMEONE  , and there was ONLY one Witness ... I would get a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card from the Congregational  Elders ... AND they would not report me to the Police, OR sanction me Congregationaly .... as there was ONLY one Witness.

.They would be obligated to report me IF ... they learned I was GOING to kill someone ...  but without two witnesses the ONE Witness that SAW me kill someone ... it would be my word against his, and according to current INSANE doctrine ... the Elders would be required to "Leave it in Jehovah's hands".

I have seen "shunning" which is a cruel and heartless ... and EVIL .. practice as it is done today .. take ONE person's error and totally DESTROY their families, and extended families, with unmitigated unreasonableness, with lifelong trauma across generations .

They REAL reason that we have the shunning policy where rational humans are NOT ALLOWED to talk to each other ... is to suppress Freedom of Speech ...  to hide information from being disseminated ...  to hide where the "bodies" are.

Justice and mercy no longer exist in the Truth ... they are only words ... MILLIONS of words ,,, and our  Doctrines and practices  have become so Loony, and irrational, and cruel and evil, that every rational person instinctively knows this ... like gluing bricks to a car tire to patch the holes.

  .... and of course ... there is that awkward moment when you are burying a body in the back yard ... and find other bodies.

THIS IS WHY JW.ORG has said NOTHING about this on its website or to the Congregation as a whole.

Celebraty ARCl.jpg


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I am a bit surprised that there is no opinion from any jw what so ever about the latest ARC. Did no one watch it? I'm curious as to what the average jw thought. Was it a good representation of the wt? Did the testimony make you proud to be a part of the organization? Do you feel that there was places in wt doctrine that could be adjusted or improved on? Was it succinct and complete?

My opinion, which is only an opinion, was that it did represent the wt and its policy correctly. The statements made by Mr. Spinks and Mr. O'Brian were exactly what I expected to hear. The rigid stance, the dancing around questions and repetitive answers which did not actually answer the questions raised, showed not only the court but anyone else watching that the wt will not be governed by the courts or their law, but rather by their own leadership. I do understand the premise that the Bible should be the authority and I agree. However, there are governments put in place to create a society, a society in which all should be protected and represented. This is actually backed by God Himself based on what is told to us in Romans 13:

  "Let every person* be in subjection to the superior authorities,+ for there is no authority except by God;+ the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God.+  Therefore, whoever opposes the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God; those who have taken a stand against it will bring judgment against themselves.  For those rulers are an object of fear, not to the good deed, but to the bad.+ Do you want to be free of fear of the authority? Keep doing good,+ and you will have praise from it;  for it is God’s minister to you for your good. But if you are doing what is bad, be in fear, for it is not without purpose that it bears the sword. It is God’s minister, an avenger to express wrath* against the one practicing what is bad. "

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Yes... there are MANY replies .... some very, very detailed on "Elsewhere in the Forum" .. specifically under "Controversial Posts", and the main header "JW News".

This is a LOT of work ... fortunately I am retired, and often have the free time and energy, and interest to do it.

sometimes I am just too tired,



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@Randy Lee Manning There is no better religion. Stay one of JW publicly.

Just realize you will never live up to the standards the elders are professing to live by.

The secret to being a successful, "happy" JW is all in appearances.

See for example how your local elders (once they reach high positions) are able to stay in power:

All religion is show in the end. The secret is being a good actor:

Above all... remember....

DON"T GET CAUGHT!!!     And by all means don't be so stupidly sheepish so as to confess and give them power over you to ruin your life

Everyone can now relax and go back to wanking off to your porn and feeling guilty at your next elder's meeting.


I personally would also add that the current elders should think about this before deciding to disfellowship the next sinner sitting in front of them. The two other elders on both sides of you probably spent last with a hooker and just aren't talking. (or haven't got CAUGHT!)

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