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Does Anyone CARE? REALITY - Vivid Pictures beware!

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Does Anyone Really Care? Do these pictures disturb you? This IS REALITY! Yet, we all have hope read on why:

Did you ever feel alone and helpless, as if no one really understood the problems you were facing? And even if they knew about them, you felt that they did not really care.

God is described in the Bible as “the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort.” (2 Corinthians 1:3) 

God, whose name is Jehovah, knows we need comfort. The Bible uses “comfort” in various forms over a hundred times, assuring us that God not only understands what we face but also desires to comfort us. This knowledge convinces us that even when others do not seem to notice, understand, or careabout our plight, Jehovah God does.

The fact that Jehovah cares for people as individuals is clearly seen from the Scriptures. “The eyes of Jehovah are in every place,” says the Bible, “keeping watch upon the bad ones and the good ones.” (Proverbs 15:3) 

Similarly, at Job 34:21, we read: “His eyes are upon the ways of man, and all his steps he sees.” Jehovah sees what we do—good or bad—and he is aware of our circumstances, so that he can respond in ways he sees fit. This is confirmed in the words of Hanani the seer, or prophet, to King Asa of Judah: “As regards Jehovah, his eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him.”—2 Chronicles 16:7, 9.

Many people today believe that Godtakes no interest in human affairs. But as we have seen, the Bible clearly shows that God very much cares for those who demonstrate true faith in him. Even though life today is often filled with distress, worries, disappointments, and hurt, we need not despair. Jehovah Goddoes care. In fact, he lovingly invites us to turn to him for support. “Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you,” says the psalmist. “Never will he allow the righteous one to totter.”—Psalm 55:22.

God’s View of War Today
Today people are being oppressed. Many repeatedly cry out to God for relief and wonder if relief will ever come. Does God hear their cries for help? And what about those who resort to warfare to bring an end to their oppression? Does God support their efforts, viewing their warfare as justifiable?

First, take comfort in this truth: God sees the suffering in the world today, and he intends to do something about it. (Psalm 72:13, 14) 

In his Word, the Bible, God promises that those “who suffer tribulation will be given relief.” When? “At the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels . . . as he brings vengeance on those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus.” (2 Thessalonians 1:7, 8) 

This revelation of Jesus will take place in the future in what the Bible calls “the war of the great day of God the Almighty,” also known as Armageddon.—Revelation 16:14, 16.

In that future war, God will use, not humans, but his Son, Jesus Christ, along with other powerful spirit creatures to wage war against the wicked. The heavenly forces will bring an end to all oppression.—Isaiah 11:4; Revelation 19:11-16.

To this day, God’s view of war has not changed. He still views war as a legitimate means of bringing an end to oppression and wickedness. 

But as has been true throughout history, it is God alone who rightly determines when such warfare is to take place and who is to be involved. 

As we have seen, God has already determined that the war to end wickedness and to avenge the oppressed is a future war and that it will be fought by his Son, Jesus Christ. 
This means that the wars being fought in the earth today do not have God’s approval, no matter how noble the cause may appear to be.

Today, warring nations often appeal to God for support. But God does not take sides in today’s wars. Instead, in his Word, the Bible, he clearly states: “Return evil for evil to no one,” and, “Do not avenge yourselves.” (Romans 12:17, 19) 

Moreover, he has made known that mankind should “wait patiently for him” to take action, which he will do at Armageddon. (Psalm 37:7, footnote) When the nations fail to wait for God to act and instead resort to warfare, he views such wars as presumptuous acts of aggression that bring his displeasure. 

Thus, at Armageddon, God will express his indignation and settle the nations’ disputes once and for all by “bringing an end to wars throughout the earth.” (Psalm 46:9; Isaiah 34:2) Indeed, Armageddon will be the war to end all wars.

The end of warfare is one of the many blessings of God’s Kingdom. Jesus spoke of that government in this well-known prayer: “Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.” (Matthew 6:10) 

Not only will God’s Kingdom eliminate all war but it will eliminate the root cause of war, wickedness.* (Psalm 37:9, 10, 14, 15) 

Little wonder that Jesus’ followers eagerly look forward to the blessings of God’s Kingdom.—2 Peter 3:13. 


Welcome a free Bible study. Help all to learn about Jehovah God and how soon his Kingdom will save all mankind. If some die he promises to resurrect them to life again. (Acts 24:15)
















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