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Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia

The Librarian

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When you are writing to the Russians about their proposal to ban Jehovah’s Witnesses, there may be a temptation to speak of legal and constitutional issues, for their recent conduct flies in the face

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MARCH 21, 2017

Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia

NEW YORK—Threatened with an imminent ban on their worship in Russia, Jehovah’s Witnesses are responding with a direct appeal to Kremlin and Supreme Court officials for relief through a global letter-writing campaign. The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses is inviting the over 8,000,000 Witnesses worldwide to participate.

On March 15, 2017, Russia’s Ministry of Justice filed a claim with the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation to label the Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia as extremist and liquidate it. The claim also seeks to ban the activities of the Administrative Center. If the Supreme Court upholds this claim, the Witnesses’ national headquarters near St. Petersburg will be shut down. Subsequently, some 400 registered Local Religious Organizations would be liquidated, outlawing the services of over 2,300 congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia. The branch property, as well as places of worship used by Witnesses throughout the country, could be seized by the State. Additionally, individual Jehovah’s Witnesses would become subject to criminal prosecution for merely carrying out their worship activities. The Supreme Court is expected to rule on the claim on April 5.

“The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses wants to heighten attention to this critical situation,” states David A. Semonian, a spokesman at the Witnesses’ world headquarters. “Prosecuting non-violent, law-abiding citizens as if they were terrorists is clearly a misapplication of anti-extremist laws. Such prosecution is based on completely false grounds.”

The Witnesses’ global campaign is not without precedent. Nearly 20 years ago, Witnesses wrote to defend their fellow worshippers in Russia in response to a smear campaign by some members of the government in power at the time. Additionally, Witnesses have initiated past letter-writing campaigns to motivate government officials to end persecution of Witnesses in other countries, including Jordan, Korea, and Malawi.

“Reading the Bible, singing, and praying with fellow worshippers is clearly not criminal,” adds Mr. Semonian. “We hope that our global letter-writing campaign will motivate Russian officials to stop this unjustifiable action against our fellow worshippers.”

Media Contacts:

International: David A. Semonian, Office of Public Information, +1-845-524-3000

Russia: Yaroslav Sivulskiy, +7-812-702-2691

Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia.pdf





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Срочное видеообращение Василия Калина в связи с иском о запрете Свидетелей Иеговы


Urgent video message Vasily Kalin in connection with a lawsuit to ban Jehovah's Witnesses


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This will probably have as much success as the letter writing campaign to Hitler, but it will at least let them know (if they don't already) that we are a world wide organization and we are unitedly serving the great God Jehovah and the leader of the Christian congregation Jesus.

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Better to compare it to more recent letter writing campaigns, imo, and not Hitler. Hitler was doing unspeakable things to our people and many others. Russian officials, however, are probably only yielding to pressure from opposers in the house church.

It's hardly a slam-dunk, but neither should it be thought of as a lost cause.

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Not a lost cause, but from a Russian politicians point of view, where is the upside for coming to the aid of an oppressed religious minority? There really isn't one. Unless somebody in power wants to take the highroad and actually uphold their own constitution then it is unlikely that anybody there will intervene.

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When you are writing to the Russians about their proposal to ban Jehovah’s Witnesses, there may be a temptation to speak of legal and constitutional issues, for their recent conduct flies in the face of many of them. There may be temptation to observe that, surely, ISIS provides the template of what extremism is. But I suspect leaders there are aware of these things and, for whatever reason, have chosen to ignore them.

Tell them something they don’t know. Tell them about eight million people, from every nation, who don’t know their Russian brothers personally, but care about them anyway. Let them ponder the significance of what if the whole world was like that. When they look to the outside world of international relations, all they see is bickering, bitching and bellyaching. Let them see another world.

Convey that we are ordinary, decent people, the sort who appreciates government’s role to preserve social order and improve the moral fabric of persons within its borders, and that we everywhere cooperate with governments as they pursue such goals. I like the suggestion at jw.org to relate some practical way in which the truth has helped us personally.

Imagine! An invitation from Bethel to write to high Russian officials about the proposed ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is a fine way for individual Christians, most of whom feel quite helpless, to ‘bring their gift to the altar.’

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Thank you for those fine points. I have been pondering for several days about the efficacy of bringing up ISIS or other things and your points are steering me in the correct direction. Uplifting and forward thinking. Show love and concern for the entire association of brothers and at the same time show concern for the Russian people and their leaders. Again, thank you. 

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I doubt anybody is even going to read the letters, but the fact that the Russian postal service is suddenly going to be inundated with millions of letters to Moscow will speak volumes. There IS strength in numbers, and Moscow will know who these letters are from and why they are being sent, and that's the important part. The whole world is going to notice.

21 minutes ago, David Normand said:

show concern for the Russian people and their leaders.

I don't think I could stomach showing concern for Russia's leaders. We don't have to "brown nose" to put our point across. We would surely be hypocritical if we did that...

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3 hours ago, Anna said:


I don't think I could stomach showing concern for Russia's leaders. We don't have to "brown nose" to put our point across. We would surely be hypocritical if we did that...

I disagree. In most countries, if you taunt the king too much you risk your neck. But if you make it your aim to live quietly, as Christians do, won't they leave you alone?

It is a different form of government, that's all. "What, you think we're so righteous here?" Trump said. If they tolerate interference less than is done here, there is yet no reason to think they are not genuine in their desire to provide stability and good government. At the drop of a pin, Western media and politicians will describe them in the most insulting terms. We need not play that game. Our perception of the king there need not be formed by the king here.

Having said that, I've not been there. But most of those saying vile things have not been there, either.

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4 hours ago, Anna said:

I don't think I could stomach showing concern for Russia's leaders. We don't have to "brown nose" to put our point across.

The horrible expression "brown nose" is reserved for those who are described as "obsequious". Equally horrible, that word is defined in part as servile, ingratiating, unctuous, sycophantic, fawning. I agree that we do not have to demonstrate that level of behaviour in dealing with political leaders, Russian or otherwise.

But we are advised by the apostles (who had dealings with men alongside whom Russian politicians wilt) to show respect for those who currently excercise power. With the example of Saul, later Paul, we can appreciate the Bible's counsel to avoid judging others.

4 hours ago, David Normand said:

I have been pondering for several days about the efficacy of bringing up ISIS or other things

Not a suitable subject for a letter to the Russian authorities regarding our brothers, BUT...................

It puts me in mind of what occurred in Nazi Germany. I believe officers in prison camps would allow Jehovah's Witness prisoners to wet shave them....because they knew they could trust the brothers not to harm them, such was the brothers respect for Jehovah's requirements at that time.  Well, can you imagine any "Guatanamo Bay" type military officer  allowing an ISIS militant to shave them with a cut-throat razor today without at least a qualm of misgiving????     Who really are the extremists?

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

showing concern for Russia's leaders.


52 minutes ago, Eoin Joyce said:

showing concern for Russia's leaders

Then I misunderstood what David Normand meant by concern. In context, to "show concern for the Russian people and their leaders" I took to mean to show care, interest, involvement and to "worry over". Other synonyms for care (concern) are  tenderness, warmth, and friendship. That kind of concern is fine for the Russian people on the whole, but I feel would be hypocritical regarding the leaders and has nothing to do with the recognition of the leader's relative authority and respect for their position. Of course, if someone feels genuine concern, interest, worry and care for the leaders they should not hesitate to show that. I just said I couldn't do it.

1 hour ago, Eoin Joyce said:


Thanks, I learned a new word. Much more sophisticated than "brown nosing".

1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

At the drop of a pin, Western media and politicians will describe them in the most insulting terms. We need not play that game. Our perception of the king there need not be formed by the king here.


1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Having said that, I've not been there. But most of those saying vile things have not been there, either.

I have had my fair share of the taste of Communism. It was enough.

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