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Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia

The Librarian

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47 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Will the Russian Orthodox Church succeed in making Putin look like an ..  before the world, when everyone will read jw.og and see that it is not extremist?

@TrueTomHarley Perhaps that's how The Russian Orthodox Church will also feel the "sting!" Babylon the Great will fall and because when the right time comes, Jehovah will put it in the thoughts to turn on her. We are living in prophetic days. Let God's Kingdom come! Yes, let it come! 

40 minutes ago, Anna said:

Does he really need any help? xD

@Anna Ok I "like" that one! ???

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When you are writing to the Russians about their proposal to ban Jehovah’s Witnesses, there may be a temptation to speak of legal and constitutional issues, for their recent conduct flies in the face

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22 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Will the Russian Orthodox Church succeed in making Putin look like an ass before the world, when everyone will read jw.og and see that it is not extremist?

Do you really think we should be comparing world leaders to animals?

(Luke 13:31, 32) 31 In that very hour some of the Pharisees came up and told him: “Get out and go away from here, because Herod wants to kill you.” 32 And he said to them: “Go and tell that fox, . . .

Sounds right to me. :)

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12 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

Do you really think we should be comparing world leaders to animals?

(Luke 13:31, 32) 31 In that very hour some of the Pharisees came up and told him: “Get out and go away from here, because Herod wants to kill you.” 32 And he said to them: “Go and tell that fox, . . .

Sounds right to me. :)

No. I do not. I am serious about this (for once) 

He is in danger of being made to look like an ass due to the machinations of the house church. I would spare him.

I do not share the common sentiment of maligning him. Nor is he my buddy. He is the leader of another form of government, that's all. 

Look, all human governments will drop the ball. Recognition of this fact explains why we are where we are. The other question unclear is upon which toe will it land.

18 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

(Luke 13:31, 32) 31 In that very hour some of the Pharisees came up and told him: “Get out and go away from here, because Herod wants to kill you.” 32 And he said to them: “Go and tell that fox, . . .

Jesus is Jesus and he can read hearts and slam villains. I can't and I won't.

Even when I have carried on about apostates, it is not personal. They are fulfilling a role, and it is the role I don't like.

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This RT.com article discusses the U.S. 1917 Espionage Act: Russia is mad about the U.S. striking Syria and likens the strike to when it entered World War I. The article includes the line:

"The government cracked down on domestic dissent by introducing the Espionage Act (June 1917), Sedition Act (May 1918) and Alien Act (October 1918)."

This Act was famously used against Jehovah's Witnesses, sending leaders to prison. Today, Russia's own Extremism Law threatens to do the same.

Okay, I know it's naive, and the following is tongue-in-cheek, but could this play out?

Putin: "Yesterday, it is St. Petersburg! Now it is Syria! What a screwy world! What do I care if the Jehovahs want to preach? Get this case out of my hair! I've got things to do! Tell the House Church to go to hell!"


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13 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

This RT.com article discusses the U.S. 1917 Espionage Act: Russia is mad about the U.S. striking Syria and likens the strike to when it entered World War I. The article includes the line:

"The government cracked down on domestic dissent by introducing the Espionage Act (June 1917), Sedition Act (May 1918) and Alien Act (October 1918)."

This Act was famously used against Jehovah's Witnesses, sending leaders to prison. Today, Russia's own Extremism Law threatens to do the same.

Okay, I know it's naive, and the following is tongue-in-cheek, but could this play out?

Putin: "Yesterday, it is St. Petersburg! Now it is Syria! What a screwy world! What do I care if the Jehovahs want to preach? Get this case out of my hair! I've got things to do! Tell the House Church to go to hell!"


Or he could take it out on us since in his eyes we are a US religion...

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.......“We ask for God’s wisdom as we face the challenge of our very troubled world,” he continued. ...

Just a snippet from what Donald "Duck" said on the US missile strike on the Syrian air base........I guess that in those few words that I have chosen, he is definitely right on one thing...........we certainly do live in a troubled world...........however I am afraid that the "wisdom of God" will elude him......I liked one dictionary definition of elude: to escape the understanding, perception, or appreciation of: ........I thought that it fitted quite well. 

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59 Cruise Missiles coming through the windows of a Syrian Air Base, fired from a thousand miles away, each with a rated 1,000 pound warhead, make a much more emphatic  point than giving an empty speech  speech about drawing a "red line in the sand", and doing nothing, that using Sarin gas on civilians in a civil war will not be tolerated by decent men.





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1 hour ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

.......“We ask for God’s wisdom as we face the challenge of our very troubled world,” he continued. ...

Just a snippet from what Donald "Duck" said on the US missile strike on the Syrian air base........I guess that in those few words that I have chosen, he is definitely right on one thing...........we certainly do live in a troubled world...........however I am afraid that the "wisdom of God" will elude him......I liked one dictionary definition of elude: to escape the understanding, perception, or appreciation of: ........I thought that it fitted quite well. 

Every world figure enlists God. They always misquote. Nonetheless, this one is less objectionable than most since it is presented in the context of one who doesn't like use of chemical weapons.

1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

make a much more emphatic  point than giving an empty speech  speech about drawing a "red line in the sand", and doing nothing, 





I think someone said the other guy drew a red line in the sand, and the current guy enforced it.

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Well, to be perfectly honest Obama never had the support to send bombs, missals, or boots on the ground to Syria. Donald doesn't either, but that hasn't stopped him from taking illegal action against a sovereign country. Yes, what Asaid is doing is deplorable, but he is the leader of that country. They are engaged in a civil war and USA wasn't invited to play. 

Wednesday the Donald said he was not aspiring to be president of the world, but only the president of the 
USA. So much for that. 

The first world war was started in a few days. What Donald did last night could easily escalate. Russia already announced they were sending more missal support to Syria. Just a matter of time before this entire episode escalates. 

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