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Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia

The Librarian

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The public talk at my meeting today was on "Babylon the Great"..........the talk was based mostly on Revelation 17 and 18.......naturally............although the speaker did not mention it, I thought boy! With events that have come to a head, particularly in the last few weeks, show how the Russian Orthodox Church fits neatly into these chapters as one of the prostitutes that make up the great harlot............those chapters of Revelation are well worth reading again, with that in view.

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When you are writing to the Russians about their proposal to ban Jehovah’s Witnesses, there may be a temptation to speak of legal and constitutional issues, for their recent conduct flies in the face

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TTH ... just as you followed my trail to my Facebook account and found out I was dabbling in being a novelist ... you mentioned it, and I never have here ...I followed your trail to AVOID-JW.org, and actually COUNTED your postings.. I am a retired engineer, I EXPECT to be challenged on every word I say, and welcome it.

And no, I have no websites whatsoever, beyond my Facebook account., whatever that is.



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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


TTH ... just as you followed my trail to my Facebook account and found out I was dabbling in being a novelist ... you mentioned it, and I never have here ...I followed your trail to AVOID-JW.org, and actually COUNTED your postings.. I am a retired engineer,


If you retired as an engineer it is possibly because you cannot COUNT... At most, I POSTED three, and I think just two... Why in the WORLD would I LIE about such a thing? I actually begin to rethink that strategy. Not the strategy itself, but that particular site, which was just selected on a whim coming from somewhere ELSE!!! ...I mean, the title SAYS it all.... What I may SHOOT for is a SITE that purports to be a JW discussion forum but is ACTUALLY apostate dominated, this site being the exact opposite, with APOSTATES in the lesser role, UNLESS it is a sophisticated GOOD COP BAD COP apostate site, which in my deepest pits of despair I have sometimes WONDERED!!

If I followed any Facebook trail to DISCOVER ANY budding novelists, I did not deliberately do so with YOURS.... I DO someTIMES follow trails and maybe one of them is YOURS, but it so, it is coincidental. Once again, WHY WOULD I LIE about something so inconsequential???


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@John Lindsay Barltrop Did I read on Russia that material was put in KH's by the Russian Orthodox Church? In the statement that means she's in hot water too?! It might mean soooon to get rid of Babylon the Great? What a "swift pitch" that would be? Politics and Church is ready to disagree some more of course. But think a minute, who puts in the thoughts to destroy Babylon the Great? I know you know. It could be instantly! Think on that one? Good night from USA. 


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On 4/7/2017 at 9:40 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

that using Sarin gas on civilians in a civil war will not be tolerated by decent men.

I have not seen any direct evidence that it was sarin gas. The evidence for such things has been proffered before by "white helmets" whose members have been caught involved in the heinous types of crimes they want to pretend are only being perpetrated by others. They have kidnapped and beheaded children and then used children in their humanitarian PR to see if they can get powers like the US to intercede on their behalf. Some of the first proofs were made by showing undamaged canisters as if that was the way to drop sarin gas from airplanes. And if the amounts necessary to cause the kinds of death displayed on videos were from exploded canisters over such an area then the perfectly placed video makers forgot that they were not supposed to touch the bodies so soon, and not all remembered that they needed to show themselves with masks on, and other necessary protective gear. This was only slightly better done (with mistakes) than previous attempts to make a toxic gas video. I also have heard that some intelligence also picked up on conversations from the day before of people claiming they were preparing toxic gas announcements for the following day - the day of the attack. The right way to make such a video of course is to get to a scene of an actual conventional bombing and then bring some actors who are willing to "writhe to death" among the dead bodies. Naturally, we will believe that a cameraman (or crew) is filming during a live sarin gas attack close enough to the toxicity to kill themselves.

I can't say that it didn't happen, or will not happen. Obviously, even the US has used toxic gases and chemicals for years, and has even manufactured and sold such weapons for years. But Assad and Russia also know the stakes, and the timing is suspicious. What we think is based on what media we pay attention to, and right now there is too much confusion and past fraud to call anything 'direct evidence.'

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

..this site being the exact opposite, with APOSTATES in the lesser role, UNLESS it is a sophisticated GOOD COP BAD COP apostate site, which in my deepest pits of despair I have sometimes WONDERED!!

It seems that the Librarian, or whoever is running this forum, is doing a good job of keeping just enough relatively reasonable apostates/opposers posting here to raise just enough "controversy" to stop the discussions from becoming not discussions, but infantile naive statements akin to unicorns eating rainbows and pooping butterflies, and at the same time not allowing this forum to be overun by apostates/opposers (which would happen very quickly, as has on many forums) turning it into a mere cesspool of cynicism, negativity and unreasonable arguments, where any reasonable person would not be able to get a word in edgeways. Well done The Librarian.

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Well said!

Iron sharpens Iron.

Soft Soap sharpens NOTHING!


... and JW Insider ...

I have never made a claim to be a sheep .. I am a Sheepdog by nature .. and and I knew that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction ... but as a Barbarian interested in Justice, saw no, and see no philosophical objections to like minded men of lesser overriding restrictions ( Neutrality) killing those who order, support, or actually kill and tyrannize the innocent..

The bombers came from the air base destroyed. Those bombs did not get dropped by storks.

My heart cries out in anguish for those civilians murdered by suffocation. Less than to the point of death I have been there many, many times.

I am enjoying watching the show!

If military men want to fight each other, I just wish they would do it in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.




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Where would you suggest............Hawaii!!!???

OOPS!............sorry..........thought it sounded a good idea at the time!!

I agree.......it is the politicians that start wars..........perhaps we could put, those who want to fight, on some island, with swords or dueling pistols and just let them "go to it"...........and leave everybody else alone???

PS How about the Spratly "Islands"?

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Just my two cents in all this discussion; all. These nations need is the war of Armageddon! That will be the Blast of all time...they have murdered so many the Bible Speaks of this blood as high as the bridles of horses. That's just what is only left for these nations. Not bowing to true leadership from God's Kingdom they'll only their end and it is well deserved. 

18 And still another angel emerged from the altar, and he had authority over the fire. And he called out with a loud voice to the one who had the sharp sickle, saying: “Put your sharp sickle in and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for its grapes have become ripe.”+

19 The angel thrust his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth, and he hurled it into the great winepress of God’s anger.+

20 The winepress was trodden outside the city, and blood came out of the winepress as high up as the bridles of the horses for a distance of 1,600 stadia.*

Revelation 14:14-20. When “the harvest of the earth,” that is, the harvest of those who will be saved, is completed, it will be time for the angel to hurl “into the great winepress of the anger of God” the gathering of “the vine of the earth.” That vine—Satan’s corrupt visible system of governments over mankind with its “clusters” of evil fruitage—will then be destroyed forever. We should be determined not to be influenced by the vine of the earth.


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@John Lindsay Barltrop Truth is truth! Yet, the blood is sacred to Jehovah, so it's crying out. As the Live Giver, they are truly responsible for blood of all the innocent! The book of Revelation is symbolic of how bad the destruction of life has become and continues! At least at Armageddon the birds will eat those destroyed in its war.  ???

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