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RUSSIA: Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia

Queen Esther

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MARCH 21, 2017 RUSSIA, Jehovah’s Witnesses Mobilize Global Response to Threat of Ban in Russia ! Make your participation a matter of prayer.—1 Tim. 2:1-4. Personal letters should be mailed no

Please,   prove  the  EXPRESS  stamps  before  by  your  post - office ! IT  MUST  BE  THERE  LATEST  ON  1. APRIL !!  

The  Letter-Writing Campaign Supporting Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia.... OUR  kids  made  it  very  good   Handwriting  or  nice  drawings  by  younger  ones ! LIA  is  4 years,

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My Friends and Brothers, she's already burning! Just be amazed we are down to the last minutes! Jehovah's got the power, it will never fail. Let Satan and his hordes try to stop it? No, it's been 1,000's of years he's done. Are we not glad to have a King ? Christ Jesus already mounted on his horse? Keep the Faith, it will never fail! Thank you Jehovah you have done well!


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10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Anton Chivchalov was present at the trial and generated a steady stream of reports. Among his observations were:

"The active participation of apostates in the trial against Jehovah's Witnesses in the Russian Supreme Court is a vivid example of their unprincipled and indiscriminate cooperation with anyone, if only against us. And I'm not talking here about how incompetent and preposterous this participation was (none could testify anything about extremism). Only emotions, zero facts. ...

"But this activity is also utterly immoral, since they want to send innocent people to jail. They are not sincerely misled, like many others. No, apostates are well aware that Jehovah's Witnesses neither killed nor rob anyone, yet they are happy to prosecute us on criminal charges. Of course, they still consider themselves good Christians. And it is completely beyond my understanding that with all this hatred towards us they are offended that we don't want to communicate with them!"

This is why I was not nice to them on the thread that was taken down for that reason. This is why I did not patiently answer their arguments, as I seem to have been expected to do. This is why, should they intrude upon my posts, I do not address their arguments; I address their motives. They will howl about ad hominem attacks, but ad hominem attacks are clearly the way to go.


" The Committee for Rescuing Youth from False Religions was created by persons who had suffered one way or another from totalitarian sects. In comprises both relatives of young people who have fallen under the influence of destructive cults and sectarians themselves. Former sectarians, of course."

"In 1998, an anti-cult group called the Committee to Save Our Youth pushed for action against the Jehovah's Witnesses. IN RUSSIA.

"Alexander Dvorkin heads the new commission on religion

On 3 April, Alexander Dvorkin, the Russian priest most famous for the defamation of religious groups not belonging to the Moscow Patriarchate of the Orthodox faith, was elected Chairman of the Justice Department’s “Commission for the Implementation of State Expertise on Religious Science is a self-avowed specialist on the cults."

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Increasingly, the Russians, and many others, adopt the modern-day definition of a cult: "people we don't like."

Many times in the repressive days in both Germany and the United States our brothers blitzed areas with preaching campaigns both thorough and quick. Suppose that our Russian brothers were suddenly to intensify their service to God? Either separately or on cue. There are 175,000 of them, after all, and for the time being, they have the sympathy of the world behind them. (how often does that happen?)

It is not for us to say what they will do. It is their neck on the line, not ours. But they have been dealing with police harassment for some time, they did not expect to win this trial, and they know such harassment will intensify. 'Might as well supply a reason for it to intensify,' perhaps they will reason.

Many of our people in Russia, perhaps all of them, will be reflecting on Peter's words to the religious leaders of his day: 

"Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, judge for yourselves. But as for us, we cannot stop speaking about the things we have seen and heard.”  (Acts 4:19)

It's not that they would not. It is that they could not.

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Tom, it is interesting you should say that, in our Public Talk yesterday, the speaker brought out that there are several organisations in Australia, and in deed, many more, throughout the world, that are in opposition to organised religion as a whole............several scriptures were used from Revelation.

My thoughts were that maybe...........just maybe.........these organisations, in hand with communistic countries, (who thought religion was the "opium" of the people, with Russia and China on the UN Security Council and other countries who sit on it for a two year term), could eventually influence the UN to act against "Babylon the Great."..........but, however it plays out, we know that it is Jehovah's will that WILL take place 

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What exactly would be this issue cited here. That there are over 170,000 thousand brothers having to suffer due to Satan’s encroachment of God’s faithful servants? Why would modern times be any different with that of the old testament era or for that matter the new testament era.

The word “SOON” is a word synonymous with the word “HOPE”. And in order to have hope you need another word “FAITH”. Apparently, the memo has alluded some here, when God’s cleans his house of impurities, it starts with his utmost “loyal” ones. That’s the beauty of 1 Peter 1:7 when citing the living GOD.

The mere “fact” that apostasy has driven some to become inpatient won’t speed up God’s plan for the ages. Human emotions won’t change God’s plan.

Putin’s world view is to return Russia back to its former glory under the Soviet Union, and reclaim all land lost. To accomplish that, it cannot have civil minded peaceful people to be honest when reporting the conditions inside Russia. Remember the “AWAKE” is a world view magazine. It has in the past conflicted with journalistic endeavors as many honest journalist has been killed in Russia for speaking out about conditions in Russia. But to kill a law-abiding citizen from a well-known religious group, it would be viewed by the world as barbaric and inhuman. Even the simplest things like opinionating on the outcome of this case by Witnesses of a Supreme Court Judge that is a former Jehovah’s Witness “hater” would be the very reason the Russian Government would label the Watchtower as extremist. They can’t have that type of negative publicity. So, the only solution is, if they can’t kill them, kick them out.

So, the mere fact that none of our brothers have come into harm’s way, is a very “good” indication that GOD is looking out for these faithful brothers. And the Watchtower as the first century Christian that fled the Roman Sword under Roman rule for being Christian will find a way to cope with the conditions they find themselves in. So, for those of you that enjoy the freedom of “criticizing” the Watchtower and their fellow brethren? Remember this, NOTHING is forever in Satan’s World.

That’s why, we all must be thankful every day for everything that GOD has given us. Remember only GOD can give us what we faithfully await for, be it in life or death. People seem to forget that the dead will be judged also, so what we do in life will count in death. But only GOD can give us what government can’t, even in a free society:


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” 1776

After all, how many times has the highlighted above been exercised.


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Reminder for those of us who still use the word "plan" in relation to something Jehovah God will do. In light of understanding what his name means, it is hard to understand why people don't remember.

*** w95 5/15 pp. 24-25 Part 2—Flashes of Light—Great and Small *** Increased Light on Terminology 15 “The congregator sought to find the delightful words and the writing of correct words of truth.” (Ecclesiastes 12:10) These words might well be applied to our present subject, for light has shone not only on such important matters as doctrine and conduct but also on Christian terminology and its accurate meaning. For example, among the Bible Students, one of the most beloved publications was volume one of Studies in the Scriptures, entitled The Divine Plan of the Ages. However, in time, it was realized that God’s Word speaks only of humans as making plans. (Proverbs 19:21) The Scriptures never speak of Jehovah as planning. He does not need to plan. Whatever he purposes is sure to succeed because of his infinite wisdom and power, even as we read at Ephesians 1:9, 10: “It is according to his good pleasure which he purposed in himself for an administration at the full limit of the appointed times.”

So it was gradually seen that the term “purpose” is the more appropriate one when referring to Jehovah.

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I think this is largely semantics. In NZ Sign Language the sign for purpose is "goal" or "plan". It's really just an English language issue because it is a mish-mash of languages having many different words that mean the same thing.

These are a few of the English synonyms of Purpose:

Plan, intention, determination, aim, design, goal...



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   This is how I have illustrated the difference. Lets say you have the purpose to drive from Maine to Florida. Your plan to get there is to drive on Interstate 95. However an accident has occurred on route so you have to change the plan but your purpose is still to get to Florida. You have to change your plan as to how to get there. 

    Jehovah's original purpose was for humans to live forever on Earth. The plan was through Adam and Eve. However an "accident" happened {sin} and a new plan was initiated [Jesus - God's Kingdom] in order to accomplish the original purpose for humans to live forever on earth.

    Therefore it was never God's original purpose for anyone to "go to heaven", rather that is part of the plan because of the accident in enroute. God's purpose is still to go to the original "destination" a Paradise Earth filled with happy humans.

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Sorry, but respectfully disagree, they're just synonyms.In Māori, the word Whakaaro is used for Purpose in the brochure Good News From God. Whakaaro literally means Thought or Thinking. In NZ Sign we use "Goal" or "Plan". 

Plans, usually include contingencies. So if one direction was blocked, your plan would have the contingency for that which would effectively be your description of purpose wouldn't it?


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