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Who is Gog of Magog Mentioned in the Book of Ezekiel?

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Who is Gog of Magog mentioned in the book of Ezekiel? When we compare all these Scriptural references about the final attack on God’s people, it becomes evident that the name Gog of Magog refers,

Btw.  All  Brothers  &  Sisters  learned  that  by  study  or  in  the  congregation....   Its  really  NOT  new  for  us  all !!  You  are  a  teacher  for  us  here   But  the  most  of  us  all

The link says (2015), yes we already know that, and sometimes repetition is not a problem. Or there are some brothers and sisters who are looking for that specific article… https://www.jw.org/en/jehov

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The link says (2015), yes we already know that, and sometimes repetition is not a problem. Or there are some brothers and sisters who are looking for that specific article…:)
Thank you both.


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Repetition is, when learning most things, is an advantage, (especially to us as JW's when studying God's Word). We in our imperfect state do tend to forget things and the Brothers kindly remind us of many of the important things, by repetition and we can be truly thankful for that.

Its like when we use a number of specific scriptures in the preaching work.........once we use have used them a quite a few times we tend to remember them.........even years later, we can generally call them to mind, if the need arises........and, this is why it is important to try to use scriptures in, for example in the segment "Teach the Truth" in our Christian Life and Ministry meetings........it enlarges our repertoire of scriptures.

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