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“How Long . . . Must I Cry for Help?”

Bible Speaks

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“How Long . . . Must I Cry for Help?”

GOD is aware of the condition of the human family. His Word, the Bible, says: “All creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together.” (Romans 8:22) 

God knows that there are hundreds of millions of people who, are in pain every day, be it physical, emotional, or mental. 

God sees the 800 million people who go to bed hungry every night, the millions of others who suffer from domestic violence, and the many parents who fret about the future and the welfare of their children. 

Have you ever wondered whether God will take action? Surely, since we want to help our loved ones, would not God want to help the human family, his creation?

If you have asked those same questions, youare not alone. Over 2,600 years ago, a faithful man, Habakkuk, felt as many today do, and he asked God: “How long, O Jehovah, must I cry for help, and you do not hear? How long shall I call to you for aid from violence, and you do not save? Why is it that you make me see what is hurtful, and you keep looking upon mere trouble? And why are despoiling and violence in front of me, and why does quarreling occur, and why is strife carried?” (Habakkuk 1:2, 3) 

Habakkuk, a Hebrew prophet, witnessed shocking acts of mindless violence and aggression in his day. Today, such acts areeveryday news that appalls compassionate people.

Did Jehovah  God belittle Habakkuk’s concerns? 

No. He listened to Habakkuk’s sincere questions and then comforted and encouraged the distressed man. 

Jehovah God fortified Habakkuk’s faith with a promise that He will end suffering. 

How can we be sure that God really cares about us? What will God do to end suffering, and when?

God’s righteous government will bring blessings that no human government ever could.

Recall that Jehovah gave his Son as a ransom so that humans might receive everlasting life. Under the benevolent rulership of the Kingdom, people will progress to perfection. The result?  “will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces.”—Isaiah 25:8.

Some might ask: ‘Why has God not acted before now? What is he waiting for?’ Jehovah could have acted long ago to eliminate or even prevent all suffering. Instead, he has allowed it to continue, not for any selfish reason, but for the everlasting benefit of his children on earth. 

Loving parents will allow their child to undergo hardships if they know that this will bring long-term benefits. 

Similarly, there are good reasons why Jehovah has allowed humans to suffer temporarily, and these reasons are explained in the Bible.

They involve such things as free will, sin, and an issue concerning the rightfulness of Jehovah’s rulership. The Bible also explains that, for a limited time, an evil spirit creature has been allowed to rule the world.

Though space limits our discussing those reasons here, there are two facts that can give us hope and encouragement.

• The first is this: Jehovah will more than make up for any suffering we may have experienced. Moreover, God assures us: “The former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart.” (Isaiah 65:17) 

God will undo, completely and permanently, the misery and suffering resulting from the temporary permission of evil.

• The second fact is this: God has set an unalterable time to end suffering. Recall that the prophet Habakkuk asked how long Jehovah would permit violence and strife. Jehovah replied: “The vision is yet for the appointed time . . . It will not be late.” (Habakkuk 2:3) That “appointed time” is near. jw.org




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“How Long . . . Must I Cry for Help?” GOD is aware of the condition of the human family. His Word, the Bible, says: “All creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together.” (Roman

@Bible Speaks    We JW in the western world must not cry to Jehovah, we still  have a relative good life !  Only the JW in the poor countries have to cry for Food & Water !!  We are now nearly 9 m

"AGAIN,  Jehovah has  HIS  plan.  Lets wait and see !  To force is useless...  We can pray for the NW, the Brothers and more, thats all, but alot" How true that is Queen Esther.............we lea

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@Bible Speaks    We JW in the western world must not cry to Jehovah, we still  have a relative good life !  Only the JW in the poor countries have to cry for Food & Water !!  We are now nearly 9 millions of JW  and  Jehovah is watching of ALL...  HE is knowing our problems as BEST !  HIS plan's will have ALWAYS success ✔️ but we have to wait, thats fact.  He is helping someone in little steps, but HIS BIG step is Armageddon and we can't force that. We must have more patience, thats the 4. fruit of the spirtit !  ( Gal. 5:22,23 )

AGAIN,  Jehovah has  HIS  plan.  Lets wait and see !  To force is useless...  We can pray for the NW, the Brothers and more, thats all, but alot :) ???

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"AGAIN,  Jehovah has  HIS  plan.  Lets wait and see !  To force is useless...  We can pray for the NW, the Brothers and more, thats all, but alot"

How true that is Queen Esther.............we leave it all to Jehovah........and we do know that Jehovah answers his peoples prayers, if it it is in his divine purpose.

As an example take this weeks WT Study when the unnamed prophet of Jehovah delivered the scathing message to Jeroboam.........Jehovah caused the king's hand to wither..........after the prophet prayed to Jehovah to restore his hand........this Jehovah did, because it fitted in with his will, even though Jeroboam had lacked real faith in Jehovah and even instituted false worship in the 10 tribe kingdom

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Thank you my dear Sister............the day we are having today could have been a little better..........my car thermometer registered 380C and it is very humid...........we used to have a very dry heat in South Australia, but the last few years, particularly this year, it has been very humid......tropical, is probably a better expression...........BUT, Donald Duck says that Climate Change is all a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese,.............well I have news for Donald Duck..........and none of it is good............Even with my groaning about the weather, its always a wonderful day, when we can attend meetings and/or go out into the fields!

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Hahahahahaaaaaa....  I  must  so  laughing  about  DONALD  "DUCK"  YES xD  Thats  a  GREAT  name  for  that  man  -  long  time  not  heard,   but  my  son  was  a  fan  of  these  booklets  in  the  past !  The  Climate  Change  a  hoax?   what  a  silly  man !   Take  care  by  that  hot  weather,  ok?   Make  all  little  slowly...   We  had  last  Sept.  in  Germany  2 heat - waves  between  30 & 40' C.  thats  for  Sept.  very  hot !   It  was  Maldives  weather  here !  Our  summer  was  little  colder,  yes  -  exactly  a  BIG  Change :(    DONALD  DUCK  HAS  ALOT  TO  LEARN,  hahaha  :D

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I  think,  alot  more...  hahaha  -  In  German  the  nephews  called, Tick, Trick & Track....  and  the  Uncle  was  Dagobert  Duck...  the  rich  DUCK !  swimming  in  his  coins :)  and  very  stingy !!     More  later....   I  must  go  now  -  its  TIME  ----  bye  for  now !

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