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Meet the parrot with the contagious laugh.


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via TheWorldNewsOrg  

Hahahahahaaaaaaa.... YES,  thats my new favorite bird✔️    I know,  bird's are so clever !!  Thank you for the nice laughing ;-))  

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Yea-  they are transplanting pig heart valves in humans... why?   Because human flesh is closer to that of a pig than that of  a monkey! 

Ha-ha-ha....no evolution from monkeys...

And from the scientist's statement - the laughter must have developed independently - not in the same branch.... because these birds are separated by millions of years from dinosaurs with no other birds doing this behaviour. To me, this proves that they were created that way!

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You ain't wrong there Sister Arauna.............it has me mystified why David Attenborough believes in evolution, especially with all the knowledge he has on the animals, and on the earth...........but, I just guess he is one of those scientists that believes science has the answer to everything and that it can explain all things????

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My reply to that -  if you believe scientists - you are putting 'blind' faith in what humans are saying .... and the record shows that scientists are continually discovering new things which cancels out previously accepted teachings.

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I quite like using the scripture at  Colossians 2: 8 ...............then use the example of Paul, who would probably have become a highly respected pharisee, but, instead became an apostle of Jesus and his words at Philippians 3:7, 8 are, I think outstanding, 7 Yet, the things that were gains to me, I have considered loss on account of the Christ. 8 What is more, I do indeed also consider all things to be loss on account of the excelling value of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have taken the loss of all things and I consider them as a lot of refuse, that I may gain Christ. I think that it really puts the value of Gods Word in the right perspective when talking about worldly knowledge........including science that is not in agreement with Jehovah's thoughts......e.g. evolution

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..............talking of parrots, I happened to come across this photograph of a sulphur crested cockatoo, a little worse for wear:

Cockatoo in Queensland

This poor cockatoo had just been through a category 4 cyclone, (or typhoon, or hurricane), Cyclone Debbie, that hit the state of Queensland, Australia, earlier this week...........he certainly looks a "bit" bedraggled. The person who took this photograph wrapped him in a towel, and passed him on to a person who cares for inured wildlife.........a very kind act I thought.

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