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Thanks to the action, in just one day almost 20 thousand people looked at the "YouTube" video message
... There was only the Internet, ...

jw brothers.jpg






there is an "announcement" from ONE (1) bethel on the internet yesterday

ONE BETHEL - Αντιγραφή.jpg
I DO NOT THINK THERE IS ANY "ANNOUNCEMENT" from any bethel here !!!!





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We had to stop our postings online about our Brothers in Russia !!!!  All Bethels want that... I got a message and a call.  Only praying is now useful❤️

@connie marie  ........ Exactly,  YES !  I  wrote  it  in  my  comment   Lets  thinking  positive,  bec. JEHOVAH  always  is  winning !   NO  PROBLEM  FOR  HIM....    More  tmw  after  my  meetin

MY COMMENTS again: *********************** the "announcement" from ONE (1) bethel, has become ->  "at the bethel branches worldwide" AND:  "The exact information is not known" !!!

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16 minutes ago, Queen Esther said:

We had to stop our postings online about our Brothers in Russia !!!!  All Bethels want that... I got a message and a call.  Only praying is now useful❤️

@Queen Esther Is it on website? People don't understand with no link or message from Society? Praying yes of course! ?

31 minutes ago, Queen Esther said:

We had to stop our postings online about our Brothers in Russia !!!!  All Bethels want that... I got a message and a call.  Only praying is now useful❤️

@Queen Esther Is it on website? People don't understand with no link or message from Society? Praying yes of course! ?



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@Queen Esther Who contacted you? Could be apostate? Yet, I called Bethel yesterday in Patterson NY. I had this picture up, but only a few believed me? I'm praying and we know Jehovah will take care of it! Just write and let them go forward to the destinations. He said yesterday that it was mentioned at morning worship. Had others tell me the same but no directions on jw.org. So we must focus on the Memorial and send our letters and pray for Jehovah to take over as he will. No fear, Jehovah is near, my motto. Yet, scriptually based. 



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There was no announcement about posting on Social Media at Bethel morning worship in New York neither today nor yesterday. Perhaps they did in Russia would make sense but Internationally we WANT attention given about this event which is the entire reason for the letter writing campaign in the first place. Opposers of course would not want this publicized since it obviously shows that only Jehovah's Witnesses have the true religion since it is only JW.ORG that was banned and only JW's are currently under threat of that as well. No other religion is currently under consideration for banning. Check out "Russia Religion News" for all news related to Religious repression under former Soviet bloc nations. About 85% of the material is on Jehovah's Witnesses and the persecution that they are getting. Other Christian and Muslim groups are also being affected but ONLY the Jehovah's Witnesses are threatened with banning the entire religion in Russia.

No matter the outcome in Russia this will be a major Witness to the world and many right - hearted ones will see it for what it is that the True Religion is being targeted as the Bible says it would be. Consider the "baseless" claims of why they consider us "extremist"? Don't you think how that will affect peoples attitude about the Witnesses and the possible King of the North's attack on true worship both just before and during the Great Tribulation. A great Witness is about to happen on April 5, 2017 !

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@bruceq Agreed, we know this is the LOUDEST PROCLAMATION to the world about Jehovah! We are United and Love Our God Jehovah! The world will see His Name vindicated throughout the whole earth! No other religion has His Name upon them! Maybe the forcefulness of "only" 175,000 Witnesses is a "small group." However our Love for each other and our God Jehovah makes us over 8,220,000 strong! 6 Officials written letters by those 8,220,000 to me is over 49,320,000 letters!! The GREATEST CAMPAIGN EVER! Don't give up, pray for the Vindication of Jehovah's Name! Yes, soon all His enemies will be shown the Truth survives. Keep announcing Jehovah's Kingdom, the Memorial which is probably why the persecution is so much worse right now. Too will try to stop us from gathering the rightly disposed to the Memorial! Keep busy, Jehovah has Loyal Love for us all. Never ever give up! Thank you for your comment. Jehovah Bless all that stay by His side forever!                                 Bible Speaks ?????

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