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Russian authorities break into Kingdom Hall

Guest Nicole

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ARE YOU SURE?? Instructions for Letter-Writing Campaign https://www.jw.org/en/news/releases/by-region/russia/jw-mobilize-global-response-to-threat-of-ban/   have you seen the "instructio

PLEASE  -  obey the instructions of the governing body, and trust in Jehovah and not in your own wisdom.  It is so unwise what some write and do. I am very sad. 

I agree with you, dear Peter. I am sometimes sad here too ! 

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Sur JW.ORG, les "instructions" étaient de ne -pas- écrire les noms de nos  frères et soeurs dans les lettres adrésées à la Russie pour leur sécurité.
Merci Nicole de placer leur photos en ligne ! Ça va beaucoup les aider... 
On JW.ORG, the "instructions" were -not- to write the names of ours the brothers and sisters in the letters adored to Russia for their safety.
Thank a lot Nicole for placing their pictures online ! It will help them a lot ...

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1 hour ago, Lussier Denis said:

Sur JW.ORG, les "instructions" étaient de ne -pas- écrire les noms de nos  frères et soeurs dans les lettres adrésées à la Russie pour leur sécurité.
Merci Nicole de placer leur photos en ligne ! Ça va beaucoup les aider... 
On JW.ORG, the "instructions" were -not- to write the names of ours the brothers and sisters in the letters adored to Russia for their safety.
Thank a lot Nicole for placing their pictures online ! It will help them a lot ...


Instructions for Letter-Writing Campaign


have you seen the "instructions" ?

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Guest Nicole
4 hours ago, Lussier Denis said:


Sur JW.ORG, les "instructions" étaient de ne -pas- écrire les noms de nos  frères et soeurs dans les lettres adrésées à la Russie pour leur sécurité.
Merci Nicole de placer leur photos en ligne ! Ça va beaucoup les aider... 
On JW.ORG, the "instructions" were -not- to write the names of ours the brothers and sisters in the letters adored to Russia for their safety.
Thank a lot Nicole for placing their pictures online ! It will help them a lot ...


@Lussier DenisIn the case you are not being sarcastic: your comment is very welcome, in the case you are being sarcastic: please tell these brothers and sisters  from Russia, not to use their phones and devices to record what the authorities are doing to them "for their safety" and not to share them with the world, because that is how this and other videos have come to this and other sites on Internet. 

Everybody has the right to report what they think it is a psychological, physical, sexual abuse or anomalies.

I am sure some Russian people are doing it, not only JWs as you can watch in the International News. 

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The Administrative Center submitted over 73,000 pages of relevant documents to the authorities on February 15, 2017.

everyone can comment in this forum. so in case you do not know something, am adding this information.

AS YOU CAN SEE there are 73 000 pages of information here ... and it is not this forum that is asking the addresses of anyone...  



THANK YOU everyone for your answers


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16 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

I agree with you, dear Peter. I am sometimes sad here too ! :(

Thank You Anke. Ich werde immer müder von Tag zu Tag, es liegt an meiner schwindenden Kraft - und da kann ich Entmutigendes nicht brauchen. Wir sollten so unendlich dankbar sein, zur Zeit der letzten Apostel zu leben, sollen ihnen folgen und so Jehovas Herz erfreuen. That's the most important thing in the last hours of the last days.

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@Nicole: Thank you!

Sing to Jehovah p. 43
Song 33
Fear Them Not!
(Matthew 10:28)
1. Ever onward, O my people,
Let the Kingdom tidings go.
Tremble not before our foe.
Let all lovers of truth know
That my reigning Son, Christ Jesus,
To the earth has cast the foe,
Soon to bind the Devil, Satan,
Letting all his victims go.
Fear them not, O my beloved,
Though their boasting threats may fly.
I will keep my faithful servant
As the apple of my eye.
2. Even though your foes are many,
Though they threaten and revile,
Though they flatter and they smile,
To mislead and to beguile.
Fear them not, my faithful warriors,
Nor their persecution’s heat,
For I will preserve the faithful
Till the vict’ry is complete.
Fear them not, O my beloved,
Though their boasting threats may fly.
I will keep my faithful servant
As the apple of my eye.
3. Never fear you are forgotten;
I am still your strength and shield.
Though you die upon the field,
Even death to me will yield.
Fear them not who kill the body
But cannot destroy the soul.
To the end may you be faithful;
I will bring you to your goal!
Fear them not, O my beloved,
Though their boasting threats may fly.
I will keep my faithful servant
As the apple of my eye.
(See also Deut. 32:10; Neh. 4:14; Ps. 59:1; 83:2, 3.)

Was video taken. April 1, 2017. Thank you Jehovah will protect His people! 

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March 29, 2017 11:20 PM

Rochester-area Jehovah’s Witnesses tried to mobilize Wednesday night in the face of persecution halfway around the world.

In a stark crackdown, Russia’s justice ministry has asked the country’s Supreme Court to declare the Jehovah’s Witnesses an extremist group. "It's rather ironic because we’re the farthest from extreme," exclaimed Rochester Elder Daniel Naples. "We are family oriented, focused on law-abiding, peaceful, non-political. We abhor wickedness crime and warfare." Naples said the situation might seem alien in a country like the United States with its tradition of religious freedom but warned that it's coming to a head in Russia where approaching a crucial point on April 5 when the court is expected to deliver its ruling.

The new wave of persecution was a stark disappointment for Naples. In what looked like a new age of freedom after the fall of the Soviet Union, the Jehovah’s Witnesses were officially recognized in Russia and Naples and his wife visited Moscow for a convention in 1993. "It was beautiful to see," he recalled. "The stadium was full. There were 24,000 at this one convention." The new reality meant that more than 170,000 Witnesses in Russia could see their Kingdom Halls seized, or even face arrest. "Our brothers could be criminally prosecuted for meeting together for worship, for sharing their faith with others, or even for reading the Bible together," warned Mark Sanderson of the Jehovah’s Witnesses governing body in a video message on the JW.org website.

To confront the crackdown, the eight million Witnesses worldwide were urged to write personal letters to a short list of key Russian leaders including President Vladmir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. "It is puzzling, why Russia would be focusing on Jehovah's Witnesses at this point," Naples said. "Maybe it's just the lack of knowing enough who we are. And that's why there's been this global campaign since this past week to send letters." 


Rochester NY



Rochester NY

‪Jehovah’s Witnesses plead for freedom, mercy, in Russia crackdown http://www.whec.com/news/jehovahs-witnesses-russia-crackdown/4440045/#.WOFFkMt6WbE.twitter‬


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