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Is the organization being bless.?


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I know its forbidden to speculate if you are a JW.Probably think for yourself also.But i have notice a trend last 20years.

Last years organization have hadpedophilia trials they lost.

There been an increse of wittnes in the 3world.

With by the way every organizatiohas have.

IfJWs are bless,how come there is no increse in the 1world.

Most KH hall in west seem half empty.You coul say wittnes are tired.

But howcome if there is invitation too asamlys in every town,you see mostly wittnes on them in asamly hall and few worlddly.

There been lot of fighting in congregations.Not with fist.

AWhen i read bible thats how it looks like when youare not bless.



Are you guys not worried that maybe organization is not bleas anymore?


And now the Russian thing to o

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e.I understand they just want to be positive and want from now on the Jws to only talk abouth positive things.Problem is they have said know that have made errors 8n organization structur and teaching

First of all, what portion of my statement is not true that I may need to change my source of information? Can one get unbiased information from jworg? I think not. What mention is there of the child

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Ofcourse there are blessings.

Letter from Jesus to congregacion in revelations  show clearly if you do this your light gonna shine and reverse.

WT said there are not perfect and could have done wrong in organization arragment.

They didint

say what kind of misstakes.

And some arragment misstakes you dont do in organization that has Gods name.


Why have the organization cut down meetings and asamly days.

And the now wonna start takng away priviliges in congregacion.

Is that becos they are hated by the world or is it becose thinks are not working out as they would.I call it bless or not.


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Enrique.........first, I would assume, that English is not your first language, do not take this as a criticism, it is only an observation on my part.

Secondly I am not sure where you received you information, I would like to make one or two points on your comments:

(1) Although this may alter, a rough calculation, of the number of baptised Witnesses, world wide divided by the number of congregations, world wide, comes out to roughly seventy persons/congregation.........Kingdom Halls are "generally" built to have a seating capacity of approximately 100-120 persons.....hence, that is why the Kingdom Halls may appear to an onlooker, as you say, "half empty".........one needs to also bear in mind that families can sick, etc. One of the reasons this is done is so that interested persons can attend any of the special events that a congregation may have during the year.

(2).....and lastly.......as I said, I do not know where you get your information from, BUT, you are dead wrong on "in fighting in Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses"...... Brotherly love {agape (Greek)}, and peace are, but, two of the fruitages of God's spirit that we all endeavour to display, even as imperfect humans.

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Interesting topic. I've been wondering why the consolidation of kh's in north America? Is it possibly because they are not expanding, but rather shrinking? The magazines have shrunk, no more books being printed, but a massive compound built for the popes of wt with a remote controlled lake. How is it that there is this dire need for more money for world wide work, when operating costs have been reduced and actually freed up money? Where did that go? What about the sales of property in Brooklyn, where did that money go? 


As to the comment by The Librarian, the reference to Jesus' words is from John 15:18-25. Jesus said the world hates the disciples because they first hated Jesus and because they were not of the world because Jesus chose them out of the world. Jesus said that His followers would be persecuted for His (Jesus) name sake (verse 21). 

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On 4/2/2017 at 9:04 PM, enrique said:

I know its forbidden to speculate if you are a JW.Probably think for yourself also.But i have notice a trend last 20years.



Jesus said,

“Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are savage wolves.  You will know them by their fruit. Grapes aren’t gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles, are they?  In the same way, every good tree produces good fruit, but a rotten tree produces bad fruit.  A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, and a rotten tree cannot produce good fruit.  Every tree that doesn’t produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into a fire.  So by their fruit you will know them.”  Matt 7:15-20

It is not the production of physical evidence that Jesus was referring to, but the quality of teaching that each anointed one produces. 

“A good tree doesn’t produce rotten fruit, and a rotten tree doesn’t produce good fruit,  because every tree is known by its own fruit. People don’t gather figs from thorny plants or pick grapes from a thorn bush.  A good person produces good from the good treasure of his heart, and an evil person produces evil from an evil treasure, because the mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart.”  Luke 6:43-45

 “Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree rotten and its fruit rotten, because a tree is known by its fruit.  You children of serpents! How can you say anything good when you are evil? The mouth speaks about what overflows from the heart.  A good person brings good things out of a good treasure house, and an evil person brings evil things out of an evil treasure house.  I tell you, on Judgment Day people will give an account for every thoughtless word they have uttered,  because by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”  Matt 12:33-37

Because Christ spoke these words, we know how important it is to him that those who are to represent him, must speak only truth. These are Christ’s guidelines that he expects us to use, and we have the right to follow them.  If Paul and Silas who taught to the Beroeans had their teachings examined, should it stop with the Governing Body?  Acts 17:11

All anointed ones’ teachings are to be entirely sourced in scripture, not in person doctrine.  It can help us determine who has the blessing of Holy Spirit. 



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e.I understand they just want to be positive and want from now on the Jws to only talk abouth positive things.Problem is they have said know that have made errors 8n organization structur and teaching.In biblical times you had to be specific what errors you made.I think if they did theres a possibility maybe things could change some.Ordering the members to only talk abouth positive things is not gonna solv anything.

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Shiwii.......you certainly do have a "chip on your shoulder,".............two things I would suggest to you are:

1. Change your source of information concerning the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society........I may suggest that you go to the website, jw.org, and get correct information from "the horses mouth"

2. If you "have an axe to grind" please go to a suitable "blog" and grind it somewhere else. If you have a genuine question or questions that you would like answered, we can certainly oblige.

PS If you wish to state a scripture that you may feel, that we, as Jehovah's Witnesses, are doing something that is scriptually incorrect, state the reason(s) as to why you think that is the case.

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10 hours ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

Shiwii.......you certainly do have a "chip on your shoulder,".............two things I would suggest to you are:

1. Change your source of information concerning the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society........I may suggest that you go to the website, jw.org, and get correct information from "the horses mouth"

2. If you "have an axe to grind" please go to a suitable "blog" and grind it somewhere else. If you have a genuine question or questions that you would like answered, we can certainly oblige.

PS If you wish to state a scripture that you may feel, that we, as Jehovah's Witnesses, are doing something that is scriptually incorrect, state the reason(s) as to why you think that is the case.

First of all, what portion of my statement is not true that I may need to change my source of information? Can one get unbiased information from jworg? I think not. What mention is there of the child abuse cases in which the org is involved in on jworg? NONE, and that is the problem. There is a campaign to send letters to Russia, to appeal to the gov't to allow jw's to continue to operate within the country. This is called lobbying, something the org says they do not do:

"Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Maintain Political Neutrality?

Jehovah’s Witnesses remain politically neutral for religious reasons, based on what the Bible teaches. We do not lobby, vote for political parties or candidates, run for government office, or participate in any action to change governments. "https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/political-neutrality/#?insight[search_id]=ae2710d7-f1e4-4dd7-afa4-57b369e71ab7&insight[search_result_index]=5



verb (used with object), lobbied, lobbying.
to try to influence the actions of (public officials, especially legislators).
John, I'm not sure who you think you are, but this is a public forum. Not only that, but it is also within the section of Controversial Posts.  The forewarning should have been enough for you to avoid this section if it hurts your feelings:
Only enter this section if you feel strong enough spiritually to defend yourself biblically. As you probably are aware, not everyone on Facebook, Twitter and the Internet is nice and civilized. Some are rather rude. You are hereby forewarned.
I am only pointing out the hypocrisy clearly shown from the org's own mouth. The question was "are they blessed", my comments were made to demonstrate my view and invoke discussion on the ideas raised. Now if this bothers you, don't reply, don't engage in discussion. Your response to me had nothing to do with the topic, but rather a knee jerk reaction of defense when someone calls your mom ugly. 

To continue with the Russian lobbying, I wonder what most jws are thinking when they hear that "the wild beast" is helping the org? 


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1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

To continue with the Russian lobbying, I wonder what most jws are thinking when they hear that "the wild beast" is helping the org? 

“John also described a harlot, or prostitute, who rides upon a scarlet-colored wildbeast. This beast is the same as the image of the wild beast with seven heads. The harlot is called “Babylon the Great.” (Revelation 17:1-6) This harlot means all false religions. The religions of Christendom are surely part of Babylon the Great. False religions have publicly supported the image of the beast, that is, the League of Nations and the United Nations, and they have tried to direct these organizations.” ws12 6/15 pp. 14-19

Another doctrine that is probably on its way out now.  So, if the Wild Beast is not the UN, who or what is this beast ,where the false prophet/ harlot “sits” (“dwells”)  and the Wild Beast ‘carries’ (“to sustain, uphold, to support”)” her,

and “kills” (“to deprive of spiritual life and procure eternal misery in hell) 

those who refuse to receive its “mark” (“a badge of servitude”)?  Rev 13:16,17




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On 4/3/2017 at 0:04 AM, enrique said:

And now the Russian thing too

The "Russia thing" as you called it, has the potential to rekindle the kind of spirit that brings more closeness and awareness of each other both in the congregations and around the world, and a lot more excitement to greater activity, fuller and more active Kingdom Halls, etc.

Some other points however:

I don't think it's fair to say we are forbidden to speculate. Speculating is a natural way to learn and think.

You say there has been an increase of Witnesses in the 3rd world as if this is a problem. I don't get it. This means we are not blessed?

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