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TrueTom Conducts a Fine, Scholarly Discussion and Exchange of Ideas with Persons Who Really Don't Like the People He Hangs Out With


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Hey, I was the one who raised that point with the video, but I don't think I ever said it was no good. I just thought it would have been better had the pedophile started out as a normal person, becaus

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'I'll bet you think the Org composed the music for Jehovah Will Treat His Loyal One in a Special Way, didn't you?' my nemesis taunted, hoping the new knowledge would sour me on God's organization.

Of course, it did not, because my wife and I had just had dinner at the Pearlsnswines's

Pearls cooking is to die for. Several have died after eating there. But her desserts are positively out of this world. We were savoring her one of a kind lemon meringue pie. Everyone at the table, for it was not only us invited, praised her baking skills. We marveled at her painstaking preparation of the ingredients and the mixing of it in just the right proportions, baking at just the right temperature for just the right time - all testifying to her innate sense of how to please the palate. She blushed, as she always does. She mentioned how she had purchased the lemons just that morning at Shutterstock Farm Market.

My fork froze in mid-air.

"You lying, despicable wench!" I glared at her. "You just sat there with your smug smile and let all of us think you had grown those lemons on your lemon tree out back!" With that I upended the table, spilling the apostate pie to the floor. "I'll be in the car, dear!" I said to my wife, long suffering woman that she is.

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One peculiar characteristic of those who oppose Jehovah's Witnesses is a relentless, even pathological, effort to tarnish anything Bethel does. This is not easy, because much of what Bethel does is truly remarkable.

'I'll bet you think the Org composed the music for Jehovah Will Treat His Loyal One in a Special Way, didn't you?' is an example.

As is: 'the GB has directed every Witness to give Putin their home address!' thus buying into the slanderous meme that Putin just can't wait to harm people. Not only can he not wait to ban them in Russia, but he will send thugs worldwide to beat up each individual Witness! What - are these opposers all ten-year-olds?

Oh, and the value of letters from each Witness showing concern for the welfare of their brothers in Russia? Doesn't impress the opposers one bit. 'If you really cared, you would be out in the streets protesting,' they say. How many street protests have they engaged in this year, the absence of such action indicating that they don't give a damn?

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11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

apostate pie




13 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Not only can he not wait to ban them in Russia, but he will send thugs worldwide to beat up each individual Witness!

No, I think he is going to gather them all up from the four corners of the earth and haul them off to Siberia :D:D

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I AGREE WITH YOU... much of what Bethel does is truly remarkable ... and I thank Jehovah that he puts up with a LOT of what is NOT remarkable that has become gravenly institutionalized, and caused mountains of grief, and rivers of tears of the innocent who have not suppressed their abilities to think rationally.

I glommed on a previous poster's expression about naive Witnesses thinking that "Unicorns eat rainbows and poop butterflies".

I intend to use that a lot in further discussions.

With tears, I Grok.

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It is hard to know what to make of JTR. Sometimes I regret having been so blunt. Other times I regret having been such a wus.

You seem to bounce ideas off each other really well though :D

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I like the description from Acts 15:26 of those with authority in the first-century congregation, discussed during Sunday’s Watchtower study. They were “men who have given up their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”


It is a marked difference between leadership in the JW congregation versus leadership in the outside religious world. There, generally speaking, you go to specialized college. You pocket a degree. You get a church to hire you as pastor or priest, and, if you desire, you climb the promotional ladder. Thus you may eventually become a church leader never having truly followed.


With those who have served on the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses it has been different. They have spent decades in full-time service performing a ministry more lowly than that of most persons they will one day lead. It is only after, not before, they have ‘given up their lives’ that they receive the specialized training to lead.


The greater world today positively slobbers over ‘education’ and offers it as the cure-all to almost everything. The world such educated ones have collectively built strongly suggests that model is a sham. Frankly, unless people have proven themselves to be of good heart, you are frequently better off not educating them – they can do less damage that way. If janitors and car wash attendants had run the financial world back in 2007, they might have found a way to beat the taxpayers out of a day’s wage. As it was, highly educated MBAs ran it and found a way to sink all future generations in inescapable debt.

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It is a marked difference between leadership in the JW congregation versus leadership in the outside religious world.

Agree entirely. The video stream on the situation in the Russian courtroom was quite revealing in that aspect. The general atmosphere amongst the brothers there and, markedly, the treatment accorded to Bro Sanderson was notable. Compare visually the pompous rigmarole carried out on visits from Christendom "dignitaries" to the friendly and unpretentious camraderie demonstrated. Even with the sound turned off, the difference was stark.

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