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12:00 Weather in Moscow is warm and sunny. Near the entrance to the court formed a large human place. Working television journalists. Among those present a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. A


15:25 The judge asked the Ministry of Justice will explain their assertion that the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses is a threat to public safety. The Ministry of Justice said the threat

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15:25 The judge asked the Ministry of Justice will explain their assertion that the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses is a threat to public safety. The Ministry of Justice said the threat of unspecified persons.
15:30 The judge asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice, if they are asked to ban Jehovah's Witnesses, will be whether the faithful gathered for prayer, under the threat of criminal prosecution. Ministry of Justice: Yes, if the court finds them guilty of violating Art. 282.2 UFPA.
15:34 The judge asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice on the Federal List of Extremist Materials (FSEM) Russian Ministry of Justice. Court interested in the question: whether the Justice Department is reviewing this list?The representative of the Ministry of Justice hesitant voice informs the court that sometimes this list may be revised.
15:39 Judge sends defendants the opportunity to ask questions of the Ministry of Justice.
15:40 Lawyer little wife primarily asks the court to refuse to accept a copy of the court decision, which a few days ago the Ministry of Justice presented to the court. The court described the case when some parents brought in the child patient hospital. Doctors diagnosed low hemoglobin and proposed drug therapy or blood transfusion. Parents preferred drugs, but the hospital went to court with a demand to provide it with a blank check for the use of donated blood. The decision also mentioned that there was no threat to life, it was about the planned treatment. The lawyer points out that the court decision does not mention any of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization.
15:50 The judge asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice if there is no mention of Jehovah's Witnesses, then what does this document is in the present case.
15:53 Judge defers ruling on the admission of this document.
15:54 Lawyer little wife starts asking questions to the representative of the Justice Ministry. The first question is whether the Ministry of Justice information about any whatsoever offenses which are committed under the influence of the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses entered in FSEM. Reply by the representative of the Ministry: "There is no such information, we do not have."

lawyer "little wife " is a mistranslation from russian it is suppose to be 

Lawyer Zhenkov
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15:57 Lawyer little wife clarifies representative for the Ministry of Justice, whether the respondent correctly understands that the Ministry of Justice claims boil down to three points: 1) the import of extremist literature, 2) financing MPO 3) failure to take effective measures to prevent extremist activity. The Ministry of Justice confirmed that this is a correct understanding of, but here should be added to the "threat of violating human rights and civil rights."

Lawyers unsuccessfully trying to figure out what kind of human rights violations have in mind.

Little wife is trying to clarify the point of "failure to take effective measures to prevent extremist activities." He asked whether the Ministry of Justice is known about the timely letters addressed to the center of Jehovah's Witnesses over the MPO, the inclusion of certain material in FSEM? Ministry of Justice is known. The next question is that, according to the ministry, it would be an effective measure? The Ministry of Justice does not know the exact answer to this question. The lawyer asked the representative of the Ministry of Justice, whether there is a criterion of extremist activity, inaction? Obvious to everyone that there is no such criterion.

16:10 Little wife asked whether the Ministry of Justice that materials deemed extremist known to comprise 0.1% of the Witnesses literature. Ministry of Justice is unknown. Did the Ministry of Justice, that the Rostov Regional Court, admitted the 34 publications of Jehovah's Witnesses extremist, at the same time refused to recognize the extremist dozens of others.
16:19 Little wife specifies whether the Ministry of Justice that the literature is not imported into Russia for two years know. Ministry of Justice is known. Then the question arises, why in 2017 the Ministry of Justice raised the issue of liquidation. The Ministry of Justice can not give evidence to support that in the last 12 months, the Administrative Center of spreading "extremist" literature.
16:13 The Ministry of Justice reports that FSEM not specify the date of making the materials in this list.
16:24 The judge asked the Ministry representative, whether it is possible to claim a religious organization, as well as customs, because the country imported materials that are recognized as extremist in the future? How to know in advance that a particular material will be included in FSEM. The representative of the Ministry of Justice: does only apply to FSEM.
16:30 The defendant's representative Yuri Toporov trying to figure out that the Justice Ministry is investing in the concept of "structural unit of the worldwide organization of Jehovah's Witnesses." What is a "global organization"? This is some kind of a legal entity? The Ministry of Justice believes that there is, we are talking about a canonical concept. What is a "structural unit"? We are talking about a legal concept? No, rather the canonical connection. Another question: in what sense the Ministry of Justice uses this term in relation to the MPO, saying they are "structural units of the Administrative Center"? In the canonical or legal? The representative of the Ministry of Justice considers that it is identical.
16:37 Axes, trying to figure out whether the law on extremism to be rendered "structural unit" without making the organization. The Ministry of Justice is forced to admit that the warning should be made throughout the organization.
16:40 Topo is a natural question: if the warning was issued by the local religious organization and is not issued Administrative Center, as then, this local organization may be "structural division" center? Nothing.
16:42 The Ministry of Justice is now considered that the imposition of preventing "structural unit" is not prohibited by law, which means that the prosecutor's office could do it. What is not forbidden is allowed. The judge specifies the ministry representative, sent there then at least some notice of a religious organization (Administrative Center)? There is no evidence that such notifications were sent.
16:46 Topo a new question to the Ministry of Justice. whether the law provides for the possibility of countering extremism to eliminate the "structural unit" without the liquidation of the organization? The representative of the Ministry of Justice, "According to your interpretation, does not provide." The judge asked the plaintiff to accept the answer of the Ministry in this form.
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