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Meet the woman rapping about wrapping her hijab.


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When they force you to wear a hijab - will you? Will you be prepared to stand out and NOT wear it? It is like wearing a yarmulke - the Jewish cap.... It is a symbol of a false religion - a religi

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Satans propaganda is working fullt-time to make false religion look good.  We, on the other hand must expect to be persecuted - especially when these religions gain more power.  How far Jehovah will a

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When they force you to wear a hijab - will you? Will you be prepared to stand out and NOT wear it?

It is like wearing a yarmulke - the Jewish cap.... It is a symbol of a false religion - a religion which believes that in the final days of the earth it must take over the entire earth (by the sword) to bring Allah's brand of government and Sharia law to the entire earth.

Islam has made a replica of the true government of Jehovah. They believe they must bring Sharia law to the entire earth - which includes wearing the hijab (now by fundamentalist Islamic standards because it now has become a political symbol of Sharia.)

The true government of Jehovah has wonderful, loving laws and freedom of choice in every situation in life. We do not live by rules which must be automatically obeyed without thinking - but by the principles - which allows us to think before we do.  We do not need to adhere to hundreds of rules which make women into their husband's property and takes away their freedom of 'thought'.  Islam for example has rules for personal hygiene, how many times one has to pray etc.... every part of your life is organized by rules which must prove your "outward piety" to everyone around you or you can be branded a hypocryte.  It is like the Jewish faith (from which much of it was stolen) on steroids. 


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Satans propaganda is working fullt-time to make false religion look good.  We, on the other hand must expect to be persecuted - especially when these religions gain more power.  How far Jehovah will allow it to go - we do not know.... but we are facing the worst tribulation ever on the earth.

It sounds awful to expose false religion like I did in my previous comment - but it is the truth.  There are many places on internet where it is against the law to say anything against islam because it is legally construed as "hate speech".  In some countries one can now get a prison sentence or heavy fine for saying anything negative about a hateful religion with 'inhumane' practices such as female mutilation. Governments are keeping quiet and allowing their citizens to be bullied by this religion to follow these practices because they fear the religious backlash and violent upheavals it will cause if they take action.

Governments are showing a blind eye to all the atrocities such as child marriage etc. because they need the votes and are afraid for people to know the truth about the number of religious based extremist attacks that are being stopped on a daily basis.  They are saying there is peace when there is no peace. It is asif the religions are "riding" the beast. (controlling the beast). Satan is "blinding" the beast for now but Jehovah will open their eyes at the right time when he puts it into their hearts to turn against the "harlot."

Our exposing false religion is not a vengeful pursuit or has anything nasty about it.  It is about loving the Truth and knowing the wonderful prospects God has in mind for mankind.  We have to expose the lie and bring the truth to people who have the right heart condition - no matter if they belong to a dangerous faith which may threaten us.

We do not retaliate evil with evil but there is a  time when one must calmly say -  this is not true.


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