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Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Rom. 6:23 NWT say; "For the wages sin pays is death,..." and JW org explained this verse that when human died he/she are free of every sin he/she made while was living.    (compare with this translation; "For the wages of sin is death, NIV) not the same? :) 

Nope, it's not the same. One word - "pay" - created a lie and another delusion.  "Wages" means pay; in this case, the pay of sin.  The Wt. used this definition twice to twist its meaning.  

We can be physically alive yet considered dead in God's eyes.  

“And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins,  in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience,  among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.” Eph 2:1-3



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24 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

yeah, not the same. I put ? by mistake. Thanks. Will delete sign ? :))

Don't mean to confuse the issue; I was agreeing with you that the NIV translation was different than the NWT...you said,

compare with this translation; "For the wages of sin is death, NIV) not the same? :) 

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You just answer what you feel like answering - and it is the same old same........you do not seem to fathom that the first resurrection gives one a heavenly body (flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom) and immortality.... to come back to earth in 'flesh' to rule or have a materialized body ????? for thousand years ....... and then go back to heaven when the job is completed?  I have not seen any scriptures to that effect -  and I seem to think you have not read the scriptures where it discusses the kinds of heavenly bodies they will receive. 

Your sense of reality is not what it should be.... sorry to have to tell you this.... 

What does immortality mean?   And by the way you did not answer my last question I sent you before....... It is a test......  because I do not think you can answer it....  Short and sweet answers my dear.....   

I am not willing to argue with you any more - I think you are fake! and I hope others on this page are not taken in by your teachings.

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21 hours ago, Arauna said:


You just answer what you feel like answering - and it is the same old same........you do not seem to fathom that the first resurrection gives one a heavenly body (flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom) and immortality.... to come back to earth in 'flesh' to rule or have a materialized body ????? for thousand years ....... and then go back to heaven when the job is completed?  I have not seen any scriptures to that effect -  and I seem to think you have not read the scriptures where it discusses the kinds of heavenly bodies they will receive. 

Your sense of reality is not what it should be.... sorry to have to tell you this.... 

What does immortality mean?   And by the way you did not answer my last question I sent you before....... It is a test......  because I do not think you can answer it....  Short and sweet answers my dear.....   

I am not willing to argue with you any more - I think you are fake! and I hope others on this page are not taken in by your teachings.

As I said before with scriptural proof, the thousand year reign of Christ is finished.  Correction, I gave you scriptural proof that the thousand years began when Jesus ascended into heaven.  I have only mentioned briefly why it is now over.  

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!”   2 Cor 5:17  Gal 6:15

A “new creation” of both human and angel.

 “sown a natural body, raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.  So it is written, The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit.  However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, then the spiritual.  The first man was from the earth, a man of dust; the second man is from heaven. Like the man of dust, so are those who are of the dust; like the man of heaven, so are those who are of heaven. And just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we will also bear the image of the man of heaven.”  1 Cor 15:44-49


 “Don't you yourselves know that you are God's temple and that the Spirit of God lives in you?” 1 Cor 3:16

The 144,000 are the Bride of Christ/Temple/Holy City – which comes down from heaven.

Now, if the Bride is in Christ and Christ is in God through Holy Spirit, (John 17:22) and the “Holy City” is God’s Temple, how is the “Holy City” going to come down from heaven without the Bride and Christ?  It isn’t a literal building, but is the Holy Spirit within the new creation/Temple.  How will God “dwell” among mankind if not through his Temple?  Rev 3:12

 “Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.  And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.     Rev 21:2,3

Can you see it?  Can you see this ‘mobile’ Temple in the sealed anointed ones?  

“For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s fieldyou are God’s building.”  1 Cor 3:9

“And have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth.”  Rev 5:0

“Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight.  And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”  Acts 1:9-11

“Now Jacob went out from Beersheba and went toward Haran. 11 So he came to a certain place and stayed there all night, because the sun had set. And he took one of the stones of that place and put it at his head, and he lay down in that place to sleep. 12 Then he dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.  Gen 28:10-12

“And He said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.”  John 1:51

There is no descending in heaven, is there?  Where would Jesus be descending to with his angels/messengers (Mal 2:7), if not to earth?

Jesus received two “births”, one of flesh, one from God.  So, too, do those within his Body.  John 3:6; Col 2:9  He is the Son of Man, and the Son of God. Matt 12:8; Mark 8:29; 9:7

Jesus inherits the earth; he shares it firstly, with the “firstborn” and then the rest of God’s children. Gen 28:12-14; Ps 37:11,29  If the earth is Christ’s inheritance, should he not be allowed to enjoy it and walk among what he created with God?

"Heaven must receive him until the time of the restoration of all things, which God spoke about through his holy prophets from the beginning.”  Acts 3:21

“Again, when he brings his firstborn into the world, he says, And let all God's angels worship him.”  Heb 1:6




Since I get Librarian's hint, I'll just edit the existing one.

@Arauna  Revelation is full of symbolism – the “thousand years” are also symbolic.  It is a time of each anointed one within their lifetime successfully conquering Satan.  Rev 2:26,27  It ends with the outbreak of Armageddon and Satan’s total destruction.  During Satan’s final test, they must submit to Christ’s offer to redeem from sin.  Rev 13:7,10; 3:18 

 For those faithful “with a little” during their lifetime, they inherit God’s Kingdom.  Matt 5;20,21; Luke 19:17; Rev 5:10; Dan 7:27

There is only one Great Day of God the Almighty.  Rom 9:28; 1 Cor 15:24-28

 You said, What is a spiritual body and when does it get immortality?  

Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom, as you say.  But, the faithful anointed become the “imperishable seed” through the anointing, while still on the earth.

 “because you have been born again—not of perishable seed but of imperishable—through the living and enduring word of God.”  1 Pet 1:23  (James 1:18)

Even in the flesh, if they remain in Christ, they are no longer the perishable seed; they have been given the promise of eternal life. "Perishable" is the result of harboring sin in their heart.  Death has no hold on those who reject sin. But, their faithfulness in resisting sin must continue throughout their entire life, otherwise they lose the given spirit of eternal life.  Rom 12:6; James 2:17,14,16

“For this corruptible body must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal body must be clothed with immortality.   When this corruptible body is clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal body is clothed with immortality, then the saying that is written will take place:

Death has been swallowed up in victory.
 Where, death, is your victory?
Where, death, is your sting?  1 Cor 15:53-55

The “mystery” of the new creation is both human without corruptibility, and spirit/ immortality – “We will not all fall asleep, but we will all be changed,  in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.”  1 Cor 15:51

Not only are the anointed faced with conquering death through sin, but also those who by putting their unwavering faith in Christ, receive the second resurrection. Their relationship with God must be formatted according to his will, which includes recognizing his arrangement of the priesthood.  2 Cor 5:20; Matt 10:42; Mark 9:37; John 7:17; 1 Tim 4:6










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First of all - there are physical bodies and spiritual bodies.

If angels had physical bodies they would disintegrate if they moved at the speed of light - hence they have bodies which are different to ours for the dimensions they move in - spiritual bodies.  

What is a spiritual body and when does it get immortality?  ... and what is immortality.....still no answer from you.   I agree with you on this only - which I think you were trying to say.... is that we have fleshly bodies but we no longer live for fleshly desires.

However, once immortality is obtained and a spiritual body - the person can no longer live on earth.  Similar to Christ (who said that his fleshly body was prepared for him by Jehovah to offer up in sacrifice on earth - he cannot take his earthly sacrifice back) these people have completed their course on earth and have given up future prospects of living on earth with family.

They have a different job to do and at the end of the thousand years when they have completed bringing the earth back to its original purpose.....they will receive some other task - no doubt.  I see NO signs of the earth being restored do you?  In actual fact the earth is being ruined - as predicted.....You say Jesus has already ruled for 1000 years??????

There is just too much in what you said which does not make sense (the  way the GB put it out there is  logic)  and I would love to challenge it but thankfully I really do not have time to waste on such a tedious endeavor.... and it does not accomplish anything, except frustration.

I think for now - that taco is about as much as I can get my head around.....   No, I think I will have some milk tart - a traditional sweet tart.

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9 hours ago, derek1956 said:

All the information about Brothers in Russia is on the Russian website access anytime


First of all   . WOW! .... a reply to a 2017 posting!

Since the topic, and the question you supposedly answered (but did not) was "Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?", your credibility is either 100% ....or zero ..... depending on whether or not you actually checked and KNOW that the translations of the Russian Court Transcripts are really there, and know what they say so that you can actually make a credible statement.

I think it would be very fair to assume, since you did not give a link, that you did NOT check, and further, that you do NOT know if "All the information about Brothers in Russia is on the Russian website access anytime.".

If you can provide a valid and credible reference that actually is to the Russian Court Transcripts, translated into English .... please accept my humble apologies for assuming what is the normal case, that you are living in an agenda driven self-constructed fantasy world, completely divorced from reality, and I will here publicly apologize to you.

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PS: A summary paraphrased or a general synopsis is NOT a Transcript.

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