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Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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I am happy to hear from our brothers what is going on in Russia.  I have seen videos where they  stage the Russian raids  like theatre in Russia.  They go into the homes like the brothers are real terrorists (with guns) and everyone in the street gets this theatre so as to be frightened of our brothers. They know our brothers do not have guns or do not vote but they do this to make everyone hate us.

Why should we translate the court documents?  We can rather use our time to preach! 

Those who want that kind of research can have them translated. 

It is enough to know that the orthodox church (hate for Jehovah's name) and nationalism is behind this hate of JW's.  If you want to know more about this please investigate what alexander Dugan says about the orthodox church.  His Eurasian nationalism and love for the orthodox church has brought in this new philosophy of church to build a national identity!  Putin, all the Russian generals and leaders listen to his advice. 

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11 hours ago, derek1956 said:

I go on the website everyday to check what is happening in Russia with our brothers and yes it is JW website


Sigh …….

Do you even understand that both those things are ONLY RELEVANT if it answers the Topic’s question?

Sigh ……. Let me rephrase …….,

New question.

Two parts.

 1.) Premise: the Brotherhood spent about $84,000,000 sending 11 railroad boxcars packed with letters to the Russian Government to try and influence them, which were never delivered, and never read, for which the Universal Postal Union paid the Russian Government about $57,000,000 to deliver (70% of face value of the postage). The 60% of the Brotherhood that sent 10 letters each spent about a day each doing this. That is 4.8 million days, engaged in political activity, attempting to influence the Russian Court system.

2.) The rephrased question:

Do you think the GB should respect the Brotherhood enough to provide translated Official Russian Court transcripts, so the Brotherhood can see the results of the fruits of their labors?


I mean, after all, the Russkies were paid about $57,000,000 for SOMETHING! ….. and the Society IS IN the translation “business”.

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1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

Premise: the Brotherhood spent about $84,000,000 sending 11 railroad boxcars packed with letters

What is this use of the aggregate? Did you pay it all yourself? Or was it the broken down expenditures of many millions of people?

I happen to know that you have spent $200,000 on Cocoa Puffs for breakfast. What a shocking sum! But since it was one bowl at a time, a small amount per day, I’ll let it slide.

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4 hours ago, Pudgy said:

which were never delivered

You do not know this.

4 hours ago, Pudgy said:

and never read,

nor this. 

In fact, Putin’s words ‘I don’t understand why Jehovah’s Witnesses are persecuted” since “they’re Christians, too” implies that he did read one or two of them. 

Obviously someone opened them, if only to separate them from other mail coming to those addresses. Hard to think that at least word of them would not reach the intended persons.

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And just how would that be obvious that someone opened ANY of 48,000,000 "overseas" letters?

Paper is just thin sheets of wood .... the winters are bitter cold ... and they had 11 boxcars full of "fuel at the proper time", and $57,000,000 to buy Vodka.

but.... as a reasonable concession, I will give you that perhaps 1,000 letters were opened and read by low-level clerks and other functionaries, until the pattern and value .. as they value pattern and value, was established.

What we really DO KNOW, is that 48,000,000 letters, had absolutely no effect whatsoever in influencing the Russian Court system, or politics.

A complete waste of money and time .... for that purpose.

Years ago, there was a movie "Bridge on the River Kwai" where the Japanese had captured British soldiers and put them to work building a bridge and rail line through the jungle, and the ranking officer remarked to his lower officers that he was glad his soldiers had work to do. Otherwise they would get into trouble.

This is, in my opinion, a valuable thing to do, and besides, later, Commandos blew up the bridge.


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15 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

And just how would that be obvious

We’ve had several reports of imprisoned brothers being deluged with letters. In prison, probably you will concede that such a letter is welcome.

Was one of them yours telling how stupid was the Christian organization to galvanize the brotherhood as to their plight?

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