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Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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36 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

I was there in 1975. 

…. and paying attention.

From California to Virginia to Zaire everybody was expecting 1975 to be “the end”, as Srecko Sostar documented.

At Assemblies the clarion cry was “Stay Alive ‘Till ‘75!”.

Just recently, last week, I heard from a JW brother that many years ago he preached in the countryside, about 1 hour away from Zagreb (approx. 45 km). Many people, whose doors he knocked on, very quickly said when they understood what he was preaching, oh you are the ones who went to the hill in 1975.

Since he was younger at the time, he did not immediately understand what kind of hill and 1975 the people in the village were talking about. Only much later did he connect what it was all about. 

So the JW brothers of that time went/climbed to the hill to wait for Armageddon. It's smart that they didn't sell their houses so they had somewhere to go back to and of course they stopped being JWs.

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3 hours ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Okay, my brother @TrueTomHarley...🙄🤪😆


<<makes list of excuses why to not show love...>>

Who can respond to lunacy like this, being tagged 3 times in as many hours by a perfect stranger over a point of complete common sense? How can a guy who wants to keep his senses not resort to blocking in such instances?

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I would like to qualify that above statement by Srecko Sostar.   I think that 65% of the Societies problems are that they completely ignore the clear instructions in Matthew 18 about how to Justly disfellowship, why, and when and how.

…. and 30% of the problems are tied to being wrong on 1975, and trying to cover it up and shift blame since then.

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3 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

I would like to qualify that above statement. I think that 65% of the societies problems are that they completely ignore the clear instructions in Matthew 18 about how to Justly disfellowship, why, and when and how.

…. and 30% of the problems are tied to being wrong on 1975, and trying to cover it up and shift blame since then.

What about rest .., 5%? I am sure it is important to hear about it too. :) 

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3 minutes ago, seeknontruther101 said:

In what way? by those who are incapable of grasping a straightforward revelation?

Someone said in the Bible, I have a lot to tell you, but you can't carry it now. However, he still told them more than he should have. The followers then misunderstood many things, and nothing has changed even today with modern followers.

Who does not understand the simple message of the gospel? I guess all those who create a rich Corporation out of religion.

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23 minutes ago, seeknontruther101 said:

Have you thought about the likelihood that you should have paid more attention to the earlier assembly discussions, before 1975, since you attended? You may be under-qualified with the rest.

1967-Enlarging Our Privileges of Service in the Time Remaining (H.W ZENKE)

1971 - When All Nations Collide Head On With God (Charles SINUTKO)

1973 - Continue Steadfast as Seeing the One Who Is Invisible (Charles SINUTKO)

1973-How Sensitive Is Your Conscience (J.C HOWARD)

1975 - Our Refuge Under the Incorruptible Kingdom of the Heavens (David METTY)

I was paying attention, and I took notes, and I noted what got thunderous applause. I did not believe ANY OF IT, and drew cartoons on the inside cover blank pages of my blue “inspired” book of a flagpole flying a “1975” flag, with three guys at the bottom saying “Let’s run this up the flagpole, and see who salutes it!”.

…. and when I showed the cartoon it was heresy!

For three years I disregarded what EVERYONE was saying, from California to Virginia to Zaire (the Congo), where I lived and worked.

Mid- 1974 I succumbed to peer pressure, reasoning “How could I alone be right and EVERYONE else be wrong?”  I quit my job and flew back home to be with my parents when “The End” came. The best job I ever had.

Don’t piss on my back and tell me it’s raining !!

I don’t like it!

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If memory serves, it was Charles Sinutko who to thunderous applause at Assemblies coined the phrase “STAY ALIVE ‘TILL 75 !!!”.

That was almost 50 years ago, and I no longer have my notes.

…. but Srecko Sostar provided hard proof from the Society’s publications above. 

There is no way a sane, rational person can fluff that off.

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

At WTJWorg, all theological issues are tied into one single issue, problem

For the most part, they are. It is the theme of yet another book, which is the final proofing stage. (I’ve removed TTvtA for revision.)

Not sure we agree on which issue that is. For the most part it is an asset, though it does come with downsides:



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5 hours ago, seeknontruther101 said:
5 hours ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

For example, God said, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘Let the one who speaks abusively of his father or mother be put to death.’  But you say, ‘Whoever says to his father or mother: “Whatever I have that could benefit you is a gift dedicated to God,”  

You need ask yourself that very question.


I did, but unfortunately not until around the time I was wrongly "disfellowshipped". Prior to that time, I supported the ungodly disfellowshipping doctrine and shunned my own mother for almost two decades. That conduct of following the manmade GB doctrine stumbled my brothers and sisters so that they didn't want to learn anything about Jehovah. Even so-called "worldly" people can see how antiChrist disfellowshipping is. I can't go back and undo the damage I did. I could only apologize for my bad conduct. My mom was "reinstated" a few years ago, and even then I treated her as if she was some kind of recovering leper. I am ashamed of myself for treating her that way. She missed out on the time with her grandkids. I wish I had never listened to the COBE and his wife and the CO who gave me certain "advice". I wish I had never listened to the GB and all their crack-talk with their wicked disfellowshipping doctrine. I hate it.


It was my own decision to shun. Like I said, I can't go back. But I can do my best to tell the truth now. And the truth is Jehovah hates the disfellowshipping doctrine because it misrepresents Him, just like the hellfire doctrine and the other false doctrines.


3 hours ago, seeknontruther101 said:

I notice you use cartoons from others. Are you an artist? 


Aren't we all? Jehovah is the greatest artist. Jesus used illustrations from Jehovah all the time. If anybody has "copy rights" it's Jehovah!


I'm not very good, but here are some things I've tried to paint...


When one of my friends from the Kingdom Hall lost two babies (first to miscarriage, second stillborn) I did this one as a resurrection scene...




This one is my little goat Cecilly that we used to have...




This one was a gift for my sister in the Kingdom Hall, her son fell in the local river and drowned a few years ago, it was awful - her other son lived. The one that passed away loved dinosaurs...




This was my favorite hen, Henrietta, for my son...




This one was for my daughter...




And another hen one in my room...




(Sorry if the glass made it hard to get a clear picture on that one...)


Are you an artist?


1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Who can respond to lunacy like this, being tagged 3 times in as many hours by a perfect stranger over a point of complete common sense? How can a guy who wants to keep his senses not resort to blocking in such instances?


That's what a lot of people say when Jehovah's witnesses try to talk to them about the Bible...🤭


1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

I would like to qualify that above statement by Srecko Sostar.   I think that 65% of the Societies problems are that they completely ignore the clear instructions in Matthew 18 about how to Justly disfellowship, why, and when and how.

…. and 30% of the problems are tied to being wrong on 1975, and trying to cover it up and shift blame since then.


I think it would be difficult to make an accurate pie chart as to what percentage is what. Suffice to say there are some issues! Jesus' illustrated it like this: weeds sown among the wheat; a little leaven fermenting the entire lump of dough; a mustard seed that eventually all the birds come hang out on (who wants birds on the mustard tree?)


"Babylon the Great has fallen, and she has become a dwelling place of demons and a place where every unclean spirit and every unclean and hated bird lurks!  For because of the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality, all the nations have fallen victim, and the kings of the earth committed sexual immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth became rich owing to the power of her shameless luxury.”


Some parts of Babylon the Great have grown along with the wheat in the Jehovah's Witnesses organization, just like in the rest of Christendom. People in the org have come out of all different religions. But there is still leaven everywhere. The weeds are all over the place. Jesus will remove them after the great tribulation starts. Jehovah's name will be sanctified. And all the little sheep everywhere will be brought together in refined worship. 


Jesus used what was on hand to do miracles. He used the dust to make a paste to heal the blind. He used the few fishes and few loaves to feed the masses. He will use what he has on hand for the basis of the organization that will get through the great tribulation. But it has to be refined first. The Bible says it will be. Praise Jehovah. Only a miracle could heal that org. They will have to know it isn't men doing the saving. Our God is known for His miraculous works. We will see Him do more miraculous works than the plagues of Egypt and the Red Sea. Just like he healed Lazarus after Lazarus was dead several days and starting to rot, so he can heal the Christian congregation and make it one united people for God's name.


48 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

Nebuchadnezzer’s toes?


Yeah, we're not even on the feet yet!


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