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Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?

Since somewhere around 5.5 million Brothers spent somewhere around 20 million hours writing letters to the officials of the Russian Federation mailing an average of somewhere around 4 letters each at an international postage rate of perhaps 80 MILLION DOLLARS, total ... why has the WTB&TS not translated FOR THE BROTHERHOOD, translations of the Russian REAL transcripts, so we will know exactly what is going on?

You would think that for 80 or so MILLION DOLLARS, some usable hard data would be forthcoming, from people that reportedly are the world's best translators !!

This affects the Brotherhood worldwide, as well as being banned in the Russian Federation .... I sure hope this is not a repeat of the Haiti Relief Fiasco, where the news was so onerous, the WTB&TS Relief efforts intertwined with the United Nations, and the Red Cross that the news of what really happened throughout the relief effort could not be published on the Society's "News" portion of the web site.

Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?.

... and the WORLD at large!

.That is hard news EVERYBODY can use!

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there are some announcements about russia on the official jworg page.

answering the 1st question,9_9 I can say, if there is need for something... perhaps it will be done sooner or later... 

I want to remind you, that the first months of the jw-broadcasting, IT WAS ONLY IN ENGLISH, o.O... many many brothers and sisters from different countries wanted to have the program translated in their language but they could not. 

:/ some brothers had seen already that need for their own county, while others were saying "the broadcasting program will never be in subtitles" .......... so what to do ?.... 

it is only after some brothers and sisters (gave much of their time and) made videos WITH SUBTITLES for their own country, and after that .... videos in other languages started appeared on the jw-broadcasting ..... 


please everyone, feel free to share news from your country. 

with the internet, all news travel faster, and am happy to see news from all over the world.

thank you all for your comments and posts, and this forum too.

[greetings] B|

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1 hour ago, The Librarian said:


@Eoin Joyce I would personally prefer @bruceq 's work on the transcript because we can discuss and ask questions on the content rather than just read it.


Yes, I agree that @bruceq does good work. Unfortunately, my browser displays the posting times irritatingly out of sync with the text in the forum postings so I have to use side by side with the original anyway. Hopefully not everyone's problem. :)

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