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Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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5 hours ago, The Librarian said:

@Eoin Joyce I would personally prefer @bruceq 's work on the transcript because we can discuss and ask questions on the content rather than just read it.

https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/tags/russian supreme court transcript/


Nice work @bruceq by the way....

These are not transcripts though....they are summaries. Something tells me the court will never make the transcripts available to the public. This is not Australia, this is Russia. @James Thomas Rook Jr.

I could be wrong of course...

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On 4/8/2017 at 1:24 PM, ARchiv@L said:

there are some announcements about russia on the official jworg page.

With this current "persecution" in Russia and it having made the official jworg page, I wonder why the Australian Royal Commission and their "persecution" of jws did not make the official page? Or did it and I missed it? 

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Probably because child abuse is found everywhere in all religions so it is obviously not news [btw "incest" a form of child abuse was a problem with the First Century Christians as the letters to the Corinthians shows as well as the first few chapters in Revelation which shows many problems with sexual sins but obviously that did not make them  false Christians]  but only "one" religion has been banned in Russia.out of over 2,000 religions there according to the U.N. and other sources.

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4 minutes ago, bruceq said:

 but only "one" religion has been banned in Russia.out of over 2,000 religions there according to the U.N. and other sources.

You're speaking of Scientology right? They were banned in Nov 2015. 

I do understand your point. However I think that the actual abuse of children is far more significant. I agree with your statement that child abuse is not new among society in general, but innocent children being molested needs more representation than people not being allowed to worship in public as they see fit.

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10 minutes ago, bruceq said:

Jehovah's Witnesses were banned yesterday. As to why the U.N. and other sources do not recognize Scientology as an organized religion is unknown to me.

fair enough, but it hardly makes a difference who labels which group as a religion or not. No one should be banned from worshiping in the manner in which they see fit. 

I just thought it odd that sexually abused children didn't get the same coverage as this, or even a mention on the official website.  

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1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

I just thought it odd that sexually abused children didn't get the same coverage as this, or even a mention on the official website.

I thought @bruceq explained it quite well. Child abuse is nothing new. Not only that, Jehovah's Witnesses have been made aware of the problem since the early 80's. I remember the Awake article very well. There is enough information on the website about it:


Also, I believe, most recently there will be a special handbook of some sort made available to every publisher.

But I suppose what you really would like to see is a big announcement made that; "there are some among Jehovah's Witnesses, or some who are associated with Jehovah's witnesses, who are pedophiles" instead of advice on how to protect children.

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18 minutes ago, Anna said:

I thought @bruceq explained it quite well. Child abuse is nothing new. Not only that, Jehovah's Witnesses have been made aware of the problem since the early 80's. I remember the Awake article very well. There is enough information on the website about it:


Also, I believe, most recently there will be a special handbook of some sort made available to every publisher.

But I suppose what you really would like to see is a big announcement made that; "there are some among Jehovah's Witnesses, or some who are associated with Jehovah's witnesses, who are pedophiles" instead of advice on how to protect children.

Actually no, I'm not looking for some sort of big announcement. I'd be more interested in the exposure of such wrong doings to children in the same manner as the wrong doings by Russia. Are both instances not affecting the org as a whole? The investigation by the ARC was on the practices and policies of the org, not on an individual case by case basis, much like the investigation by Russia. If a government is investigating the org as a whole, shouldn't everyone be aware of it? I think the difference is that with Russia it doesn't negatively reflect on the org,  where as the investigation from the Australian government does. Keep away the stuff that makes the org look like a part of normal society (with flaws just like any other group) and instead only cover issues that make the org look like its being picked on. It increases the persecution complex of the group as a whole. 


I forgot to ask, is it your opinion that the Russian ban and label as "extremists" greater in importance that of a child being molested and the perpetrator being protected just because it is commonly accepted that it happens in most major groups? 

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1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

Actually no, I'm not looking for some sort of big announcement. I'd be more interested in the exposure of such wrong doings to children

Isn't that the same as a big announcement? In any case, the exposure of wrong doings to children happens every time it is found out isn't it? And it has to be handled correctly. However, a certain form of confidentiality is always required in these cases, and it was never confidentiality that was questioned by the ARC, but the handling of these cases as respects a suitable environment for disclosure and the reporting of such to the police etc. Announcing names of pedophiles to the whole congregation has never been a recommended policy of any child protection institutions as far as I know. However, a pedophile may be put on a public pedophile list by the authorities and in this way the perpetrator may be known to all.

1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

I think the difference is that with Russia it doesn't negatively reflect on the org,  where as the investigation from the Australian government does

I would hope most Jehovah's Witnesses recognize that the organization is made up of imperfect people, and that there are individuals in the organization who are Jehovah's Witnesses in name only, who in their private lives and behind closed doors molest children, beat their spouses and do all kinds of other things despicable for a professed Christian. Yes, these people, if despite being found out, would remain unrepentant and remained in the congregation would indeed reflect negatively on the congregation and by extension the whole org. That is why people are disfellowshipped. To keep the congregations clean from such unrepentant wrongdoers. The problem is that some situations are difficult to prove. The unmarried sister who becomes pregnant is clear. (Although I know of a sister who got pregnant and apparently swore she didn't do anything). But the husband who hits his wife is a lot more complicated. And so is a pedophile who carefully grooms his victims.

The Russia situation is an entirely different thing and in all fairness cannot be compared to the above situation.

1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

I forgot to ask, is it your opinion that the Russian ban and label as "extremists" greater in importance that of a child being molested and the perpetrator being protected just because it is commonly accepted that it happens in most major groups? 

I would hope that a known perpetrator would not be protected under any circumstances, if by protected you mean being allowed to carry on abusing children and not being punished for his crime.

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3 minutes ago, Anna said:

Isn't that the same as a big announcement? In any case, the exposure of wrong doings to children happens every time it is found out isn't it?

I think you are missing the point. If the org is involved in a major investigation, shouldn't the average person (jw or not) be informed? The instance of putting the Russian ban on the jw news portion of jworg but not other government investigations is dishonest. Either cover all equally or none. and NO if 1006 cases of child molestation and abuse have gone unannounced or exposed in Australia in the past 10 years, then I would have to disagree with your statement that exposure happens every time. 

8 minutes ago, Anna said:

The Russia situation is an entirely different thing and in all fairness cannot be compared to the above situation.

I only quoted this portion of the response because I agree with you on the rest, to an extent. I wasn't saying that these two instances are equal in disgust, but rather should be treated equally in exposure on the "news" portion of the jworg website. 


9 minutes ago, Anna said:

I would hope that a known perpetrator would not be protected under any circumstances, if by protected you mean being allowed to carry on abusing children.

But this IS the case, as proven by the ARC and admitted to by the representatives of wt au.  

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6 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

You're speaking of Scientology right? They were banned in Nov 2015. 


 only "one" religion has been banned in Russia.out of over 2,000 religions there according to the U.N. and other sources JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES.

 "The Supreme Court’s decision was the largest ban on the activities of a religious movement since the disintegration of the Soviet Union" TASS NEWS April 21, 2017 http://tass.com/politics/942578


Now why would it bother critics and opposers and apostates that we are the ONLY ONE???

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