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Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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I see we have a few feminists here.  If you investigate where feminism comes from you will not be so eager to promote this way of thinking!  Any case I am female and I am very happy in the congre

Sorry   I don't care to argue with apostates who use the same type of questioning that Satan used. The "Ministry of Justice is now being influenced by Dvorkin and other anti-cultist apostates and the

Sorry   I don't care to argue with apostates who use the same type of questioning that Satan used. The "Ministry of Justice is now being influenced by Dvorkin and other anti-cultist apostates and the

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3 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

The instance of putting the Russian ban on the jw news portion of jworg but not other government investigations is dishonest.

I guess your best bet would be to write to headquarters and ask THEM why they don't put government investigations such as the one conducted by the ARC on the website. My guess is because the Russia ban is not an investigation as such. Now had the Australian Government said it was going to ban the Witnesses, because of the ARC findings, then it is much more likely this would be in the news portion of jw.org.

3 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

child molestation and abuse have gone unannounced or exposed in Australia in the past 10 years, then I would have to disagree with your statement that exposure happens every time. 

Exposure happens every time a sexual child molester/pedophile is found to be guilty of his crime and without a doubt. In other words; what they have done comes to the fore, and is undeniable. Then their conduct has been exposed.

3 hours ago, Shiwiii said:
4 hours ago, Anna said:

I would hope that a known perpetrator would not be protected under any circumstances, if by protected you mean being allowed to carry on abusing children.

But this IS the case, as proven by the ARC and admitted to by the representatives of wt au.  

I would have to go back and re-read some of the testimonies by victims and also the transcript. I do not remember reading about an instance where a known perpetrator was protected so that he could go on abusing other children.

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20 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

With this current "persecution" in Russia and it having made the official jworg page, I wonder why the Australian Royal Commission and their "persecution" of jws did not make the official page? Or did it and I missed it? 


I can not answer you for the official page. They can read this FORUM and someone can answer this. This is really a serious matter / subject.

Perhaps they did not add anything because there are reasons. ..... :
1. The whole story is something “negative”, I mean not something so positive to write about. and 
2. the people (who did something bad) ARE NOT witnesses any longer …
3. why should they write something about those (elders,etc) who DID NOT SHOW ANY APPRECIATION for the other members of their own meetings ?? !!!!


I also have a question for you, before I add my last comment about Australia subject. Thanks.

Does the Australian government ask for money, as a payment / compensation (for all that “damage”) , and how much is that money?  Thanks.


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On 4/21/2017 at 4:49 PM, bruceq said:

 only "one" religion has been banned in Russia.out of over 2,000 religions there according to the U.N. and other sources JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES.

 "The Supreme Court’s decision was the largest ban on the activities of a religious movement since the disintegration of the Soviet Union" TASS NEWS April 21, 2017 http://tass.com/politics/942578


Now why would it bother critics and opposers and apostates that we are the ONLY ONE???

So what you are saying is that you also do not acknowledge Scientology as a religion as the Russians do. Some do some don't, ok. Then you are correct. If Scientology is not considered a religion, then it just doesn't count. Gotcha. It's all "apostate lies". 

On 4/21/2017 at 6:26 PM, Anna said:

I guess your best bet would be to write to headquarters and ask THEM why they don't put government investigations such as the one conducted by the ARC on the website. My guess is because the Russia ban is not an investigation as such. Now had the Australian Government said it was going to ban the Witnesses, because of the ARC findings, then it is much more likely this would be in the news portion of jw.org.

I agree with you, then it would be. I have no interest in asking for a corporate answer. 


On 4/21/2017 at 6:26 PM, Anna said:

Exposure happens every time a sexual child molester/pedophile is found to be guilty of his crime and without a doubt. In other words; what they have done comes to the fore, and is undeniable. Then their conduct has been exposed.

try explaining that to the 1006 victims and their families in Au. 


On 4/21/2017 at 6:26 PM, Anna said:

a known perpetrator was protected so that he could go on abusing other children.

You probably will not find a direct quote that they said they would allow a known pedo to continue, nah.....I doubt it. But when a known pedo was found out by confession of a child (which SHOULD stand on its own as testimony) and because there was no other witness and the two witness "rule" is in affect, then you can clearly see the "truth" about the handling. I encourage you to read or watch the transcript from the initial inquiry. 

On 4/22/2017 at 6:20 AM, ARchiv@L said:

I also have a question for you, before I add my last comment about Australia subject. Thanks.

Does the Australian government ask for money, as a payment / compensation (for all that “damage”) , and how much is that money?  Thanks.

I do not know, honestly. I think they try and institute something towards correcting the problem. Which is to be paid by each org that was/is involved in the inquiry.

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On 4/22/2017 at 6:20 AM, ARchiv@L said:

Perhaps they did not add anything because there are reasons. ..... :
1. The whole story is something “negative”, I mean not something so positive to write about. and 
2. the people (who did something bad) ARE NOT witnesses any longer …
3. why should they write something about those (elders,etc) who DID NOT SHOW ANY APPRECIATION for the other members of their own meetings ?? !!!!

Doesn't this tell the story? Don't print negative stuff, we don't want people to see that this is like any other group who has problems. Easy way to dismiss a problem is to say they D/A'd or we kicked them out by their actions.........that IS IF you have a second witness. Right on point #3, why point out the failings of the elders who were following the direction from above, both written and oral! 

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Shiwii said: "So what you are saying is that you also do not acknowledge Scientology as a religion as the Russians do. Some do some don't, ok. Then you are correct. If Scientology is not considered a religion, then it just doesn't count. Gotcha. It's all "apostate lies". 

   I don't care to argue with apostates who use the same type of questioning that Satan used. The "Ministry of Justice is now being influenced by Dvorkin and other anti-cultist apostates and the trial clearly showed now for the world to see that they, all anti-cultist apostates, are all liars and have baseless claims. Soon all of the World Empire of False Religion will be destroyed. That should bother you since you are a part of it.

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2 hours ago, bruceq said:

Shiwii said: "So what you are saying is that you also do not acknowledge Scientology as a religion as the Russians do. Some do some don't, ok. Then you are correct. If Scientology is not considered a religion, then it just doesn't count. Gotcha. It's all "apostate lies". 

   I don't care to argue with apostates who use the same type of questioning that Satan used. The "Ministry of Justice is now being influenced by Dvorkin and other anti-cultist apostates and the trial clearly showed now for the world to see that they, all anti-cultist apostates, are all liars and have baseless claims. Soon all of the World Empire of False Religion will be destroyed. That should bother you since you are a part of it.

Lol,  I think it has more to do with your lack of ability to reason than anything else. Once you figured out that your statement was false, and was shown false; not even by me mind you, you tuck tail and run instead of accepting your mistake. 


Scientology is on the list!


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Sorry   I don't care to argue with apostates who use the same type of questioning that Satan used. The "Ministry of Justice is now being influenced by Dvorkin and other anti-cultist apostates and the trial clearly showed now for the world to see that they, all anti-cultist apostates, are all liars and have baseless claims. 

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7 minutes ago, bruceq said:

Sorry   I don't care to argue with apostates who use the same type of questioning that Satan used. The "Ministry of Justice is now being influenced by Dvorkin and other anti-cultist apostates and the trial clearly showed now for the world to see that they, all anti-cultist apostates, are all liars and have baseless claims. 

Ok bruce, sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "la,la,la,la I can't hear you" doesn't make facts go away. 

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Sorry   I don't care to argue with apostates who use the same type of questioning that Satan used. The "Ministry of Justice is now being influenced by Dvorkin and other anti-cultist apostates and the trial clearly showed now for the world to see that they, all anti-cultist apostates, are all liars and have baseless claims. 

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Soon the whole earth will see who's in control. God's Words are true. I've done my homework and still studying. Remember, Jehovah doesn't lie only what you read below. One thought, 

There are other lies from Satan that can fool us if we are not careful. Let us talk about three of these lies. The first lie is: You can do whatever you want; you decide what is right and what is wrong. We often hear this on television, in movies, in magazines, in newspapers, and on the Internet. Because we hear this lie all the time, it is easy for us to start to think that way and follow the immoral ideas of the world. But the truth is that we need God to tell us what is right and what is wrong. (Jeremiah 10:23

The second lie is: God will never change anything on the earth. This idea makes people think only about today. They do not care about the future or about pleasing God. We might start to think like them and then become “inactive or unfruitful” in our service to God. (2 Peter 1:8) The truth is that Jehovah will soon change things on the earth, and we must show by the way we live that we really believe this. (Matthew 24:44

The third lie is: God does not care about you. Satan wants us to believe that we are not good enough for God to love us. If Satan makes us believe this lie, we might stop serving Jehovah. The truth is that Jehovah loves each one of his servants, and each one is very important to him.—Matthew 10:29-31.


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