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Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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I see we have a few feminists here.  If you investigate where feminism comes from you will not be so eager to promote this way of thinking!  Any case I am female and I am very happy in the congre

Sorry   I don't care to argue with apostates who use the same type of questioning that Satan used. The "Ministry of Justice is now being influenced by Dvorkin and other anti-cultist apostates and the

Sorry   I don't care to argue with apostates who use the same type of questioning that Satan used. The "Ministry of Justice is now being influenced by Dvorkin and other anti-cultist apostates and the

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One thing I have noticed with people who have no regard for Jehovah and his organization on this forum - they are fixated on their own selfish needs and ideas and expect everyone to jump to their demands.

Learn to SEARCH the internet.  You will definitely a translation there somewhere!  The only problem is: you may not be able to say it is 100% true as people all have agendas - but then you have your own.

Enjoy your searching!   The GB is here to provide spiritual food not serve every self-willed individual's whims.

I get it - these people hate Jehovah but cannot stay away from the association they get here!  If their lives were so together as they try and make out they would not waste it on people who they do not fit in with.

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The proof will be in the eating of the pudding will it not?   

Reminds me of the illustration - two people fighting over who has the best room on the Titanic...... mean while the boat is sinking....variation don't matter when you need a real life boat.

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 Jeremiah 7:30-31

30  "For the sons of Judah have done that which is evil in My sight," declares the LORD, "they have set their detestable things in the house which is called by My name, to defile it.

31  "They have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, and it did not come into My mind.



Did you reference Jeremiah 7:31 as a commentary on how we currently handle institutionalized disfellowshipping and shunning?


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Can you make a good case for the idea that it is me?

 The difference between a flower vase and a flower VASE (pronounced Vaaaase"), is  $75.00

The difference between vitriolic,  and "Oh, he is just LIKE that, hehehe ...." eccentricity,  is whether a person is insulting a non deserving person, or a malignant idea.


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I usually try to disprove ideas.... but sometimes one cannot help notice that it is always the same people who display downright hostility to our organization in their words.  NO personal offense but I have called you out on occasion because I am protective of the newbies on here that may be taken in by the thoughtless words expressed.  Also - I am sincere when I say that I hope all to attain life and feel it is my responsibility to assist others to see when they rant on too much about their personal pet-criticisms.

No skin lost, I hope.

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