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Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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15 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

very disappointed and are in dissident mode

I don't really see that. There have always been waves of JWs coming and going since I have heard and/or remember personally. Quite a number left during Russell's days, then in Rutherford's days, a number around the 1975 debacle and then around 1995. But also many have "survived" those times. Now with the transparency of the internet and social media era there will be others. But really, it's only weeding out those who are disappointed over selfish things, why else would they be disappointed? Those who believe God's Kingdom will come, whether in their life time or not, are not disappointed, after all, those who endure to the end will be saved.

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11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

stumbled someone

I know how some of you, or almost all, as JW member had doubts and conscience questions about talking with someone like me. But according to some WT publications texts of GB given advice or can be said instructions, Forum like this and other kind of similar "gatherings" of JW members (arguing, discussions, expressing thoughts, comments and similar, that are not in line with official, temporary teachings) are in fact some kind of "rebellion", and going against "Mother organization" .

JW members had not WT approval, permission to talk in this manner even if they had some "questions". According to GB instructions, if any of you have some "serious questions about your faith and WT doctrines" you need to go to elders, because they are entitled to hear and to help you in any "spiritual doubts or question". By WT you are all in break of the rule and by that show "disrespect" for FDS aka GB and by their logic, this is directly disobeying JHVH.

I can not help you any more. You have find solutions in your conscience, whatever, however your conscience looks like, in whatever condition it is. :)  No hard feeling.              

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You know, this may be a matter of style. I may read too much into this. But.....

4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I can not help you any more.

I would never ever say "I can not help you anymore." And I have tussled with many on this forum. I have had an entire thread taken down because it was deemed too offensive to apostates. But in my most heavy 'rumble' mode, I would not say "I can not help you any more." 

It would simply reveal that I am too full of myself. And I try hard not to be. If there is one thing that consistently is a turn-off, it is people who are full of themselves.

It is God's thoughts, higher than mine, recorded in Scripture, that is the source of help. The best I can do is not screw it up in relating it, and focus on what is most relevant.

I think self-exaltation is a trait common to many who oppose here. They think very highly of themselves. God forbid that they should learn! No. They have already learned and they are here only to 'help' those not so enlightened.

4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I know how some of you, or almost all, as JW member had doubts and conscience questions about talking with someone like me.

I have neither. It is a matter of showing consideration for the other person, not stumbling anyone. Have you forgotten such things entirely? It is another common theme of many who oppose. The notion of yielding for another person wears out very quickly. What they love to talk about instead are their rights!

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8 hours ago, Anna said:

They are free to leave any time they want and not listen to a word you say. You are here to say what you feel is the right thing to say. We can't please everyone. This is not the Kingdom Hall

There is a balance, to be sure. When Paul speaks of not stumbling another, it is newer or weaker persons he is speaking of. He is not primarily speaking about those who have been around forever and who should have, by now, resolved such matters and learned not to be offended at the drop of a pin. 

In this case, I let myself corrected because I thought he had a good point. Maybe he was right entirely and I should allow myself to be reigned in. It made sense to me. If saluting the flag is a form of idolatry, surely 'liking' the comment of an apostate is a form of association.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I would never ever say "I can not help you anymore."

can't help more than i am doing talking with you :)) or do you like if i invite you for a coffee, hehee

1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It is a matter of showing consideration for the other person

this is nice, but as GB see things you have not to take care about ex members. So, stumbling me, yourself or some other on this forum is always possible :)

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20 hours ago, Gone Fishing said:

Your clarity in explaining this dilemna indicates your experience of it , it would seem.

No. I just have different mind and emotions. Nothing special. ;)) 

When i was JW i was not have such aversion to ex members, even do not meet them at all. But before few years on district convention (1-2 days) i say hello to one disfellowshipped sister from my ex congregation. She just answer with look. But that was saw one brother who do not know that i know "status" of that sister. He cam e to me and friendly say how she is df. I just listen with no words. Than he went to sister and told her how she must "warning" people around her that she is df and telling aloud "I am unclean, Iam unclean!".

Idiotic :))))))))  

P.S. I remembered i meet  few times df members, but they are acted the way they do not want contact. Then i was much younger and inexperienced and somehow unprepared for something that i stand for today :)   

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

surely 'liking' the comment of an apostate is a form of association.

If person (JW or ???...) buy some product from some worldly private person, company did he/she by that "liking" this satan world. If bro or sis recommended to other bro or sis how this product  is good and useful did he/she gives "liking" to satan world? And by that became supporter of "evil things"?  

You complicate your life and mind and emotions and spread own insecurity. You will "stumble" some weak, fragile person here. :)  

But i can understand. Just do it. It is normal. Do not be afraid of your thoughts.    

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On 10/29/2017 at 9:45 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

You complicate your life and mind and emotions and spread own insecurity.

None of those things are so. it is simply my applying the consideration over stumbling found in scripture. 

It is just how I do things. I don't say that others must do it. As Anna said, this is not the Kingdom Hall. Nor are there any rules over such things. Each will decide differently.

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14 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:
18 hours ago, Anna said:

it's only weeding out those who are disappointed over selfish things,

No Anna, i disagree with this final conclusion you had made on people. 

Then why do you believe they are disappointed?

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On 10/29/2017 at 05:08, Anna said:

But really, it's only weeding out those who are disappointed over selfish things, why else would they be disappointed?

Anna, it is possible that i missed a point, or not understand quite clear, in this sentence. Would you simplified it for me, please, in some other words.

Selfish things (what selfish things?) and - who done selfish things? Disappointed people? Or people who are not disappointed and stay in WT org?  

Thanks in advance.

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