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Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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25 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

If memory serves, it was Charles Sinutko who to thunderous applause at Assemblies coined the phrase “STAY ALIVE ‘TILL 75 !!!”.

That was almost 50 years ago, and I no longer have my notes.

…. but Srecko Sostar provided hard proof from the Society’s publications above. 

There is no way a sane, rational person can fluff that off.


I think you can find audio recordings online of some talks that mention 1975...




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33 minutes ago, seeknontruther101 said:

I hope you didn't resort to using your underwear as a makeshift flag. You might have shown a mean streak😅

Apparently reading comprehension is not your strong point.  It was clearly stated a cartoon drawn on paper in a book.

And besides, cartoon dogs don’t wear underwear. Even Donald Duck didn’t wear underwear.

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2 hours ago, Fausto Hoover said:

Sometimes people act kind for ulterior motives and end up regretting it in the end when they face negative consequences.


Avoid partnering with those who practice evil.


10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

 ‘Brainwashing,’ ‘Discipline,’ and ‘Governing Body.’ ...

The meaning of ‘cult’ has changed over the years. Many groups that were once on one side of the word are now on the other. If JWs are a cult, it is because the Bible is a cult manual. If it is, they are. If it is not, they aren’t. As long as they find themselves on the same side as is the Bible, they are content. Let others squabble over the verbiage.


1 hour ago, seeknontruther101 said:

You were able to talk to your mother without any obstacles. Disfellowshipping is a spiritual matter related to the congregation. I, too, had a brother who was disfellowshipped. Despite the situation, I managed to have a fulfilling family life with him. Our relationship lacked a spiritual connection.

On the other hand, the brothers were not involved in the family matters at all. According to the Bible law, their partnership ended.

It is fortunate that the Bible contains only true doctrines. By applying the laws of the Bible, one demonstrates their acknowledgement of Christ's directives for the church. Surely, you wouldn't want anyone to violate God's laws simply because you are now affected by the aftermath of one.


That's not what I was told by the men in authority when I first came "in the truth."


Wanna hear how "culty" it was?


I was 24 years old. I had been in the "truth" for about six months. I was anointed. The COBE (called PO back then) said it wasn't possible (after all, I was too young, too new, and a woman) so it couldn't be possible from his point of view. He said "you must be crazy" and spouting psychology theory (he is not a doctor or professor of any kind - he was a window washer). 


My real mom was disfellowshipped. They didn't say "you can hang out with her". This is what happened...


He (the PO) said I needed "a father". He and the CO said I should be adopted so I could live with him and his wife at their house and nobody would say anything about it because it was legal. I was dumb and thought they represented God. Since I knew the scriptures were true but I thought they knew more than I did, I submitted to the "adult adoption". I think it cost him $70. My mom and dad were still alive at the time. 


Shortly after he spouted more psychology theory and said "you need to be medicated". I think I already told you before what happened when I flushed the drugs.


I was a fool. I can't go back and change that, but when I finally told on some of the stuff that happened, that COBE tried to get custody of my kids by making fraudulent calls to DHHS. Those men don't represent Jehovah. They act like a cult. (I got the "adult adoption" reversed during the time when he was trying to get my kids. And I apologized to my mom. My real dad died over a decade ago. I didn't get to apologize to him in time.)


I could tell you more about how culty it is, but I don't feel like it right now. It makes me sick.


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I thought with an adoption the original birth parents were renounced and the “new” parents were shown on a “new” birth certificate. (?)

1.) What was their stated motive for adopting you?

2.) What do you think their REAL motive was for adopting you?

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In order to get it "reversed" since I didn't have the money to get a lawyer, my real mom and I went to the local courthouse and I got "adopted" again by my real mom. But I didn't know how else to "reverse" it and at the time the entire congregation was still supporting the COBE and my husband (who was not allowed home by the State because of the assault). He and the congregation think the culty way of doing things is proper, and they were mad when I didn't agree.

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I think that made it worse, when I finally told, the entire JW community that I knew shunned me (this was way before they disfellowshipped me) and said how evil I am for not being more grateful to the COBE. I got quite a few hateful emails from people. The elders said "it's just corporal punishment" about some of the stuff, even though he admitted to it.

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