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Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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16 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

I thought with an adoption the original birth parents were renounced and the “new” parents were shown on a “new” birth certificate. (?)

1.) What was their stated motive for adopting you?

2.) What do you think their REAL motive was for adopting you?

Details are important for an account to be credible.

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10 minutes ago, seeknontruther101 said:

I've heard of adult adoption. What led you to choose adoption despite your challenging past?


I had just recently moved to Maine and was staying with my mom. After I became one of Jehovah's Witnesses, since she was disfellowshipped, I was under the impression it wasn't appropriate to live with her anymore. I moved in with another sister in the congregation, we both worked as waitresses at Denny's (I also did some temp work. There aren't really a lot of archaeology jobs in this part of Maine.) The sister I was living with had a little girl. When I would come home from work, the little girl was locked in her room and the mom was upstairs smoking marijuana with the neighbors. It wasn't a good situation. Eventually she was disfellowshipped and her daughter lived with her aunt. 


The PO/COBE used to come into Denny's almost every night and sit at the counter and get coffee after coffee. He and his wife said they thought I needed parents. They were not my Bible study conductors. I studied with an older pioneer sister whose son sold vitamins and herbal remedies for work. When I described the "Abba! Father!" thing (being anointed) she wanted me to take "herbal remedies" and she told the PO what she thought. 


After I moved in with them, they told me to read books about certain psychology diagnoses and took me to a psych doctor they knew. They talked to him, and I repeated what I had been groomed to tell. The drugs made me sedated and have other side effects. I didn't want to take them, but the PO/COBE and his wife told me they would kick me out if I didn't listen. I had no where to go.

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There was alcohol abuse when I was staying at the COBEs house for the summer prior (prior to when I finally told on all the stuff). He drank alcohol starting first thing in the morning sometimes. His "study" looked like a college dorm room with all the empty liquor bottles. When I hung out with him that summer, I started to drink more too. But when I started to realize what was happening, he was acting sketchy, not like a "dad", so I cut off association with him and wouldn't let him around my kids either. Then I told on the other stuff that happened before, and that's when everybody got all mad at me. My husband got arrested for domestic assault, the elders wouldn't talk to me, the "friends" abandoned us. The kids and I went to another KH over Zoom for awhile, then switched to ASL. Finally the elders told us we had to go back to English because Bethel told them (I had sent copies of everything to Bethel because I thought they would help us). Then they disfellowshipped me for "reviling and causing divisions" for telling the truth.

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25 minutes ago, Pudgy said:
40 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

I thought with an adoption the original birth parents were renounced and the “new” parents were shown on a “new” birth certificate. (?)

1.) What was their stated motive for adopting you?

2.) What do you think their REAL motive was for adopting you?

Details are important for an account to be credible.

I do think the Auburn COBE did always want kids. He wrote about it in a book he wrote about himself, that he thought he would have been a good dad. His wife didn't want kids, she wanted to be a career pioneer or a Bethelite. They were both into psychology theories, some pretty weird ones, like if somebody learned how to walk before they crawled, then they had to go back and crawl as an adult in order to "grow" that part of their brain. She was trained as a physical therapist and was also into some New Age stuff, what would be considered some spiritistic medical practices with laying on hands type thing.


But there were sketchy things that happened that made me uncomfortable. Obviously the "taking off your clothes so I can spank you" thing was not cool. I have kids now, and I would NEVER do the things they did, not in a million years, and not to an adult.


I still tried to tell myself it was all above board. But then more recently (I guess it's about two years ago) when things just got weirder and weirder - it was like I snapped awake one day and I didn't want my kids to be around that. I didn't want them to be "drugged" and put in a figurative prison cell. That's what happened. I was isolated and told "you're crazy, you're crazy" and treated like some kind of possession more than a person. Once I told on the stuff that happened, I told the elders that according to Matthew 18 I had a right to face the person, the Auburn COBE. But they wouldn't arrange for the meeting. The COBE said "I won't meet with you unless you get medicated." I had been going to my primary care physician and another specialist for my thyroid disorder. I took my medication that the doctor said I needed. The doctor did not think I needed any psych meds. But the elders didn't care.


What's ironic is that the COBE was also the HLC person. Supposedly the HLC person helps people choose their own care, but that wasn't my experience. The CO on a "shepherding call" was totally rude and yelled at me, saying he and the COBE from that Monmouth KH would even "help me go to the doctor". Finally I got sick of them harassing me so I said, "okay, fine, go ahead, make the appointment and when we get there I'll tell them these Jehovah's Witness elders want me to take drugs because I told on one of the elders for some sketchy stuff and they want to cover for him." They didn't bug me again after that about "taking me to the doctor." 

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6 minutes ago, seeknontruther101 said:

Then, you should have had in mind to seek other opinions within the Org at that time. It appears that you placed too much trust in the situation. At the age of 14, I decided to leave my parents' house and start a new chapter of my life. From that moment on, I focused on moving forward and never turned back. Could it be that I made an incorrect decision? Certainly, I did. 

I made that decision willingly. I refuse to hold the society, or my parents responsible. I was born in. Despite any obstacles, I always strive to serve God to the best of my ability. 

I have stories that are so saddening that they could make your heart ache.

You're mixing your past with your present circumstances. In what way can Audrey offer immediate assistance to herself without dwelling on what could have happened?

I'm fine now. You're right, I did trust too much. If I had sought other opinions, it's possible at the time some people would have said "What are you thinking!" But nobody else knew until after the adoption took place, and since he was also one of the highest rated speakers in the circuit, later substitute pioneer school teacher, etc, nobody dared say anything.


I can't hold anybody else responsible for my decisions. But I can be vocal enough so no one else gets hurt in the same way. I told in my congregation because they are around a lot of other kids. The COBE and his wife are into some weird theories, use alternative meds and push the on others, and go to what I jokingly call "witch doctors". If I were to keep silent and some of those kids in the congregation got hurt, how could I excuse myself if I knew what those people are like?


I am sorry for you about what you have been through. I know a lot of people have been through difficult things. I know Jehovah will fix all the pain people have. But for today, we are under obligation to protect others if we have the circumstances to do it. It's just the right thing to do.

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5 minutes ago, seeknontruther101 said:

The anointed receive divine revelations from God. At times, we may experience a sense of entitlement, but it is often superficial. I have encountered numerous instances of those cases. Do you seriously believe what you just said? Does it mean it's true?

The anointed do NOT receive divine revelations from God. And they are not "entitled". That's ridiculous.

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