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Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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When thinking about Russia, and the continuous chain of court cases that show our abandonment of basic decency, kindness, compassion and ... Justice .... for money ....


...remember that Jehovah once used the Babylonian armies to chastise HIS OWN PEOPLE UNTO DEATH !

... for similar things.

However, we have the institutional advantage through years of training ...

The Incredibility Gap is equally matched ... by our Gullibility Fill.



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Children wail because they NEED something ... food, shelter, being made clean, security, comfort ... always being told the truth ... etc.

As adults, it is our JOB to meet the needs of our children, and to teach them what is important, and what is drivel.

If we are not meeting a child's needs ... or even if we are adults not meeting the needs of OTHER adults ....  their REAL needs ... not agenda driven policy requirements, and 85% DRIVEL .... how DARE we refer to ourselves as "Ministers"

The proper word is "Overlords".

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25 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Children wail because they NEED something ... food, shelter, being made clean, security, comfort ... always being told the truth ... etc.

Not the children in Jesus' illustration. Nor the children in the back seat of car in which the driver finally whirls around and shouts: "If you kids don't stop crying back there, I'll give you something to cry about!"

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Not the children in Jesus' illustration because he was attending to what they needed.

The theoretical Car driver was NOT.

There is a difference between "is" and "is not", as former President William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton said during the Monica Lewinsky scandal ...

"It depends on what your definition of "is", is."

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7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

This just in ... from Sydney Australia ....

Quote: "The man, who was a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses,"

Is this why you are citing this article about a depraved bully James?

Why don't you apply the same level of scrutiny of detail to this report as you do to the activities of the Governing Body of the religious organisation you claim to represent? And at least give us the benefit of your formidable powers of hypocrisy and fake news detection in regard to this report?

Don't disappoint me now y'hear!

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4 minutes ago, Gone Fishing said:

Why don't you apply the same level of scrutiny of detail to this report as you do to the activities of the Governing Body of the religious organisation you claim top represent? And at least give us the benefit of your formidable powers of hypocrisy and fake news detection in regard to this report?

... because as a younger man I did just that ... and got form letters back that did not even remotely address my concerns, or they disappeared into the miasma without notice.

I even sent ALL the Governing Body Members Certified letters, return receipt requested, SO I KNOW THEY GOT THEM ..

I even sent letters to them  with checks enclosed, which they cashed, and down at the bottom of the form letter reply was the caveat that they were not responsible for anything for the donation.

..and that is indeed what I got.


I hope that accurately answers your question.

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Gone Fishing:

So, you tell ME what part of that news is "Fake News"

It may be fake ... but as I have explained... it is entirely consistent with the coverups and scandals the ARC exposed. There are some things that are inherently credible that may be fake .. and some things that strain credulity to the limits, and yet be true.

In the context of news from Australia, entirely consistent, it was believable, to me.

IF YOU KNOW DIFFERENT .. in the absence of apparent credibility gaps in the reporting, the burden of proof is on YOU. 

Got facts?

6 hours ago, Gone Fishing said:

Why don't you apply the same level of scrutiny of detail to this report as you do to the activities of the Governing Body of the religious organisation you claim to represent?

1.) I DID NOT WRITE THIS REPORT -  A reporter from Sydney, Australia supposedly wrote this report.

2.) I do not even claim to be a good Jehovah's Witness ... I only claim to be a Barbarian interested in Truth, Justice, and Fairness, as I have stated here on the Archive at least a dozen times ... and I certainly do NOT represent the "Organization", although I do realize that they are the "Only Game in Town". ... but it is based on an objective analysis ... NOT their continuous self-aggrandizing statements.

Please feel free to ask me ANYTHING.

I may feel free to ignore you.

Oh, and as an aside ... thanks for catching the fact that I made that post on the entirely WRONG discussion thread.  It should have gone on the "Questions" thread ....

"What kind of Cosmetics can you use if you are TWO FACED?"

Ummm.. by the way .. I think that thread might satisfy your concerns that I am a "company man", which I am not, or that I gave the reporter a "free pass" for fake news...........................................................................................................................................

I hold reporters to a much LESSER standard than I hold those who claim they represent the Almighty God.


... silly me.


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Having been a reporter in my salad days -  I have seen the disgusting articles they call "reporting" these days.  I did not read your reporter's article because I guess it singles out the JWs...... which is acceptable in the climate of the reporting world these days....... Leave out all the relevant information and only focus on the ONE you want to malign. This is true of politics or any subject these days.  It is not pure reporting because there is a "spin" on everything.

You are well aware that other organizations were also part of this inquiry and that it was not only JWs who were brought in to testify. The authorities wanted to investigate the different procedures which organizations were following in the past, so that they could close the legal gaps which still exist in the legal system.   Their report will definitely not conclude: the legal system has been remiss in providing  qualified investigators or psychologists to deal with reported  cases.  No, they will of course focus on large organizations who have been trying to deal with cases themselves for the past 40 years. You are also well aware that there are many organizations who have NOT even tried to deal with child abuse cases such as boy scouts and sports clubs, to name only two sectors of society. 

Mr. Rook we have been on this forum for about 2 years and you have been on threads which discuss child abuse and you must have seen at least one of my contributions which have highlighted the facts that there were no proper laws in place to get convictions in cases of child abuse.  Even if JWs told the police about these cases (without a law in place to compel reporting of the matter) the infrastructure in most first world countries was not in place to assist the child and get a testimony on camera with a proper psychologist to assure the child was not coached (in divorce cases).  And most importantly: to ensure the child does not become an awful victim for a second time  by being cross-examined in court and having to face the perpetrator in court - who often is someone they know and love.

Self-appointed social warriors like you, which advertise their overbearing sense of justice, are usually the ones who are insensitive and have not made sure of their facts regarding the victims of a crime.  The country you live in (USA, I presume) had laws, which protect the child, instituted as late as 2003..... yet people  like you and most reporters judge most large organizations by these new laws and do not compare it with the inadequate laws, which were in place for 40 years prior to that. 

In the late 70s there was an awakening in the press when people (for the fist time) started talking publically about child abuse.  Before this time the subject was taboo. It was the sex revolution of the 60s which made it possible for people to openly start talking about sex. Only much later, the first inefficient laws were put in place (in first world countries) but cases were rarely reported and cases rarely ended in conviction. Organizations who wished to confront the issue, handled it themselves.  Other organizations did not care because there were no proper laws in place to warrant a reporting of a crime.

When reporting became obligatory - only I some countries, large organizations were to stop handling it themselves..... yes, it is true our organization was slow to respond in these  countries because the laws are so different in many countries (and the taboo of talking about private things were still set in many peoples minds)....Our organization has rectified tis problem and we have legal representatives to advise on the various laws in each country.  Did you know - many countries now have laws in place BUT they are not even followed up by the police - even if reported. The elders still handle these cases to try to get justice for the victim and clean the congregation of wickedness.

Have you seen the scandals in the UK where people were reporting sex crimes against young teenagers to the police for the past 16 years and NOTHING happened because the police were afraid of being accused of racism/islamophobia? This year there has been some convictions of large sex rings because of the outcry........ ON the other hand - an old case which was badly handled by elders many years back before reporting was obligatory (child sex abuse is so difficult to prove as its nature is secret and perpetrators deny it - so special skills are needed to convict)  received unending coverage by the TV and press. 

Would you like your child to be interrogated by either a policeman or a psychologist if they are abused? Even today the psychologists /infrastructure is not always available to assist in many first world countries. In these old cases people complain that it was inadequately handled by elders.  At least they tried to help but could not find enough evidence.  As I said above... the nature of the crime is secret and it is hard to be sure without being an expert. One must be careful to judge these cases too quickly - especially in nasty divorce cases.  There are two sides to every case. In many of these old emerging cases I doubt the legal system would have got them a conviction either..... but at least they now have made BIG money off of it....

So, make sure of your facts before you accuse the Witnesses of injustice and condoning wickedness. As far as possible we try to remove the wicked one from amongst us.  And from my past experience regarding your comments on this forum - Mr. Rook, you are the first to condemn the witnesses for shunning the wicked ones who show no repentance. 


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