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Matt 24:14 Fulfilled?

Edward J

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I would like to hear the full talk and the name of the brother who gave it and where  

I think it was the main talk at the  2006 Special Assembly Day called "Be Intensely Occupied With God's Inspired Word." Rumor has it that the brother who gave it was "demoted" from his "district conve

(Matthew 9:37, 38) Then he said to his disciples: “Yes, the harvest is great, but the workers are few. 38 Therefore, beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.” Are we sa

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On 4/7/2017 at 8:52 AM, Edward J said:

Good Day friends 

I've recently received a voice note of a brother giving a talk and mentioned that the governing body feels that the prophecy in Matt 24:14 has been fulfilled.

I'll try to attach the file

Please let me know what you think

Thanks in advance my dear brothers and sisters


Who is the brother that gave the talk?

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Another Identifying Feature

9, 10. (a) By what work would God’s servants be identified in the last days? (b) How have Jehovah’s Witnesses fulfilled Matthew 24:14?

9 There is another way to identify God’s servants. In his prophecy about the world’s end, Jesus told of many things that would mark this period of time as the last days. (See Part 9.) A basic feature of this prophecy is mentioned in his words at Matthew 24:14: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.”

10 Have we seen that prophecy being fulfilled? Yes. Since the last days began in 1914, Jehovah’s Witnesses have preached the good news of God’s Kingdom throughout the world in the manner ordered by Jesus, namely, at the homes of the people. (Matthew 10:7, 12; Acts 20:20) Millions of Witnesses call on people in every nation to talk to them about the new world. This has led to your receiving this brochure, as the work of Jehovah’s Witnesses includes printing and distributing billions of pieces of literature about God’s Kingdom. Do you know of anyone else who preaches about God’s Kingdom from house to house throughout the world? And Mark 13:10 shows that this preaching and teaching work must be done “first,” before the end comes.

Does God Really Care About Us? Printing 2014 October

The New World’s Foundation Now Being Formed (part 11)


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The brochure Kirk quoted has hit the nail on the head so to speak.

The prophesy could be fulfilled and very likely is.

This is how I see all of this...

Matt 24:14 Says ......................... And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations,and THEN(not immediately after) the end will come.

How long after the good news has been preached to all the inhabited earth will the end come??? 

How long is "THEN"??


..........The prophesy could be fulfilled and very likely is...........



Goodness I said Kirk..Apologies brother


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8 hours ago, Tammie Nokes said:

I would like the same information as nothing official like that has been announced. Is the brother a Bethelite?

Good question. Sounds like he feels passionate about his view.

Couple of points that interested  me. First, he said that only 3 countries in the world have no Jehovahs Witnesses now: Somalia, North Korea, Afghanistan. Can anyone verify or corroborate this?

Second he said that now that the good news has been preached ( I won't take issue with that here), the very next prophecy to be fulfilled is Rev.17:15-17, the destruction of Babylon the Great. Is he right on this? Did I miss something? Recently I read the following in God's Kingdom Rules; Page 222-3; paras 3-4:

Precursor of “Sudden Destruction”
3 Proclaiming peace. In writing to the Thessalonians, the apostle Paul described the first development that we are awaiting. (Read 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3.) In this letter Paul mentions “Jehovah’s day,” which will begin with the attack on “Babylon the Great.” (Rev. 17:5) However, just before Jehovah’s day begins, nations will be saying, “Peace and security!” This expression may refer to one pronouncement or to a series of notable statements. Will religious leaders be involved? Since they are part of the world, they will possibly join the nations in saying, “There is peace!” (Jer. 6:14; 23:16, 17; Rev. 17:1, 2) This proclaiming of peace and security will signal that the day of Jehovah is about to begin. Enemies of God’s Kingdom “will by no means escape.”
4 How do we benefit from understanding the significance of this prophecy? Paul states: “You are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves.” (1 Thess. 5:3, 4) Unlike people in general, we discern where current events are heading. In exactly what manner will this prophecy about peace and security be fulfilled? We must wait and see how the world scene develops. Therefore, “let us stay awake and keep our senses.”—1 Thess. 5:6; Zeph. 3:8.

So, does this brother know something I don't know?


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According to the most recent yearbook, those 3 places are not listed. Either the witnesses there don't record their efforts because of the circumstances or there aren't any witnesses there at all. If the latter is the fact that doesn't mean The Word hasn't reached them either via social media or long distance families or friends. 

I don't feel comfortable sharing information from "the brothers at Bethel" unless it's announced from the podium but that's just me. ?

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On 4/8/2017 at 4:03 PM, Tammie Nokes said:

Who is the brother that gave the talk?

Bro. Rayford. 10 years ago. Nothing to see here.

An article in the 2006 Watchtower had just come out that said that Matthew 24:14 had already been fulfilled in Paul's day, and the end had already come, too:

  • *** w06 2/1 p. 24 pars. 11-12 “A Witness to All the Nations” ***
  • 11 Jehovah richly blessed the efforts of those and other zealous workers. Less than 30 years after Jesus foretold that there would be a witness to all the nations, Paul wrote that the “good news” had been “preached in all creation that is under heaven.” (Colossians 1:23) Did the end then come? In a sense, yes. It came upon the Jewish system of things in the year 70 C.E. when Roman armies destroyed Jerusalem along with the temple. Yet, Jehovah had determined that a far greater witness would be given before he would bring an end to Satan’s global system of things.

But there was no difference in the way that article spoke of the nearness of the fulfillment in our day, nothing about a complete fulfillment yet.

If I had to guess, Brother James Rayford is extrapolating from some comments that are heard from time to time by members of the Governing Body. The question comes up about whether Armageddon must wait until all nations have had a thorough witness. The answer is always, NO. And sometimes the verse in Colossians or another in Romans is used as a way of showing that 100% saturation is not necessary for the next items in the anticipated agenda to also be fulfilled. The point is that we can't wait and say that the end can't come yet, when Jesus said it could come any time. It's easy to misinterpret this somewhat if one wants to drive home a point about the closeness of the end.



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