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JW chef refuses to serve customer 'black pudding' in supermarket restaurant

Ann O'Maly

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Sainsbury's apologises after a customer was told he could not have black pudding in his Full English breakfast because the Jehovah's Witness chef would not prepare it

  • Alan MacKay told he could not enjoy black pudding at Nottingham store
  • He was offered a full refund and instead made his own breakfast at home
  • Supermarket giant said its chef had no issue serving bloodied sausage 
  • Chef took object to dish as Jehovah's Witness believe blood is sacrosanct 

By Alex Matthews For Mailonline

Published: 09:16, 24 March 2016 | Updated: 15:56, 24 March 2016


Sainsbury's has been forced to apologise after its Jehovah's Witness chef refused to serve a customer black pudding with his Full English breakfast.

Alan MacKay was stunned when he was told he could not enjoy the staple, made up of animal fat, blood and oatmeal, with his meal at the branch in Arnold, Nottingham.


After receiving his incomplete dish the former police officer was told the black pudding would not be served because it was against the religious beliefs of the chef to do so.

Missing: This is the Full English Alan MacKay should have received while dining at Sainsbury's in Nottingham

Missing: This is the Full English Alan MacKay should have received while dining at Sainsbury's in Nottingham

Jehovah’s Witness regard blood as sacrosanct and if an animal hasn’t been bled to their standards they won’t eat it. 


Mr MacKay, who had popped into the store after dropping his wife off at work at 9am, said:  'I know it sounds trivial, but it's the principal behind it that's ridiculous.

'If she refuses to cook black pudding because of her religion, what is she doing working in a kitchen that sells it? She shouldn't be employed if she won't cook the menu.


'I was really looking forward to my black pudding. You get a good breakfast in there.

'But when I went into the cafe to order my black pudding, like as I have done before, I went away hungry. I was really cheesed off.

'I came home and had my breakfast at 11.30am. I had crumpets, a poached egg and beans. I didn't buy black pudding because it's quite fatty so I only have it once a week or so.

'Sainsbury's does a wonderful black pudding, so that's why I was so disappointed. It's one of the few big stores that sells black pudding. Morrison's doesn't.'


 Mistake: A spokeswoman said Mr MacKay was forced to go without due to a mix up between the kitchen team

Mr MacKay said he was 'cheesed off' when he was not served his full meal at this Sainsbury's cafe because it usually serves up 'wonderful black pudding'

Mr MacKay said he was 'cheesed off' when he was not served his full meal at this Sainsbury's cafe because it usually serves up 'wonderful black pudding'

Mr MacKay was offered a refund by Sainsbury's who explained the error was down to a mix up between the kitchen team on duty.

A spokeswoman said a member of staff had misunderstood that the chef had asked them to prepare the black pudding, not that black pudding could not be served.

'We have apologised to the customer for the misunderstanding.' she added. 


Jehovah's Witnesses are a worldwide brotherhood amounting to over eight million members.

Jehovah's say that as Jesus Christ did not limit his kingdom to a certain part of the world, they do not allow themselves to be attached to a country, ethnicity or political belief system.

Members believe that the bible was inspired by God or 'Jehovah' and is completely historically accurate. As a result, if a theory clashes with the bible they believe it to be wrong.

Jehovah's do believe in Jesus, but they think he died on a stake rather than a cross. This is because of the Greek word used for cross in the bible which translates to 'stake' or 'tree'.

Members say that when someone dies their existence stops completely and as a result they do not believe in Hell. Their other reasoning for this is that God would not want to punish humans for eternity.

Members do not accept blood transfusions because they believe God has forbidden this in the bible (In particular making reference Genesis 9:3-4 and Acts 15:19-21).

Jehovah's say that God believes blood represents life, so out of respect and obedience they do not tamper with it.

Source: Jehovah’s Witnesses

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3507433/Sainsbury-s-apologises-customer-told-not-black-pudding-English-breakfast-Jehovah-s-Witness-chef-not-prepare-it.html#ixzz43qzjk9F2 

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Sainsbury's apologises after a customer was told he could not have black pudding in his Full English breakfast because the Jehovah's Witness chef would not prepare it Alan MacKay told he could

I  would  not  eat  anything  from  that  plate...  its  looking  unhealthy  and  unappetizing  ;-(

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3 minutes ago, Jay Witness said:


Hey....   we're  living  in  the  year  2016 !   hahaha...   But  I'm  sure,  in  the  old  time,  the  humans  of  sure  had  better  Food  and  more  healthy  than  today...    I  enjoyed  my  big  colored  salad - plate  to  dinner-time...  and  tmw  again  -  with  diff.  cheese  or  some  chicken  pieces,  or  some  salmon...  or, or, or....  h'mmm...

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When you think about it, if the restaurant was willing to cooperate with the JW, they had that right because it was their restaurant, or rather cafe!  They selected what was on the menu, and if they wanted to take it off the menu for the day, that is their right!  The public shouldn't make a huge issue about it, because the public doesn't have the right to demand that a store sell some product!  Maybe they valued the JW employee enough to compromise!  And whoever dealt with the many who didn't get his pudding (sob!), they had no business telling him:  "It is because the chef is a JW", they should have just said:  "It is not available today

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