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Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records is ready to commit a new world record for the number of letters written


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Translated from Russian so please excuse any inaccuracies  Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records is ready to commit a new world record for the number of letters written ?! What is

Love it!  Exactly what they are doing. Jesus said "All authority has been given me in heaven and earth. Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of

News don't mention it , still makes God happy to see we love our brothers   

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A great tribulation involving all mankind will occur before Armageddon. Conditions on earth will be severe and life threatening.

See following scripture:

*** Bible Citations ***

Matt 24:21-22:  "21 for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. 22 In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short."

Armageddon will not come when we are expecting it. See following scripture.

*** Bible Citations ***

Matthew 24: 42-44: "42 Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. 43 “But know one thing: If the householder had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have kept awake and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44 On this account, you too prove yourselves ready, because the Son of man is coming at an hour that YOU do not think to be it."

(1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) "5 Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written to you. 2 For you yourselves know very well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. 3 Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape. . ."


Just a reminder!!

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5 hours ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

@Anna..........just in case you wish to ask me may age...........I am 21...........But I am not quite sure, for how many years, I have said that????............a few..........quite a few more than I care to remember!!!

@John Lindsay Barltrop @Anna Then I'm 16! That's when I started my marriage! Ha! ?‍?????

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http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/charity/2016/7/patriotic-organization-in-us-sets-record-collecting-letters-for-military-personne-434844    CURRENT HOLDER A LITTLE OVER 100,000 LETTERS FROM GUINNESS  - LINK ABOVE

Patriotic organization in US sets record collecting letters for military personnelBy Christine CremonniPublished 07 July 2016
In the build up to Independence Day many Americans were seen demonstrating their national pride, and the US organisation National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) has set a new record doing so.
DAR has officially set the record for the Most letters to military personnel collected in one month with 100,904 letters collected on June 18, 2016 in Washington, DC.
Most letters to military personnel collected in one month record
Founded in 1890, DAR is a non-profit women’s volunteer service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, education, and historic preservation and this special attempt took place to celebrate the organisation’s 125th Continental Congress, at Constitution Hall.
Unequivocally, they chose to do something that would help support the active troops of the United States, and decided to collect support letters to send to the American troops overseas. This was a new record title, with the DAR being the first to attempt it.
The original goal was for a 10,000 letter collection, but people from all over the United States kept sending notes in, leading to the massive 100,904 letter collection.



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I  am  sure,  Jehovah  NEVER  wants  a  record  in  a  worldly  book !!   We  did  our  nice  work  with  that  ton's  of  letter's....  all  for  our  Brother's  in  Russia,  but  FIRST  for  Jehovah's  name  -  around  our  Earth !!     WHAT  A  WITNESS :D

THAT  WAS  THE  BEST   -   AND  NOT  SOME  WORD'S  IN  A  WORLDLY  BOOK.......     Thats  MY  opinion  to  the  Guinness - Book  theme !  Think  about  that  all  please,  bec.  WE  ARE  JEHOVAH'S  WITNESSES !!   That  book  is  full  of  worldly  records.....

---  We  never  can  get  an  exactly  letter  number,  not  possible ;-))  ---

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Jehovah's Witnesses have been in that book before for various things such as "Truth that leads to Eternal Life" and others. Here is what the Watchtower has said about this:


appreciation for: w81 5/1 32; w81 12/15 32; yb78 131; yb74 62; w70 136; w68 668; km 11/68 3
baptisms since release of: km 12/75 1
best-seller: yb80 144; g78 1/22 29; g73 9/22 8
Bible study folder: yb70 91; km 1/69 8; km 10/68 3; km 11/68 8; km 12/68 1
comment on, by Guinness Book of Records: g82 4/22 29


Anyway here is the email they sent me : 

"Thank you for getting in touch, we will review your information or feedback and will take it into consideration. We may not reply to you however due to the large volumes of correspondence we receive each day.

Please do not reply to this email. If you want to contact Guinness World Records about something else please visit our contact page.

Your sincerely

Guinness World Records

Hopefully when they look they will see people still tweeting about the letter writing. I gave them the #stopjwban and teh official website jw.org for more info on the campaign. Remember sister as the brothers just told me here we are to try and Witness at every opportunity we can. Mt 24:14

HERE IS THE GUINNESS SUGGESTION RECORD BOX IF MORE OF US APPLY WE MAY GET NOTICED. : http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/contact/record-suggestion-box

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Yup only Jehovah's Spirit could have accomplished an united effort by imperfect people to send out over 48,000,000 letters to Russia. May Jehovah be praised.


Branch Letter
Dear Kingdom Publishers:
All of us very much enjoy offering the Truth book in the field, and that will be our privilege once again in the month of May. We thought you would enjoy hearing of some of the things that have happened in connection with this remarkable publication.
Since the Truth book was released in the summer of 1968, how many copies have been printed? Eighty million in 92 languages! No other book explaining the Bible even approaches the circulation of the Truth book; in fact, it is mentioned in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Has it helped people to learn the truth? In 1968 the average number of publishers was 323,688 here in the United States; thus far this service year our peak is 577,362. Doubtless the vast majority of the 253,674 who have taken up the service of Jehovah since 1968 were assisted by a study of the Bible with the aid of the Truth book, and that is remarkable indeed.

Indeed our brothers were quite proud to mention it to encourage the entire association of our brothers in the world.

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The  most  people  we  win  by  preaching  and  now  the  jw.org  website  is  a  great  help !  But  through  the  Guinness-book ?  I  not  believe  that...  maybe  some,  yes  ok !  But  nobody  knows  the  exactly  count,  how  many  humans  come  to  us  about  the  Guinnes-book....

Thanks  for  your  detailed  answers  my  Brother.  Its  ok  for  me !

My  first  language  is  German,  so  I  not  want  a  longer  discussion / talk  here.

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   I agree with you and Jehovah can use even small things to praise him. Unfortunately I am unsure if they will even put it in since we have no authorized number but I did give them the brothers at Headquarters so if they want to they can try and obtain a number. Anyway have a nice evening and pray for our brothers in the morning trial. agape, Bruce

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Thank you...   Yes,  I  hope  we  will  praying  daily  for  all  our  Brother's & Sisters,  especially  for  these,  which  under  persecution  and  more :(  In  Eritrea  its  very  bad  for  our  Brothers !  NO  Memorial  bec. many  in  prinson ;-(   Not  all  could  make  a  ceremony  in  prison,  SO  sad.....  We're  all  free  here,  what  a  big  gift :)  I'm  very  greatful  for  all  that.  Thank you  JEHOVAH ❤  

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