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Jehovah’s Witnesses former members tell court they were subjected to ‘total control’

Guest Nicole

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23 minutes ago, Ann O'Maly said:



That's a bit extreme, don't you think?


"One of the three appeal court judges dissented — arguing that congregations are private organizations akin to bridge clubs, whose decisions 'are not enforceable promises and have limited, if any, impact outside its small circle.' "

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Yes, it is a bit extreme ... but when you find it necessary to discipline one person, and you destroy him, his family, and extended family relationships .. it is cruel, viscous, and callous.

It also creates an atmosphere of fear, internally, for fear that YOU MIGHT BE NEXT,.

A boy that was baptized at age 8 who grows up and chooses another path based on his conscience at age 20 gets his family ripped apart ... something that DID NOT happen between Ruth and Naomi, who lived in a family of mixed religions before the husband died, and they immigrated to Israel.

Jehovah's Witnesses are becoming known globally NOT as a people for His name ... but for their brazen, blatant cruelty and unreasonableness.   That is a FACT! 

That is why with BILLIONS of hours spent witnessing last year, Europe's JW growth last year was utterly pathetic, and in some countries there was actually a LOSS.

I personally was dragged into "Room 101" last year by three angry Elders who chewed me out for responding "Hello.." to someone who started a conversation with me. 

After the initial shock and stunned disbelief that this crap NEVER ENDS .... I have decided since then that I am going to be pleasant with ANYONE who is pleasant with me. I will not discuss Theology with them, but I will be openly courteous and friendly with all.

Remember, even Jesus sat down and ate with sinners and tax collectors who had rejected the old Jewish System, which was STILL supported by Jehovah God !

The head-shot cartoon is a bit extreme, but for those who have deep love for their families, it is LESS CRUEL than current JW standard practices.

.The head of the Australian Royal Commission was flabbergasted that the Australian Branch head, under specific questioning about that .... did not understand that elementary fact.

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no no @Nicole .... I do not think so, :/ because if a brother is trained to become elder, perhaps he has to learn how to operate that machine first, 

and I have 2 more other things to say .... 


1 . is it a special software that THIS FORUM uses ?? O.o because I can not get my mind away from this forum !!


2  "total control" ? = is this like "mind control" ? .... I think this "brain-control" DOES NOT work, if you have no brains ... :S

this means If I loose my mind with:/ this FORUM here, there is no possibility that my mind will be controlled, because I had already lost it here (with this FORUM).... 

(oh O.owhat did I just say? am I loosing my mind? :S)

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