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Vasily Kalin: "I got a certificate of a victim of political repression. And what kind of certificate does the Justice Ministry want to provide me today? "


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Vasily Kalin: "I got a certificate of a victim of political repression. And what kind of certificate does the Justice Ministry want to provide me today? "

April 11, 2017

Text explanations which 7 April 2017 addressed to the Supreme Cude Russia Vasily Kalin of the Steering Committee of "Jehovah's Witnesses Administrative Center in Russia."


Dear court! I'm not a lawyer, so I will try to speak in simple words, simple expressions make it clear to you, dear court, as well as to the distinguished representative of the Ministry of Justice.

The Ministry of Justice appealed to you March 15, 2017 to recognize the extremist and eliminate immediately all the religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. A lot of them - this is one centralized organization and 395 local religious organizations throughout Russia. Is this legal? I think not. Management center does not agree with the statements of Justice as extremist activities not carried out and does not perform at the moment.

Over the 26 years of official existence of the organization as a legal entity Administrative Center never prosecuted for violation of any provisions of the Federal Law "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations" and the Federal Law "On Countering Extremist Activity". If so, then I, the chairman of the governing body, the question arises: if we were good 26 years and have not committed crimes, then I wonder what day we become extremists? That the Administrative Center has done such that it requires to eliminate? Personally, I'm in a suit of the Ministry of Justice did not find the answer to this question.

The Ministry of Justice claims that the statement of claim filed in order to strengthen the rule of law and the prevention of violations of state and public security, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as to counter extremist activities. Where are these grim facts? I do not argue that the struggle against extremism is really important and noble goal. But the fact that the appreciation of the Ministry of Justice claims the state does not reach the stated goals, and just the opposite - a violation of believers' rights, violation of their freedom and return to the dark past. It is violated the rule of law under Article 4 th of the Constitution, and caused significant damage to legitimate rights, freedoms and interests of more than 175 000 citizens of the Russian Federation - men, women and children.

In addition, the satisfaction of the requirements of the Ministry of Justice will further strengthen the repression of Jehovah's Witnesses on religious grounds, which have already begun. In fact, the court's decision on the Elimination of all religious communities of Jehovah's Witnesses will be interpreted as the enforcers nationwide ban on the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses in the announcement of their peaceful worship criminal. As a result, tens of thousands of believers will undergo illegal persecution only because they will be gathered together to read the Bible, and we have already passed such.

Even now, before the pronouncement of the Supreme Court decision in the case, on the basis of the order of Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 15, 2017 the activities of the Administrative Center suspended the organization bank accounts blocked, and therefore the Administrative Center is not able not only to continue normal business operations but also to pay a state fee. Administrative Center of the Ministry of Justice has submitted the list of terrorists and extremists, and put on a par with such organizations as the "Al-Qaeda", the movement "Taliban", Aum, and many others.

We have heard the representative of the Ministry of Justice, acting without blinking said that Jehovah's Witnesses are extremists, that is, criminals, and it is in a lawsuit. The very fact that the Ministry of Justice submitted meet the claim will be the epitome of extremism, gross injustice and a return to the days of the Soviet Union, when thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses were subjected to brutal persecution, were placed in the Gulag and forever referred to Siberia only because Jehovah's Witnesses practice a religion. In modern history, no state of law did not allow himself such acts against its people. In contrast, Jehovah's Witnesses legally operate in more than 240 countries and territories, including all European countries, and has a worldwide reputation respected, peaceful and law-abiding people.

Dear court! You have the power and the legal basis to make of the administrative case solution, which will show that the persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia on charges of extremism should be stopped. Fair, honest and lawful decision in the case can be only one - the failure to satisfy the claim of the Ministry of Justice.

Jehovah's Witnesses have never been extremists, they are not of today. Their beliefs are contrary to the manifestation of hatred, hostility and violence. It is a peaceful, honest, respectable members of society and the state, who follow the biblical commandment to fulfill the prayers, supplications and prayers, thanksgiving for all men, for kings, for all those in authority, to conduct our lives a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty. This is a quote from the Bible, the message of the Apostle Paul to Timothy, chapter 2, verses 1-2 minutes. Also in the Bible, the apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans, chapter 13, verse 1 says that every soul be subject unto the higher powers, for there is no authority except from God. Hence, Jehovah's Witnesses, obeying the instructions of the Bible, showing deep respect for the power and show respect and love for people. They are not extremists.

The history of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia more than 100 years. During this time there was no occasion when Jehovah's Witnesses called for violence, subversion or otherwise threatening state security. In contrast, Jehovah's Witnesses, as before, and now often receive praise from the government for their good deeds for the benefit of society. Their religious communities the authorities handed over the written letters and gratitude, many of them here, and something given in court.

Christian doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses is based solely on the Bible and does not contain listed in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On countering extremist activities" of extremism, not calls for extremist action. The data on the basic creeds draws attention to the fact that believers treat other people the way they want to be treated with them. This is a quote from the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 7, verse 12. And Jehovah's Witnesses have always adhered to and adhere to the principles of peace is today. And the spread of faith stems from a desire to do the will of God, which is also recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, the 24th chapter, 14th verse, and the desire to help others draw closer to God, to find hope of everlasting life on a paradise earth. Court provided these documents.

During the Soviet Union, when the government led a relentless struggle against dissent, Jehovah's Witnesses, along with believers of other faiths were brutally persecuted just because they read the Bible, based on the prints it, and confessed their biblical views. In 1951, thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses, Soviet civilians were deported to Siberia forever. All property of the faithful, their homes, belongings, livestock have been confiscated. In the future, hundreds of believers have been convicted on charges of anti-Soviet activities and served his sentence in the Gulag system. Question: For what? Only for the fact that professed beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses and followed the biblical commandments.

My family and I have also gone through the political repression during the same thing as what we are accused today, but then we have been rehabilitated. I was born on February 5, 1947 in Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk region. And 8 April 1951 at the age of 4 with his family - his parents, his grandmother, two older brothers and sister - we were exiled to Siberia forever, in the Irkutsk region. They drove us dirty freight cars more than 20 days in inhumane conditions in which animals are transported normally. There were men, women, children, no toilets, no food, no different conditions.

Our exile in Siberia was connected with Stalin's decree and concerned people who profess the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. My parents were Jehovah's Witnesses. But for me it was an interesting one circumstance of this case: my parents, as well as any of Jehovah's Witnesses, to be expelled at the time, I could have avoided this fate. We had to make just a small thing - to abandon the faith, to sign the document of renunciation. Interestingly, if you are a criminal and so you shall be subject to severe punishment, it is unlikely someone the opportunity presents itself. But the opportunity was given Jehovah's Witnesses, and only because they were not criminals. Clearly, Jehovah's Witnesses at the time also did not commit any crime, but were persecuted.

The state simply did not like the position of these people, which is very different from the alien people the ideology of building a godless society. Exiled in Siberia Jehovah's Witnesses have also continued to study the Bible, telling others about what is written in it. Despite the further unleashing of terror and persecution, slander against these innocent people, Jehovah's Witnesses lost their deep convictions, they were angry, did not rebel against their oppressors. They continue to be honest, highly moral, decent people, to show love and respect for all people around, regardless of their beliefs, the nation and the origin. Why? Because they are highly honored the law of God "to love your neighbor as yourself."

Today, nothing has changed. Yes, my childhood was spent largely in poverty, hunger, humiliation, ridicule, because I grew up baby enemies. How would you react, dear court, the fact if a five-year child asks for bread from his mother, and his mother turned away, so that the child did not see her tears, and said: "Son, be patient a little bit, we will soon be a lot of bread." And this kid, who requested a piece of bread ... I've been thinking, how much we will have plenty of bread? Likely, a whole loaf! This weeping woman was my mother. This child asking for a piece of bread, I was.

The question is: why? For what these people were in such poverty? For what crime these children were deprived of the joy of his childhood, a simple piece of bread and a free life? And, of course, I then, the younger boy, it was very difficult to compare the reality with the humiliating propaganda of the time of a happy childhood given to us a great country. And what about the lies that generously showered these innocent honest workers? In my school years, I sometimes felt like an outcast.

Judge asked to speak closer to the point.

Kalin: Dear court, I did not want to do advertising his family and himself. I wanted to show an example of the past, that we return to the same today. Because today is what is already happening, even that claim went to the Supreme Court on the Elimination of Jehovah's Witnesses, we are already seeing a lot of what is happening today. Today, as many people, or some people, already prejudiced against Jehovah's Witnesses, already persecution and ridicule students in the school, already collect lists of places of Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. Therefore, if today to follow the path that invites us to the Ministry of Justice - to eliminate the Administrative Center, to eliminate all the local religious organization in Russia, there will be the same.

I really liked the words of one official, who said to me: 'Vasily Mikhailovich, a legal entity can be eliminated, but faith - no. " How to think the Department of Justice, fulfilling their desire to eliminate Jehovah's Witnesses, do we give up their actions, their faith? Never. But what happens? That is what has happened in Russia, such as the judicial process in Taganrog. Already people have received formal imprisonment, people have been convicted and their families also suffered a lot of persecution. Therefore, looking at the whole situation, which takes place today, of course, a pity that we are returning to that state.

For example, I have a strange question: I have received a certificate as a victim of political repression. I once was a criminal, as well as my parents. Then this charge removed from me. And what a witness today the Ministry of Justice wants to give these people they call extremists? What actions, what actions of Jehovah's Witnesses held their equate to those who commit crimes today?

Therefore, I believe that the lawsuit, which was filed by the Ministry of Justice, returns back and demands to deprive them of the right to profess together the Jehovah's Witnesses faith in God. Otherwise, we face harsh prison sentences, and possibly subsequent complaints. If in the years Jehovah's Witnesses USSR judged on the basis of vague articles of the Criminal Code on anti-Soviet activities, today the basis for the prosecution of (a) the same number of uncertain and vague article anti-extremist legislation. However, I said, Jehovah's Witnesses have never posed a threat to the state either in the past or now, and they do not provide such a threat in the future.

Turning to the representative of the Ministry of Justice, I would like to remind you: the requirement to eliminate the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia outlaw those people who wish you and all citizens of Russia peace, happiness and love. I hope that the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation will not allow the Ministry of Justice to bring back those shameful pages of history, which I and many other Russians of my age had to endure. Therefore, the claim of the Ministry of Justice asking to refuse. Many thanks.

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