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I received this picture! Work is still being done. Much Love ❤️  #LoveOneAnother? #LoyalLove #peace #paradise #JesusChrist #JehovahGod #jehovahswitnesses #prayforrussia #Prayforoneanother? #GodsK

I ask you...........who would have thought this headline in Real News One to be true; Russian Govt Seeks To Criminalise Jehovah’s Witnesses Using Anti-Extremism Law – Attempt Backed By Russian Or

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I ask you...........who would have thought this headline in Real News One to be true;

Russian Govt Seeks To Criminalise Jehovah’s Witnesses Using Anti-Extremism Law – Attempt Backed By Russian Orthodox Church

I mean to say, backed by the ROC!!!!!............BUT, we as Jehovah's people, know the answer to that, with some particularly salient points mentioned in Chapters 17 and 18 of Revelation........and of course the FINAL outcome. 

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@John Lindsay Barltrop We know what's next? Let God's Kingdom come! Jehovah will forever love the faithful. His Loyal Love is NEVER SHORT! Soon more proof coming of church and state. We are living in exciting fulfillment of Bible prophecies being fulfilled. Thank you for your comments. Jehovah Bless you! ???

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#Repost @racebeatermusic

He Will Make You Strong

I specifically dedicate this beautiful song to our brothers and sisters in Russia. During these difficult times with the Russian authorities they have maintained their loyalty to Jehovah but we know this strength and endurance only comes from Jehovah. So let us keep them in our persistent prayers and imitate their faith. #russia #GodsKingdom #LoveOneAnother? #LoveofJehovah #prayforrussia

Click on musical video enjoy!



#Repost @conisnchz

You must know all brothers in Rusia ?? that all the brotherhood is prying for you , we hope you can feel our Christian love ❤️ and you must remember that if they punish us for our faith we must be glad . We love you and we are prying to All of you keep strong ?? ❤️ Будьте бодры, стойки и твёрды

 Другой вид

(1 Коринфянам 16:13)


1. Будьте бодры, укрепляйтесь,

Стойте в вере до конца.

И вперёд смотрите смело,

Ведь победа так близка!

Мы послушны нашему Царю,

Словно войско, мы стоим в строю.


Будьте бодры, стойки и твёрды!

До конца пройдите путь!

2. Будьте стойки, признавая,

Что Христос над всем глава,

И с готовностью внимайте

Наставлению раба.

Нас старейшины в любви пасут,

Руководство и совет дают.


Будьте бодры, стойки и твёрды!

До конца пройдите путь!

3. Будьте твёрды, чтоб в единстве

Весть благую защитить.

Хоть противник ополчился,

Но ему нас не сломить.

Вознесём от нас Творцу хвалу,

Возвестим, что близок Божий суд.


Будьте бодры, стойки и твёрды!

До конца пройдите путь!

(Смотри также Матф. 24:13; Евр. 13:7, 17; 1 Пет. 5:8.) #jwrussia #stopjwban #stopjwbaninrussia #weloveourbrothersinrussia

Moving Video click on it ✔️


#Repost @fatchoi27
#stopjwban #stopjwbaninrussia #Jw #jwrussia #jwmeeting #jwsisters #jwbrothers #jwbrotherhood #jwworldwide #jworganization #jwworldwidebrotherhood #jwbrotherhoodworldwide #biblestudy #preach #preaching #thegoodnews #goodnewsofgreatjoy


#Repost @missmelanie.93
La Primera Conmemoración en Ruso.


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Hello  @Bible Speaks

We  keep  our  Russian  Brothers  since  a  long  time  into  our  prayers...  and  we  had  little  success,  bec. the  11. April  :)  Jehovah  heard  our  many  prayers ❤   Alot  more  bad  just  now  for  our  Brothers  in  Eritrea  and  other  countries :(  NOT  forget  just  now  these  Brothers  TOO ❤

We  are  all  still  so  free  here....  but  our  bad  time  will  come,  I  think  so  -  Lets  keep  tight  to  our  congregation !


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 The incomparable differences in these two photographs reminds me of the following scriptures: 1.) (Luke 12:4, 5) 4 Moreover, I say to you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body and after this are not able to do anything more. 5 But I will show you whom to fear: Fear the One who after killing has authority to throw into Ge·henʹna. Yes, I tell you, fear this One. 
2.) (Isaiah 54:17) 17 No weapon formed against you will have any success, And you will condemn any tongue that rises up against you in the judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of Jehovah, And their righteousness is from me,” declares Jehovah.

3.) (2 Corinthians 10:4) 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things. 

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JW  NEVER  use  a  weapon !!!!   We  learned  that...   but  many  World - humans  using  also  NO  weapon !  Jehovah  will  look  into  all  humans  hearts,  then  HE  will  decide  before  Armageddon. We  need  no  fear,  when  we  have  a  pure, straight  and  clean  conscience :) 


19 holding faith and a good conscience, which some have thrust aside, resulting in the shipwreck of their faith.

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