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Is the USA Preparing for World War III?

Queen Esther

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12 hours ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

So now, reform your ways and your actions and obey the voice of Jehovah your God, and Jehovah will change his mind concerning the calamity that he has spoken against you.

It’s based on each person’s obedience to God, isn’t it?

If a stumbling block is placed in our path of following Christ and the Father, what do we do?  Do we stop and expect God to remove it, or does he expect us to remove it?  People can create stumbling blocks before us through the coercion of theories and say it comes from God.  We, too, can form our own stumbling block by throwing up our hands and shutting down any progress to obey God completely, when we hear and heed those we have allowed to rule over us say, “wait on Jehovah”. 

There are many who believe they are obeying God completely, because others tell them they are, but this obedience to the Father and the Son is up to each one of us to discern.  Many, many, in the day that Christ returns will be surprised. 

“On that day many will say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in Your name, drive out demons in Your name, and do many miracles in Your name?’  Then I will announce to them, ‘I never knew you! Depart from Me, you lawbreakers!’”  Matt 7:22

Jesus said these words after telling his followers that they must “test the fruit” – the teachings.  If a “tree”, symbolic for God’s anointed ones, carries bad fruit, it is cut down and burned in the fire. (Rev 22:2; Ezek 47:12; Zech 4:3; Matt 3:10) There is no mixing of fruit, if it isn’t entirely good, it is entirely bad.  Mat 7:18-20  If we tolerate any “evil” deeds, we are condoning them and are just as guilty.  Jer 26:3-6

This is why Jesus also said,

 “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because I tell you, many will try to enter and won’t be able  once the homeowner gets up and shuts the door. Then you will stand outside and knock on the door, saying, ‘Lord, open up for us!’ He will answer you, ‘I don’t know you or where you’re from.’  Then you will say, ‘We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets!’  But He will say, ‘I tell you, I don’t know you or where you’re from. Get away from Me, all you workers of unrighteousness!’”  Luke 13:23-27



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10 hours ago, JW Insider said:

But mentally we must understand that Jesus is the bread from heaven and that his blood means life for us. Whether we put the glass to our lips or add our saliva to a piece of bread and swallow it during a ritual is not what is truly important. Besides, if we hold to an earthly hope, then we would merely be confusing others who might take our participation as a declaration that we are of a heavenly hope.


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What about the quotes in the Greek scriptures from the Hebrew scriptures.... must Jehovah's name be taken out there too? I am merely following through on your thoughts and criticisms.

One either accepts the name Jehovah and give it the honor it deserves (wherever and whenever you can) or one does not.

One can get mired down in little details and lose sight of the big picture: - that it is important to acknowledge the true god's name whenever you can.  In my studies of the Bible I have found that many humans equate Jehovah on a level with Jesus (because of his death and ransom) but this is very wrong because Jehovah is supreme and all else are merely his 'creations'. Jesus is the firstborn of all creation (Col1:15). Jehovah was the one who sent Jesus to the earth and it was ultimately Jehovah's kindness that made it possible for Jesus to come. "for god (Jehovah) so much loved the world that he sent his only begotten son." he loved us while we were sinners and prepared a body for Christ that would be sacrificed.  Jehovah used his spirit to put the life of Jesus in the womb of Mary. (phil: 2)

This is why the name he chose for himself and the meaning of the name is so important. When one studies the bible one sees that he is in reality so high that we cannot fathom anything about him except what our human frailty allows us to see and what he has allowed to be written about himself as well as the restoration of his purpose concerning the earth.

The entire Hebrew scriptures is dedicated to Jehovah and his plans (purpose for mankind's future) and Israel was chosen to bring forth the messiah (Jesus has a genealogy of 2025 years).  Israel was a nation dedicated to Jehovah and were severely punished because they brought other gods before Jehovah.  They were a dedicated nation to Jehovah and were supposed to love Jehovah with their whole heart (as Jesus said).

Jesus did not come to criticize the scholars of his time and their actions to remove Gods name... The bible shows in John 17 that he had made the name of god known everywhere he went... He knew the scholars were white washed graves - so he did not answer the Pharisees at all  - unless there were others present who could benefit by his answer.  Jesus taught about the future Kingdom and Jehovah gave him holy spirit to heal people as a sign that God has sent him. The Pharisees  turned against Jesus when he called himself the 'son" of God.

Do you acknowledge the name Jehovah, Jahweh or Jehwah or any of the acceptable forms of the name or do you throw out the cat with the bathwater and sit with the empty dish?

The Bible is one entity - one cannot throw the Hebrew scriptures away - because this is the "timeline" of how Jehovah has been working throughout the ages toward his purpose of appointing a future government that would rectify all the problems on earth - which also included the ransom sacrifice that came exactly when Jehovah predicted it in the prophecies in Daniel.

Jesus is going to hand his Kingdom back to god/father (Jehovah) when he has completed the job he was anointed for, namely to bring mankind back to perfection and make the earth into a beautiful paradise like Jehovah originally intended. 1 Cor 15:24. Eph 1:9  Jesus is the guarantee that Jehovah's plans are going to be fulfilled.  The honor and glory ultimately belong to Jehovah the creator. Rev 4:11

By the way in the New World translation there is a segment which shows that there are fragments of the Septuagint (translation of the Hebrew scriptures into Greek) which were found in the 20th century - which was available during the time of Jesus - which contained the Tetramagrammaton -JHWH- written in Hebrew letters. So when Jesus quoted from this he definitely used the name Jehovah.




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56 minutes ago, Micah Ong said:

The main point @JW Insider is not to add or take from the scriptures as the NWT has done.

I assume that at least part of this previous post was directed at me. You know that the subject of Jesus' divinity, Christology/Soteriology is too involved to discuss under this heading. Another place would be fine.

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Japanese destroyers join US strike group amid tensions on Korean Peninsula

Japanese destroyers join US strike group amid tensions on Korean Peninsula
FILE PHOTO. U.S. Navy and Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force ships. © U.S. Navy / Reuters
Two Japanese Navy destroyers have joined the carrier strike group ‘USS Carl Vinson’ heading towards the Korean Peninsula for a massive show of force as North Korea prepares to mark the 85th anniversary of the foundation of its military.

The Japanese warships, destroyers ‘Ashigara’ and ‘Samidare’, left the navy’s Sasebo base early on Friday for a rendezvous with the ‘USS Carl Vinson’ group off North Korean shores, NHK reports.

Defense Ministry officials said the details of the joint US-Japan naval exercise are yet to be determined. The drill comes as an apparent show of force aimed at deterring North Korea, which will mark the 85th anniversary of the foundation of its military next week.

Though little is known about the naval exercise, the event was announced by the Japanese Navy earlier last week.

“Japan wants to dispatch several destroyers as the ‘Carl Vinson’ enters the East China Sea,” said one of the Japanese military sources, as cited by Reuters.

The source added that the drills would involve helicopter landings on both American and Japanese ships as well as communications training.

The American strike group includes Nimitz-class aircraft carrier ‘USS Carl Vinson’ with her air wing, Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers ‘USS Wayne E. Meyer’ and ‘USS Michael Murphy’, as well as Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser ‘USS Lake Champlain’.

The strike group will operate in the region under the operational control of the 3rd Fleet as part of the 3rd Fleet Forward initiative, according to the US Navy. 

Its arrival to the Western Pacific was marked by a string of conflicting statements from the White House and the Pentagon. Last week, US President Donald Trump told Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo that “we are sending an armada, very powerful. We have submarines, very powerful – far more powerful than the aircraft carrier.”

The news, however, was downplayed by US military officials after it emerged that the strike group was heading to Australia instead of the Korean Peninsula. Some American media reported that the USS Carl Vinson and her escort ships were operating near Indonesia.

Earlier this week, a senior White House official accused the military of misleading the president and his team about the deployment of the ‘Carl Vinson’, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Defense Secretary James Mattis provided a rather vague statement, saying: “The Vinson, as I’ve said on the record, was operating up and down the western Pacific … And that is, we’re shifting her, instead of continuing one direction as she pulled out of Singapore she’s going to continue part of our cruise down in that region, but she was on her way up to Korea.”

The latest flare-up in tension between the US and North Korea has been triggered by reports that the state was about to conduct its sixth nuclear test or fire a nuclear-capable ballistic missile. Washington threatened to solve the ‘North Korean problem’ unilaterally, arguing that Pyongyang poses a threat to US interests in the region.

North Korea said it was ready to defend itself with all means available, including weapons of mass destruction. In a series of extraordinary statements, China, North Korea’s main trading partner and ally, warned that the region was on the brink of an all-out war.

Russia, which shares a land border with the hermit state, urged all parties to refrain from the use of military force.

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The MOAB was a costly exercise about nothing .....Trump playing with his Dinky-Toys like a little kid,

It killed 30 + people and probably mobilized the minds of 1000's more pro-Islamists to take up their crazy cause.

God Reveals His Purpose by the Fulfillment of Prophecy.

Having had egg on their faces so many times in the past for trying to play prophet or predictors / preemptors of Bible events it would be good for such ones to Wait on Him.

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@Micah Ong We must put complete confidence in Our Lord Jesus as Head of the Congregations. Jehovah will bring justice soon!  ? Keep advancing the Kingdom. He is now dissolving all things that are false so we have no fear Jehovah is near! We need this strong faith to survive this. 'Keep commenting and encouraging one another' Agape,          Bible Speaks ???

I posted yesterday on North Korea. Elections are coming tomorrow and the people are starting to revolt against the present ruler, very interesting to watch what happens next? 

As information of the outside world begins to trickle into the people of North Korea following the recent defections from high-ranking North Korean officials, the nation begins to revolt and rise up against their leader, Kim Jong Un.




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4 minutes ago, Arauna said:


I see my comment and the question someone asked me is not longer here?


Arbitrary deletion perhaps, as I have experienced. I found my deleted posts under my profile. They seem to still remain there. I was miffed because I had received reputation as well :(

It felt like the Russians had got me!  :)

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It was about Jehovah's name and then he asked me why I said what I said about Russel as the preparation messenger.  I think this person is not a Witness so I thought I will take the time to answer it.

I think the Russians just got me too ... or maybe North Korea nuked me!

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