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Russian Watchtower

Guest Kurt

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From time to time I’ve good-naturedly poked fun at the Watch Tower Society members who used to visit with some frequency. I don’t belittle anyone’s belief system, however. Believers of any faith are generally sincere and certainly entitled to follow the dictates of their own consciences and reasoning. Still, as John Cale sings, “nothing frightens me more, than religion at my door.” Some of us prefer to keep our religious preferences private, while musing publicly about the wider world of religious diversity. The Jehovah’s Witnesses have come to mind again because of an article in the New Jersey Star-Ledger my wife clipped out for me. According to Amanda Erickson, writing for the Washington Post, Russia has now classified the Witnesses as religious extremists. She points out the irony since the Watch Tower Society is officially a pacifist group, opposed to any violence. It’s difficult to radicalize a pacifist.


I’m not at home enough any more to be here when the Jehovah’s Witnesses stop by. I know they still come because I can see their tracts. There is a Witness who occasionally stands outside my gate at the Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York. He stands, patiently smiling, next to the entrance holding up the Watchtower while anxious commuters and day trippers give him nary a glance. He seems like a nice guy to me. Always neatly dressed. One day I noticed him commenting to a New Jersey Transit employee that a particular denizen of the Post Authority was acting oddly. He was right, and, as a daily user of that facility, I know it takes quite a lot to earn that kind of notice. Ports, after all, bring in many with diverse outlooks on life.

What’s behind the Russian rage against the “extremist activities” of a peace-loving sect? I suspect the real problem has to do with the fact that Jehovah’s Witnesses are so typically American. And, like the Mormons, a fairly successful New Religious Movement. Religions, it seems, do grow a bit stale with age. Once in a while, something new comes along and revitalizes old systems of belief. Russia, however, is not the Port Authority. There is a repression there that is the envy of New Jersey Transit and every other carrier, I’m sure. Right, United? If only people would conform. Wouldn’t we all be happier if everyone else just believed like us? I’m not sure that history concurs on that point. Perhaps the safest alternative is to remain private. You don’t, however, grow a religion that way. If Russia wishes to inherit these States, they’ll need to learn a bit about the joys of religious diversity. Pacifism is a risk you have to take.


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I think it is amazing that Jehovah's Witnesses, as a rule, are not JUST Neutral .. but also Pacifists ... BECAUSE JESUS WAS NOT, AND IS NOT NOW A PACIFIST !

Remember, Jesus, in order to establish his Kingdom in the face of nations that don't want to lose THEIR Kingdoms, will execute most of the Earth's population that would be in rebellion against THEIR loss of sovereign power. For those in Rio Linda, that means kill them allllll ...almost.

The Apostles were with Jesus for at least several years, and it was common practice back then for men to be armed at all times.

You could tell the men who were NOT armed .. they were the ones who had been robbed of their money and clothing, and if they survived the robbery, were walking around naked, begging for bread. 

In LUKE 22:36, Jesus, to forestall being executed on the spot by an illegal arresting party who were violating Jewish law by taking him during the night time, AT THE FIRST MEMORIAL told 'them" ( that means ALL his Apostles, for those in Rio Linda ...) to buy swords, but two APOSTLES already had their personal swords WITH THEM in the room AT THE MEMORIAL!

Jesus then said "It is enough..", because  an armed battle was not anticipated ... Jesus knew that bullies and cowards, and criminal lawbreakers would back off when met with armed resistance, while breaking the law.

It is a natural.... NATURAL right of every thing that lives to defend their lives, safety and interests IF they chose to do so, and if they can manage it.... from an amoeba poked in the side with a needle, to a whale shot in the side with a harpoon, to a man stuck in the side with a sword.

Did you  think that Jesus never noticed his Apostles were carrying swords, and those that were Fishermen had not left their fishing knives in their boats at the water to be stolen?

Common sense interpretation of scripture IN CONTEXT works a lot better than theology generated by lawyers.

.... unless of course you LIKE being a professional victim.

.PS: Those who live by the automobile, die by the automobile .. I personally know almost a dozen brothers and sisters who over the years were killed because they drove their 2,000 pound weapons of mass destruction, and they died .  Yet ... they CHOSE to drive their cars and trucks ... knowing that "STUFF HAPPENS" ( to paraphrase)..

And fishermen, tent makers and doctors do NOT LIVE BY THE SWORD.  Soldiers "live by the sword...".






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