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BREAKING NEWS - The Bethel Central will be closed and the 395 local religious organizations will be dissolved ;-(

Queen Esther

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Yes,  its  now  sad  for  our  many  Brothers  &  Sisters   But  Jehovah  will  soon  find  a  good  way  out !  I  am  sure,  bec.  HE  always  did  in  the  past  ;-))  I  trust  HIM ❤   Jehovah

I am really touched by this development.  Active preaching helps to refine our individual faith.  I believe Jehovah will make a way for our dear brothers and sisters.  As we ALL pray, may HIS will be

So Sad for our brothers in Russia ,may Jehovah.s Holy Spirit Sustain you

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All this new developments in Russia makes me see that we are actually in a true religion, remember what Jesus said in John 17:16" they are no part of the world,just as i m no part of the world", that is why they hate us.  so brothers and sisters we have to remember that in one way or the other, all bible prophecies have to be fulfilled before Armagedon. John 15:20b says "if they have persecuted me,they will also persecute you".it is very painful but it has to happen. So brothers in Russia Jehovah is with you don't give up. 

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  Yes I have had the experience lately of informing my Bible Studies of the developments in Russia and two of them have come to the conclusion that Jehovah's Witnesses are the true religion. Both of them stated the fact that as such a small religion yet getting this kind of attention and the fact that the Witnesses being the first to be put under ban by decision of the Supreme Court in Russia.and then seeing the Bible prophecies [also had them watch the JW Broadcast video] and the fact that opposers and anti-cultist have been behind it all was enough to help them see that Jehovah's Witnesses must be the true religion. Praise Jehovah since he can turn even negative news into a Witness. 

 "And you will be brought before governors and kings  for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations". MATT. 10:18

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21 hours ago, Onah uchenna said:

Dear Queen Esther,  Merci beaucoup.  I am thrilled by your positive comments.  As I read your comments to our dear brothers and sisters in Russia, I am motivated as well.  Please keep it up my dear sister.  We don't have any other option than to be righteous and faithful waiting for God's time.

Thank  you  very  much  my  dear  Brother,  Onah uchenna  ;-)  You  gave  me  a  nice  feeling  for  going  on :)  Its  not  ever  easy.....  :(  Your  comment  will  give  me  little  more  power  for  a  time !  Thanks  again

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@bruceq  Yes I have had the experience lately of informing my Bible Studies of the developments in Russia and two of them have come to the conclusion that Jehovah's Witnesses are the true religion. Both of them stated the fact that as such a small religion yet getting this kind of attention and the fact that the Witnesses being the first to be put under ban by decision of the Supreme Court in Russia.and then seeing the Bible prophecies [also had them watch the JW Broadcast video] and the fact that opposers and anti-cultist have been behind it all was enough to help them see that Jehovah's Witnesses must be the true religion. Praise Jehovah since he can turn even negative news into a Witness. 

 "And you will be brought before governors and kings  for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations". MATT. 10:18

Truth is spoken! Let the picture prove true!!


@bruceq Can I quote you on a post? 


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   Recently I have come to the conclusion that since Jehovah's Witnesses have growth like a fire that the ROC and anti-cultist apostates thought they could put us out by pouring GAS on this fire. But the result unknown to them will be that we wIl EXPLODE WITH MANY NEW HUNGRY ONES WHO ARE DISGUSTED WITH THE PRACTICES OF THESE RELIGIOUS HYPOCRITES. AS THE WORLD IS NOW GETTING THIS GREAT WITNESS AND WILL CONTINUE TO AS BROTHER SANDERSON SAID.


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Holy Spirit’s Role in the Future

In the future, Jehovah will employ his holy spirit in remarkable ways to accomplish the fulfillment of his purpose. Consider first the matter of protection. As we have seen, Jehovah used his spirit in the past to protect individuals as well as the nation of Israel as a whole. 

Hence, we have every reason to believe that he will use that same powerful spirit to protect his people during the approaching great tribulation. 

We need not speculate about exactly how Jehovah will care for us then. Rather, we can look to the future with confidence, knowing that lovers of Jehovah will never be hidden from his view or beyond the reach of his holy spirit.—2 Chron. 16:9; Ps. 139:7-12.

Let us never forget that Jehovah’s unfolding purpose is certain to succeed, for he uses his holy spirit—the most powerful force in the universe—to carry it out. That purpose involves you. Therefore, let it be your firm determination to supplicate Jehovah for his spirit and work in harmony with its leadings. (Luke 11:13) Thus you may have the prospect of living as Jehovahpurposed humans to live—forever in Paradise on earth.

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