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BREAKING NEWS - The Bethel Central will be closed and the 395 local religious organizations will be dissolved ;-(

Queen Esther

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42 minutes ago, bruceq said:

22  The little one will become a thousand And the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, will speed it up in its own time.” Isa 60:22

EXACTLY.....  in  HIS  OWN  time  -  thats  right  !!  But  just  now  seems  NOT  HIS  time....    otherwise  it  were  coming  to  another  result  in  RUSSIA  ;-((

Jehovah's  plan  is  different.....   We're  too  tiny,  understand  HIS  thoughts !

The  Broadcasting  video's  very  good  explaining  Jehovah's  ways :)


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Yes,  its  now  sad  for  our  many  Brothers  &  Sisters   But  Jehovah  will  soon  find  a  good  way  out !  I  am  sure,  bec.  HE  always  did  in  the  past  ;-))  I  trust  HIM ❤   Jehovah

I am really touched by this development.  Active preaching helps to refine our individual faith.  I believe Jehovah will make a way for our dear brothers and sisters.  As we ALL pray, may HIS will be

So Sad for our brothers in Russia ,may Jehovah.s Holy Spirit Sustain you

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30 minutes ago, Queen Esther said:

EXACTLY.....  in  HIS  OWN  time  -  thats  right  !!  But  just  now  seems  NOT  HIS  time....    otherwise  it  were  coming  to  another  result  in  RUSSIA  ;-((

Jehovah's  plan  is  different.....   We're  too  tiny,  understand  HIS  thoughts !

The  Broadcasting  video's  very  good  explaining  Jehovah's  ways :)


I agree we cannot say this is not the time for action. "they could not put us out by pouring GAS on this fire. But the result unknown to them will be that we wIl EXPLODE WITH MANY NEW HUNGRY ONES WHO ARE DISGUSTED WITH THE PRACTICES OF THESE RELIGIOUS HYPOCRITES. AS THE WORLD IS NOW GETTING THIS GREAT WITNESS AND WILL CONTINUE TO AS BROTHER SANDERSON SAID in the BROADCAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!REALLY HE DID SAY IT "A WITNESS TO ALL THE NATIONS" NOT JUST RUSSIA.

ADV advertise advertise advertise the King and his Kingdom :D

Other times Jehovah's people have gone under ban meant growth for them. Read any Watchtower literature and Yearbooks on many countries including U.S.S.R and others. I have several books dealing with JW in Russia before the end of communism that showed the tremendous growth that can result from being under ban. Do not expect Jehovah to do nothing his holy spirit is stronger than any ban put by men. Have faith in Jehovah's Organization the time is near.

Size means nothing to Jehovah...he sent one angel to destroy the entire army of Assyria {King of the North}. Have a bright outlook for the future for Jehovah is in control and knows what will occur before we do.

Queen Esther  But  just  now  seems  NOT  HIS  time....    otherwise  it  were  coming  to  another  result  in  RUSSIA  ;-((

Sorry but I like to have a more upbeat healthy optimistic attitude to what is happening in order to energize the friends and I believe the end is near. I hope you understand Esther .

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A  little  bit  I  can  understand  you,  yes  :D  but  -  its  our  human - thinking !!   In  the  past  I  was  similar  like  you  -  but  now  I   wait,  pray  and  trust  of  Jehovah....   HIS  ways  sooooo  different,  we  can't  feeling,  thinking  like  our  GOD,  NOOO !!

Our  World - events  are  so  difficult  now,  we  have  to  wait...  otherwise  Fake - News  again  -  thats  not  what  I  want.  You  like  to  have  more...  but  our  Brothers  in  the  far  past  also  have  to  wait.  We  get  alot  more  informations  in  our  modern  time.  But  not  underrate  Satan,  he  of  sure  will  give  us  misinformation,  similar  the  stupid  Fake-News. I  keep  away  of  that  all  -   Our  GB  will  give  the  best  informations  to  the  right  time.

And  thats   N O T   Fake - News..... :)   Patience  is  a  fruit  of  the  spirit  you  know....  WE  HAVE  TO  WORK  AT  THAT  -  The  Bible  said  it  -   Lets  more  obey  my  Brother,  the  Bible  is  telling  us  the  TRUTH  ;-)

Agape  from  Germany ❤        Good  night  for  today,  its  night time  here,  sorry....

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10 hours ago, bruceq said:

Size means nothing to Jehovah...he sent one angel to destroy the entire army of Assyria {King of the North}. Have a bright outlook for the future for Jehovah is in control and knows what will occur before we do.

185,000 in both cases.


The thought occurred to me that it might have been tempting for some in the Org to pray that the letter-writing campaign would backfire. Having foreigners attempt to influence judges and courts will inevitably lead to a showdown of strength and there are several countries where the outcome of such a showdown could be predictable. I believe, for example, that some persons in the Org knew in advance the most likely outcome of an old letter-writing campaign to the president of Malawi. In some cases, instead of trying to create an 'international incident' the Org chose to compromise doctrine, such as in Bulgaria and Mexico. Sometimes I do believe it's a matter choosing the battles.

But in any case, our prayers should always be for the support and encouragement of our brothers in Russia. We can pray for the ban to be lifted and pray for their freedom of movement and freedom of speech. But we should also remember, as Jesus did, that we pray not for our will, but Jehovah's will to be done. (Luke 22:42) 

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