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YES . Anything Trump says is reported by the major news outlets and nothing has been said but as noted above it is not real news but someone trying to stir something up. Propaganda often is used in warfare and Satan is at war with us [he can appear as an angel of light]  but don't worry. Happy is the man who fears Jehovah........He will not fear bad news. His heart is steadfast, trusting in Jehovah.   His heart is unshakable; he is not afraid; In the end he will look in triumph on his adversaries.  Ps 112 :1; 7-8.

Interestingly the King of Assyria also used propaganda as mentioned in todays broadcast at JW Broadcast and we can expect more during the Great Tribulation : https://tv.jw.org/#en/video/VODProgramsEvents/pub-jwb_201704_11_VIDEO

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Never heard the word  FAKE NEWS ???  So silly to read such of  "News"... Jehovah is watching all humans, of corse HIS folk too !!  I trust of HIM, bec. HE has  A L L  under control✔️ and thats what we

@bruceq You did a fine job.  I actually prefer to know the truth about even the fake news stories that are popping up all over the net. It is good we have a record that can stay up for anyon

Thank you very much

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8 hours ago, The Librarian said:

In the future... let's post the article with the source..

then at the bottom state your concern about it possibly being "fake news" instead of in the title.

At this point no one can prove it is false.....what if it turns out to be true?

   Yes originally I did post it that way and thought it was from Fox news in the U.S. but within about 10 min after posting I realized something was wrong with the link for it and after more investigation discovered it was fake. Therefore in order not to have anyone report that "World News Media" is reporting "fake news" and give us a bad rep I decided to change the heading to read as it does now. Sorry for any misunderstandings and I will try and check sources better next time but I am not perfect. Bruce

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A sister sent me this a few minutes ago all excited. Thankfully the cynic that I am, only sent it to my husband and no one else. Then I went on line to do some research because it sounded just too crazy (but you never know with Trump). No one else was writing about it, I thought that was strange, but then at the back of my mind there was that connection with JWs through Jared Kushner......

So how did you find out it was fake? @bruceq

P.S. On top of that Trump apparently saying that he invites any JWs to seek asylum is just a stretch too far. I can just imagine any Russian Tom Dick and Harry becoming JW just so they can move to the US and live the high life. Even Trump, with his craziness, surely would not open up a can of worms like that.

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   Well my first indication was that the link was not acting right as I could not even copy and paste almost as if it did not exist on the net. I also noticed NO other news site was reporting this then I checked with #stopjwban and a few others and some were mentioning that this might be fake. Then I put checked the website itself on scam advisor and found out it is not even originating in the U.S. which fox news is located and it mentioned a very good possibility that it is from Ghana in Africa and it was fake.

   Regarding Kushner it is interesting that he bought about 80% of the Brooklyn properties over the past few years and now is living at the White House. So Trump his father-in-law certainly knows about Jehovah's Witnesses but probably cares less about their plight in Russia as The King of the South has other things on his agenda.

4 hours ago, Anna said:

A sister sent me this a few minutes ago all excited. Thankfully the cynic that I am, only sent it to my husband and no one else. Then I went on line to do some research because it sounded just too crazy (but you never know with Trump). No one else was writing about it, I thought that was strange, but then at the back of my mind there was that connection with JWs through Jared Kushner......

So how did you find out it was fake? @bruceq


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Remember my first comment yesterday,  I wrote you about  FAKE NEWS  by starting that theme here, @bruceq....  Be careful, yes !  You can bring Brothers and Sisters total confused with such of reports. 

Also @Bible Speaks Better you stop with that too !  We have JEHOVAH, that is more importend !!  HE has ALL under  HIS  control !!!!

@Peter Kutzer-Salm,  I agree again with you !  All quak quak or bla bla :D

THANKS ✔️???

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3 hours ago, Queen Esther said:


Remember my first comment yesterday,  I wrote you about  FAKE NEWS  by starting that theme here, @bruceq....  Be careful, yes !  You can bring Brothers and Sisters total confused with such of reports. 

Also @Bible Speaks Better you stop with that too !  We have JEHOVAH, that is more importend !!  HE has ALL under  HIS  control !!!!

@Peter Kutzer-Salm,  I agree again with you !  All quak quak or bla bla :D

THANKS ✔️???

Why are you bashing me? The heading says "fake news" which I changed a few minutes after I posted it to inform people of the truth. Are we not all brothers and sisters here. Well most of us. Anyway please show love for it is the perfect bond of union.

Fine I will go elsewhere since there are many apostates here anyway and we are not suppose to associate with them. Goodbye

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"I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another.     35 By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love among yourselves.” (John13:34,35) 

Be  courteous to others and show love, we are highly prized by our Father when we prove who we are. We all love the Father and the Son and one another. Display love  prove yourselves sons of your Father and the Heaven.

Words can have a powerful effect for good. “Pleasant sayings are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and a healing to the bones.” (Proverbs 16:24)


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@bruceq  I am sorry, maybe any misunderstanding here.....  I am a sister,  mostly showing alot love for us all,  ask our Librarian, he is knowing me since many years !  Yes, we must be careful with such of reports, thats normal.  Our website has so many topics / areas,  we can post alot things. Enjoy it my brother,  all is ok. :)   Agape love from Germany ❤️

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