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Thanks Eoin

Interesting, so it didn't come from any apostates or any Witnesses just a news outlet that is not legit and appears several others were doing the same thing on many topics not just Witnesses. Irregardless of it being fake or not did you notice the increased publicity the Witnesses got from it anyway. Just goes to show that Jehovah can turn any news even bad news or unreal news to the advantage of a "witness to the nations" because now people who read this will look up the true story and see how phony the ruling by the Supreme Court was. PRAISE JAH :D

Matt. 10:18 says :"And you will be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations." and also

" He will not fear bad news. His heart is steadfast, trusting in Jehovah.    His heart is unshakable;  he is not afraid;  ]In the end he will look in triumph on his adversaries. PSALM 112:7,8 AND

 No weapon formed against you will have any success, And you will condemn any tongue that rises up against you in the judgment. This is the heritage  of the servants of Jehovah,  And their righteousness is from me,” declares Jehovah.  ISA 54:17


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Never heard the word  FAKE NEWS ???  So silly to read such of  "News"... Jehovah is watching all humans, of corse HIS folk too !!  I trust of HIM, bec. HE has  A L L  under control✔️ and thats what we

@bruceq You did a fine job.  I actually prefer to know the truth about even the fake news stories that are popping up all over the net. It is good we have a record that can stay up for anyon

Thank you very much

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Never made sense to me that he wants to keep Mexicans out but allow JW's? No, that man has issues but seems he said he has worked hardest since coming into office? He hasn't seen "work" yet!!!

How can these political presidents and kings sleep at all? The propaganda is all around saw that on Korea's threats too. 

Satan surely having them going in circles...

Jesus predicted that at “the conclusion of the system of things” a climate of fear would cover the earth. He said that there would be “fearful sights” and that men would “become faint outof fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth.” (Lu 21:11, 26)

Jehovah first will teach the Nations that His Name is Jehovah. I would rather be in fear of Jehovah then Satan the Devil and their hordes, 


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6 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

Are  we  JW  or  world  people ?  sometimes  I  am  really  wondering

I understood this to be an open forum which means that anyone, Witness or otherwise, has access to read and comment if abiding by the protocols. Is that not so?

That might explain the necessity to engage with some of the statements made in a rationally argued and impersonal manner. In the context of "fake news", which Witness and non-Witness alike are prone to picking up on and sharing without crtical caution, I deem it a duty to "debunk" these myths in as thorough manner as reasonably possible, if  I become aware of such matters.

I welcome the opportunity to engage in exchanges of this nature. This forum serves as a stimulus for research, and a good training ground for sound reasoning.

Of course, it is always necessary to bear in mind Scriptural counsel such as:

(2 Timothy 2:23) Further, reject foolish and ignorant debates, knowing that they produce fights.

(1 Peter 3:15) But sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone who demands of you a reason for the hope you have, but doing so with a mild temper and deep respect.

(Colossians 4:6) Let your words always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should answer each person.



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9 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

Thank  you  dear  Blanchie  for  agree  my  opinion !  Its  just  not  normal  what  comments  I  daily  read  here 9_9  hahaha  -  Are  we  JW  or  world  people ?  sometimes  I  am  really  wondering.....

Easy remedy  , once you find out it is fake news since you are the moderator then it is your responsibility to remove the post instead of being critical of everyone else for reading it since you left it up. 

I would have removed it if I knew how so I changed the heading so it would expose fake news. Was I so wrong to do so? :D

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11 hours ago, bruceq said:

Interesting, so it didn't come from any apostates or any Witnesses just a news outlet that is not legit and appears several others were doing the same thing on many topics not just Witnesses.

I don't think anyone can say who it came from originally. The seed of these ideas often comes from persons looking at a respected news source. They then think about what might attract attention. I listened to an actual interview on NPR with the person who created the news story that the Pope endorsed Trump. He at first denied that it was him, but then realized that he had truly been caught, and decided that it would be better to explain what he and his "company" does. It was simply for the purpose of making money. The more interesting the hook, the more people will share it, and more eyeballs mean more money. It turns out he has created hundreds of such stories. Not all of them pan out, and sometimes he uses test stories, and tries some out on platforms where no money is to be made, just as a test of how much interest they might pull in. 

This story strikes me as one of those like the Pope and Trump. It didn't have quite the potential for pulling interest from at least half the United States, but it had a chance to pull in quite a few. They are almost always built on partially true stories, ones in which someone could easily say, "Oh yeah, I heard something about that a week or so ago. And isn't it interesting that Trump did say that he wouldn't take in Muslims, but that he would be quick to accept Christian refugees. That fits. People should know this. I have to share it."

After I retired, about 4 years ago, I was talked into joining the new product marketing team for a major ISP, and I took it because I didn't have to go into the office more than once a month (and the office was out of state). But they paid for some seminars, and one of them was about how the most successful people sell product on the Internet. A set of "survivalist" sites were compared, and a very rich marketer gave a speech about how to sell to this group. He said, the first thing you have to remember is the motivation. Survivalists for example, are easy to scare. Just say, BOO! and they start running. But "BOO!" to them is a threat about the impending "end of the system." By this he meant the threat of a New World Order, Government Overreach, diminishing of "white rights" etc. He said that the biggest way to tap into all that right now (2013/2014) is to claim that "Obama is going to take away your guns." He showed the visiting stats and the sales stats for all the different marketing methods and slogans and key words, and he showed how much more successful this particular phrase worked with survivalists. It was really amazing. And he showed how fake news on the sites and Facebook pages that these persons are known to visit would enhance it. Fake news, he said, is always built on partially, or even almost totally true news, but with just enough "fear" factor in the spin to catch the interest, or to make your products more meaningful in the world you created with fake news. There did not have to be a direct link between the fake news and the product, but there was an indirect one. (Ironically, the man says that he and most of the people on his team were Obama supporters, despite the pro-NRA anti-Obama rhetoric in their fake news and advertisements.

But there is also the use of niche audiences that a lot of fake news is intended to capture attention from. There have been persons who have worked for organizations that spoke out against cults in the past (Scientology, Moonies, etc) who realized that they could change their tune and find a new audience of millions if they spoke out in support of these same groups. Speaking out in defense of cults turned them into legal consultants and authors with a new guaranteed group of buyers. This is not so different from those consultants who spoke out in favor of cigarettes, arctic drilling, fracking, etc. There was even a man who made himself famous for a while with videos about how paper garbage didn't break down in landfills, but showed how plastic containers crushed down to take up a lot less space. It's not directly related but I heard that even the author Christine King, changed a version of her book to remove the line referring to Rutherford early support of Hitler. This was after working with the Watch Tower Society during a time of peak publicity efforts by the Organization. I can only suppose this was because she now had a new audience of potential buyers. 

So sometimes, it's a matter of "follow the money." But sometimes it could just as easily be a JW who thinks it would bring attention to Witnesses by making up a story, or turning a story about someone else into a story about Witnesses. This happened in a recent circuit overseer's talk mentioned on this forum (about a spider and a cave). It probably happened when someone put a jw.org logo on J ackie C han, etc, etc. 






21 minutes ago, bruceq said:

I would have removed it if I knew how so I changed the heading so it would expose fake news. Was I so wrong to do so? :D

For what it's worth, I think you did absolutely the right thing. If you hadn't brought up the story, someone else would have. And it was great that it ended up getting exposed for what it was. 

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On 4/24/2017 at 11:33 PM, The Librarian said:

In the future... let's post the article with the source..

then at the bottom state your concern about it possibly being "fake news" instead of in the title.

At this point no one can prove it is false.....what if it turns out to be true?

Maybe I can't spot fake news but I can spot Librarian mentality a mile away. A fetish for making order out of chaos. Sheesh.

If it is fake news, then who are all these Russians that i've taken into my house? They're wearing ties. They must be Witnesses.

I actually didn't fall for this one, though, like Anna, I gave some pause due to the Kushner connection:

"5.   Jehovah’s Witnesses (my people) moved their headquarters from Brooklyn Heights, where they had been for over 100 years, to way, way out in the sticks.

6.   Jerod Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, bought their old building. Video of him saying nice things about Witnesses appeared on jw.org. I had no idea who he was at the time, but when I found out, I worried anew. See - I caught a heavy dose of news each day while I was writing, and it irritated me, but I stuck with it – how else would I learn about the snowfall outside my window? Now, no one is capable of total non-bias, but they are capable of trying. I’m not used to the referee leaning on the scales – it never used to happen. But when I would grouse about the media, which I did a lot, some took it as support for Trump! I could picture the Watchtower sign going down, a Trump sign going up, and fellow Witnesses, who weren’t paying overclose attention saying: ‘how did Tom manage that?’"

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