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Russian JW's Begin to Remove Kingdom Halls Signs

Queen Esther

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Persecution and harassment of Religious groups is NOT confined exclusively to Jehovah's Witnesses.


Police fined four Baptists for leading Easter worship meetings in Temirtau and Taraz. Council of Churches Baptists speak of a "new wave" of raids. An Almaty court fined a Protestant church and banned all its activity for three months, and ordered a foreigner deported.

Police raided at least two Baptist meetings for worship on Easter Sunday, 16 April, in the central city of Temirtau and the southern city of Taraz. Officers issued four summary fines totalling about nine months' average wages with no court hearings. Such fines for meeting for worship are increasing, Baptists complained to Forum 18.

In a separate case, a court in the southern city of Almaty has banned a Protestant church from meeting for three months (from 13 April to 12 July). The court also fined it for holding a meeting for worship in a place other than its registered address. An Indian citizen associated with the church is appealing against a fine and deportation order (see below).

An official of Almaty's Religious Affairs Department, Karshyga Malik, told Forum 18 on 24 April that the administrative cases against the church and the Indian citizen were among 33 it had launched since the beginning of 2017. The cases were to punish those who meet without state permission, meet in places without state permission, distribute religious literature without state permission or talk to others of their faith without state permission.

"New wave" of raids on Baptists

Police raids on congregations of the Council of Churches Baptists are frequent. They choose to meet for worship without seeking state registration.


So to borrow the words of member David Mahlangu* on this post: """All this new developments in Russia makes me see that we are actually in a true religion, remember what Jesus said in John 17:16" they are no part of the world,just as i m no part of the world", that is why they hate us.  so brothers and sisters we have to remember that in one way or the other, all bible prophecies have to be fulfilled before Armagedon. John 15:20b says "if they have persecuted me,they will also persecute you".it is very painful but it has to happen. So brothers in Russia Jehovah is with you don't give up.""" --

There are other groups probably feeling exactly the same !

*SANIBONANI David Mahlangu - Ngithemba ukuthi uyaphila?

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VERY  VERY  SAD....... RUSSIA....  OUR  BROTHERS  BEGIN  TO  REMOVE  SIGNS  FROM  THE  KINGDOM  HALLS ;-( Soon they will all belong to the government

Jehovah allows many testing situations to happen.  He will only intervene in this wicked world when the time is ready.  Satan is in control of this world and many bad things may still come to pass bef

I  hope  -  Jehovah  will  quickly  STOP  that  crazy  Russian  judgement  !!!! Our  poor  Brothers  and  Sisters ;-(( But  perhaps  it  belongs  to  Jehovah's  special  plan...  we  don't 

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Russia “imposed restrictions limiting the activities of Muslims and other religious groups such as Jehovah’s Witnesses, Pentecostals, and Scientologists,” the report stated. “Government actions included detaining, fining, and imprisoning members of minority religious groups.

Police conducted raids on minority religious groups in private homes and places of worship, confiscating religious publications and property, and blocked their websites.”

“Authorities applied anti‑extremism laws to revoke the registration of minority religious groups and imposed restrictions that infringed on the practices of minority religious groups and their ability to purchase land, build places of worship, and obtain restitution of properties confiscated during the Soviet era,” the report explained.


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I'm sorry, but I think that the view JW members has on these and similar events is under the influence of GB leadership and their interpretation of events to the public with help of JWTV and publications.

JW members are very much constrained by their own lives in the WT Corporation and do not see how other people suffer because of religious beliefs too, whether they are Christians or "Gentiles". Bible stating - "God is impartial!!" - what does it mean for those who are not JW ??? Does JHVH are insensitive for suffering of those people, but only give, pay attention for JW prayers and their letters to Russia? If your Father is impartial, so you as JW member need to pray and for suffers that have Baptists, Catholics, Adventists, Hinduists ....because with such heart and mind and attitude you will imitate Father and Son, as in story of Samaritan. So please start to write letters also for people of other confessions as proof of impartiality :))))   

When I was in jail for "neutrality" as JW, there was also two Adventist boys and two Nazarene boys, for the same issue . Two Adventist boy has been beaten by jail guards because they refused, for the reason of faith of course,  to clean the floors at Saturday, because Saturday is day not for working but for spiritual matters, things. Can they be "wise in front of unbelievers" or those suffer was God's will for them? Or God just allowed their suffer? Because, they were convinced, suffer  is for Jesus name?!  How you as JW member would "judge" their faith and their persistent to not obey secular authorities? Do you think of them as fanatics, as  misdirected zeal?? I am quite sure that JW would say how their faith and believes are not worthy and how Jesus not asking them that and how they wrongly interpret Bible, how their doctrine are err.

Please look in the own mirror, and you will see how "their" face  and "your" face look the same at the end of the day .....or in the morning.:))))))  

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At the same time that I risked my life before a triple bypass heart surgery, about 9 years ago, and insisted on no blood or blood fractions ... and had to be taken by ambulance to a hospital 30 miles away, kept alive en route by six VERY BUSY EMT technicians, to get the operation without blood, I was beginning to understand that unless an animal, or a human actually dies ... the blood does NOT represent his life.

The soldiers who got water for King David RISKED their life to get it ... and the water represented their life, and LIKE blood, he refused to drink the water.

In ancient Israel, NO ONE drank live animal blood, and when the animal was slain for food, the blood was properly returned to God, BECAUSE the animal died. 

BECAUSE the animal died ... its blood represented its life .....


If the ancient Israelite Priests had drained blood from animals for sacrificial use, sprinkling it on the crowd, etc., and not killed the animal, allowing it to heal up ... would THAT blood have been proper for sacrifice to God?

NO ... because the animal had not been sacrificed ... only wounded.

If when as a young carpenter someone accidentally injured Jesus, and he had almost cut a finger off, would THAT blood have redeemed mankind?


When Jesus was killed by punching holes in his body, he bled ... and AFTER he died ... his blood represented his life.


Further, if he had been executed by drowning, or strangulation ... yes he would have died, but no sacrificial blood could be offered to God for that LIFE!

KNOWING what I know now, would I still insist on no blood for myself should I need more surgery?

The LIFE belongs to God ... and when life dies, specifically for hemoglobin carrying air breathers  (not fish, as an example), Jehovah has ORDERED the blood returned to him "on the ground", or in specifically approved ritual sacrifice.

The human blood would have NO sacrificial value unless it was blood from a cadaver .....  ANY MORE THAN A BLOODY NOSE AND SWALLOWING THE BLOOD UNTIL IT STOPS, HAS ANY VALUE WHATSOEVER.  And I have not quite figured that example completely out.

People used to eat blood saturated animals they had strangled ... the animal was DEAD. 

The blood, representing THAT LIFE, was ordered returned to God, from whence it came.

The blood had value to God, THE ANIMAL HAD DIED, and God demanded its return to him out of respect for his being the force behind ALL LIFE. 

In  some African tribes, they cut a cow and drink the blood, sometimes mixing it with milk.

The Jews did not do this, the very IDEA was totally abhorrent.

The New Testament admonitions specify keeping away from "... blood ... and things strangled ..."

                           FROM ANIMALS ACTUALLY KILLED .                                       

KNOWING what I know now, would I still insist on no blood for myself should I need more surgery?

Yes ... Jehovah, as an example,  ALLOWS pacifism, even though it is not required ... and many, many other things not required.

It's called FREEDOM.

People that believe in FREEDOM, often will sacrifice their lives ... for reasons that make no sense to someone else ... because they believe In certain symbols, and ideas.

I would bind myself with that restriction ... but I would not bind YOU.

To the best of my understanding at the present time. I could be wrong, and am completely open to other reasonable interpretations. I suppose I bind myself .. just in case I might be wrong, which is unlikely, but possible.

... but then again ... I have been at death's door many dozens of times without turning the knob, and am USED to the idea.

Not everybody is.

Perhaps the Russians are right ... and we are wrong ... in requiring of our Bretheren things God does not, and which civilization in general has the "high moral ground", and in addition to destroying families by shunning, we are destroying families by actually causing them to medically suicide.

This is a VERY REASONABLE definition of "extremism".

Perhaps it's a good thing to take the signs off of the confiscated buildings.

In about 5 years,  about many, many things .... we will all know.




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We  will  see,  maybe  asap.  what  is  Jehovah's  plan...  or  we  NOT  see  it  -  bec.  all  will  happen  like  a  thief is  coming  in  the  night !

I  started  in  my  Headline  with : *Russian JW's Begin to Remove Kingdom Halls Signs* and  now  we're  by  People used to eat blood saturated animals they had strangled, the animal was DEAD....

I  THINK,  we  need  another  new  topic,  @James Thomas Rook Jr.  yes ?


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Queen Esther:

It is OK by me .... it's YOUR thread ... and I do realize its a long rambling story ... but tried to tie-in WHY I told that story, at the end.

6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Perhaps the Russians are right ... and we are wrong ... in requiring of our Bretheren things God does not, and which civilization in general has the "high moral ground", and in addition to destroying families by shunning, we are destroying families by actually causing them to medically suicide.

This is a VERY REASONABLE definition of "extremism".

Perhaps it's a good thing to take the signs off of the confiscated buildings.

The connection makes sense to me ... but I am a guest on your thread.

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You're  right  @Sherry Trainor :)   It  belongs  ALL  to  JEHOVAH !   HE  has  all  under  control...  NO  problem  for  us  JW !  HE  will  bring  all  to  a  perfect  END,  like  always.  We  should  trust  HIM,  HE  is  our  GOD :x   My  best  wishes  and  greetings  from  Germany,  Agape !

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On 4/26/2017 at 10:11 PM, Queen Esther said:

Spero - Geova fermare rapidamente tale sentenza russo pazzesco !!!!

I nostri poveri fratelli e sorelle; - ((

Ma forse appartiene al piano speciale di Geova ... noi non lo sappiamo.

Dear brothers,
prophecy clearly states that the "king of the north" would abolish the continuous sacrifice (or preaching work) and that it would have succeeded - Daniel 8:12
it is obvious that if you are unable to reconsider certain interpretations, you will not be able to understand what is happening.
The last dominant empire is the king of the north and is NOT the king of the south - Daniel 11: 40-45
If he is the king of the north, it is clear that he can not be the Anglo-American Empire.
The northern king is Russia and is also the last horn, the one that kills three kings and is defeated by the principle of the army - Daniel 8: 9-11
This horn is not the Anglo-American empire and the "three kings" are not France, Spain and Holland.
If you think this is "apostasy", you can not argue, you will not be ready for what's to come.
The Bible also says that another war (the last human war) is about to break out, which is what the Northern king and the king of the south are about to discover. He will be the king of the north to win.

I wish all of you to be really like the Bereans






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