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Russian JW's Begin to Remove Kingdom Halls Signs

Queen Esther

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28 minutes ago, Anna said:

In other words can it be said that religion, just like race or social status does not matter to God either? The Bible seems to indicate that it does matter to God. It indicates that the impartiality does have a condition attached to it.

Those famous words about god's impartiality = rain and sun to all people. It is only a basic illustration that shows how God's impartiality is unlimited. And he does not look at race, social status, ...... and affiliation with religion. Why you skip religion???? Did not Jesus show impartiality in every way to "gentiles" to people of other religion?? How can you talk about impartiality of God and then you use word BUT??? If you are impartial then you can not be that with But. "I will help you but...I will love you but...I will take care of you but....I will give my life for you but.......Anna can you not see nonsense?  There is no impartiality if you set the condition, proviso, stipulation. Story about Samaritan going further in lightening what mean impartiality, to love people of other religion, nation, to showing compassion, doing good for stranger from you not expecting nothing in return. With other words, without any BUT.:) 

50 minutes ago, Anna said:

God has not abandoned his pattern of having a people, a group, unitedly worshiping together like he did in ancient times

You rely too much on old patterns. You forget that Jesus changed all this. He brought completely different things. And you want to go back to what He left. He does not seek an organization. Jesus collects his flock. His flock is not in the church, in the building. His flock is not in organized religion. His instructions are not listed in the law, in the Charter of WT corporation or in Charter of every JW congregation, in the books, and in the journals and magazines. His "law", his spirit and love He writing directly in people's heart, not looking who is who. And when He touched person, "repentance", and not only repentance, will occur in that special, unique moment of very soul, in the time of silence or in a time of scream, in a time of tears or in a time of empties. And will change us. In this or that direction.  

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VERY  VERY  SAD....... RUSSIA....  OUR  BROTHERS  BEGIN  TO  REMOVE  SIGNS  FROM  THE  KINGDOM  HALLS ;-( Soon they will all belong to the government

Jehovah allows many testing situations to happen.  He will only intervene in this wicked world when the time is ready.  Satan is in control of this world and many bad things may still come to pass bef

I  hope  -  Jehovah  will  quickly  STOP  that  crazy  Russian  judgement  !!!! Our  poor  Brothers  and  Sisters ;-(( But  perhaps  it  belongs  to  Jehovah's  special  plan...  we  don't 

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44 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Did not Jesus show impartiality in every way to "gentiles" to people of other religion??

He did indeed, (and so do we) but if they wanted to get saved they would have to become Christians wouldn't they? And if they were a prostitute they would have to stop that wouldn't they?

44 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

There is no impartiality if you set the condition, proviso, stipulation.

That is not a scriptural teaching if you put it in a scriptural context.

44 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

His "law", his spirit and love He writing directly in people's heart, not looking who is who. And when He touched person, "repentance", and not only repentance, will occur in that special, unique moment of very soul, in the time of silence or in a time of scream, in a time of tears or in a time of empties. And will change us. In this or that direction.  

That happening has conditions attached to it, otherwise every single person on earth would have this happen to them, even Hitler. I had a Bible study once, a science teacher and a former atheist. Something she said that I had never really thought of in this way before, she said that we (JW) are kind of preparing people for living under God’s rule when it starts ruling over the earth.  I thought that was a very interesting observation from an outsider, and a practical aspect. But I would take it even further, how about God is preparing people to live under his government.  When you look around in the world, can you see why it is reasonable to conclude that God does have conditions for those who want to live under his rule, and that not just anyone will be invited? He gives humans the opportunity now to “apply for citizenship” in the new world and he also has a “program” going which helps them “meet the required standards” for entry.  After all “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of the heavens, but only the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will”. And you know the rest of that chapter....


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5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Your take on this is interesting. I agree that there is a gap in the Watchtower's reasoning here. This was just barely touched upon at the convention this summer. I watched your video but didn't go to your site. Can you say what you think is a more likely view of the King of the North and South in your opinion?

@JW Insider

Yes, I firmly believe that the Bible identifies Russia as the king of the north and I am equally convinced that it is the small horn that becomes great and that it drops three kings (what are the kings?) And I would have so many other things to say . If you want, you can go to see the article explaining the scriptural reasons because the king of the north is Russia (and he is the last king to remain on earth before the armageddon battle) you can read this article

Regards greetings

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2 hours ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

Yes, I firmly believe that the Bible identifies Russia as the king of the north and I am equally convinced that it is the small horn that becomes great and that it drops three kings (what are the kings?) And I would have so many other things to say . If you want, you can go to see the article explaining the scriptural reasons because the king of the north is Russia (and he is the last king to remain on earth before the armageddon battle) you can read this article

I found the article, and read several of the other ones, too. (At least in a Google Translation from Italian to English.) I thought that most of your articles were very clear, and I appreciate that you are asking good questions about the many gaps and inconsistencies in our current explanations. Since Daniel is a book that many of us have just recently been reading in our Bible reading schedules, I think a separate topic would be great and timely. It would have to be under "Controversial Posts" because, of course, even the potential existence of gaps and inconsistencies is something that many of us must deny.

I have not yet come up with a good explanation that resolves all the gaps, although, the vast majority of them are automatically resolved by just accepting certain verses at face value, instead of imposing unlikely interpretations of them. Still, prophecy in Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation are some of the most intriguing and I have not considered any of my digging to be conclusive. I can tell you have put a lot of thought and time into understanding them through scriptural references. I must tell you right from the start that my approach is similar, in always using other scriptures to find explanations, or just admit that we won't know if no specific scriptural support can be found. Still, even though you apparently think in the same terms, I can tell that we will still disagree on most of our current opinions. Of course, different opinions are just fine with me . . . so I still think a further discussion is worth the while.  

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This world is complicated because Satan is using whatever he can to get people to get involved in politics. He uses money and religion.

When I see the -billions- now given to organizations to promote certain ideologies to get people involved and pliable -to be a mass of sheep who can be manipulated - to keep people very busy with other lesser issues - that is satan in power. 

Academics and even government leaders do not see what is going on and what is coming! Societies are becoming more and more ungovernable. They are truly blinded.

So many new laws now in place in Europe and Canada to silence people who want to speak out about injustices happening on a daily  basis. The victims are just fodder.  They can now be taken to court. for hate speech on line. We have the stealth of oppression already upon us and we do not even know it.  They are trying to control the eminent conflagrations among peoples by denying there are problems and silencing those who can speak about the realities. I think that regimes will be come stricter to control people and to try to keep order because the masses are now throwing up debris like an unruly sea. Jes. 57:20 ...They will eventually turn against all religions  because many are promoting hateful ideologies and others are teaching  decadence. 

The whole of humankind is now being manipulated by propaganda (a form of spiritism) and they are being sucked in because many now have little regard for obeying te teachings of the bible and its anti violence teachings. I heard of a black brother who left the truth to go and join a violent group which professes to put and end to racism -by the use of violence!  I felt so sad!  It is now the time to guard our attitudes and beliefs. To stay NEUTRAL is very important. This is the sign of a true believer who Jehovah would like to prepare for life in the new system. One who keeps upright for righteous principles.

The king of the north and south may come to fisticuffs but they both know it is assured mutual destruction.  Actually they know that a lot of people must die to get their agendas fulfilled - just like first and second world war. So. will they try to call peace and security first - work together for a new world order (Satans world order )- while in the meantime still gathering weapons and influence and gaining more power.  America is now open to all kinds of ideologies and this has made it a soft target.  It has become a victim of its own freedoms.  Governments will try to control the disruptive elements of society (terrorism one of them) and clamp down on religions - because many of them are seeking domination - after this all hell will  break loose

Which will come first? A peace and security call with a façade of one new world order? or the war.... you think about that!

Neutrality is a very BIG issue - I preach daily to people who were indoctrinated from young - a form of religious nationalism and are taught that they are growing world wide and soon will rule the world.  Satan is sure ready to use religions who are prepared to fight with a literal sword - and that includes Putin's hoards of Russian orthodox nationalists.






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Just and extra note - the reich which is called the first reich is from Charlemagne until Napoleon - almost 1000 years. (mostly Germanic kings appointed by pope. Holy German empire.

Second reich:  Willhelm 2 and first world war

Third reich: Hitler. 

"The red Babylon book (very old book) goes into Russian history and the split between Greek and Russian orthodox in tenth century.

It is exactly 100 years ago when Russia had a horrific revolution for communism.  Karl Marx was a Satanist! and many of his contemporaries atheists -  after which 40, million of its own Russian people were starved to death and murdered like fodder. This is the ideology where common  people are dispensable fodder. It does not like religion but uses it for its purposes.  

Many think that we are easy putty in their hands (fodder for these people) because of our neutral stance - but they have Jehovah to deal with!   

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11 hours ago, Arauna said:

Neutrality is a very BIG issue - I preach daily to people who were indoctrinated from young

I don't think there is anyone who is not. The only difference is the degree of openness about it. 

The best reason to stay neutral is our reason. But another perfectly valid reason (though it betrays some laziness) is that it is close to impossible to get an accurate read on anything. Every source skews matters according to pre-existing patterns of perception. To some extent, you can get around this by following diverse sources and not just the home team, but that takes time, and time is precious.

Not long ago Putin was in China and said that sanctions against Kim would be futile - Kim would see every single person starve to death before he would give up on arms. He then asked was it for naught Kim sought to missle-up? He knew very well what happened to Saddam Hussein who truthfully swore up and down he had no weapons of mass destruction, but that did not stop his enemies from taking him out and killing a family member or two in the process. Putin then said some other things. 

CNBC reported everything he said except the Saddam connection, thus letting the impression stand that only sheer madness can explain his actions. 

They don't all lie, but selective covering of events accomplishes the same thing.

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