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Russian JW's Begin to Remove Kingdom Halls Signs

Queen Esther

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18 hours ago, Arauna said:

This was before Jesus died. 

:)) sin is sin and it has to be punished by OT Law. If i cut your hand, and no matter about am i repent or no, law said i have to give my hand for your hand.  After Jesus died, NT give no command what to do if i cut your hand. But NT said that secular governments will regulate that issue and give answer about it. NT said "only this" - forgive your brother. How many times - seven, seventy seven and more. But if make you happy, please continue on insist on explanation about "repentance and deliberate or undeliberate sin". Comparing to Jesus advice about sin and forgiving -your theory is weak.

Well, to what/which legal solution belonged Peters sin? To OT or NT?   


18 hours ago, Arauna said:

Peter had not received the Holy Spirit yet.

What is this? People who have holy spirit are not sinful and can not make sin? :))))


18 hours ago, Arauna said:

It was a mistake (3 times) from human weakness - not a deliberate sin.

But you explained in your previous posts that people whose repent is genius and sincere would never repeat a sin for which they had already expressed repentance. Because if they sin again, as you said, they will thus reject Jesus sacrifice. So again, what you would done with Peter?? He made sin, than regret and repent. Next hour he made same sin again and again showed regret and repentance. Then after one hour he again made same sin and again regret and show repentance for the same sin. 

You defend Peter and have excuses for him, but with your interpretations on Bible and subject, you support opposite stand. Are Peter your protege, your favorite bible character and you show him more mercy and compassion then to someone else in history or in present life?? :))))))) because you said:" It was a mistake (3 times) from human weakness - not a deliberate sin."

Sin vs. mistake :)))))))))) very good words playing. For those who not reading your text carefully you maybe would succeed  in deceive.    

18 hours ago, Arauna said:

These scriptures indicate that deliberate sin is not acceptable after acceptance of the ransom sacrifice.

You again want to be Judge of people's hearts and minds and told me that you (or your JW elders) have ability to recognize, 100 percent, when some person acting deliberately in some sin. You want to assure me that you and JW elders can indicate what repentance is sincere and what is not. It is interesting to talk with you but if you continue this way i do not know how would i be able to handle with such "divinity" doctrines :) 

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17 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

He didn't weep bitterly after each one and then do it again. He wept when the entire course hit him

Hehe Tom, So his conscience and ability thinking were in some kind of blockade. Blockade of emotions, blockade of conscience, blockade of cognitive functions. You want to suggest that Peter was so unconscious of the situation and his actions throughout the night. That he was not been able to understand and feel his own wrong act in first place?? Delayed reaction is possible but conscience is very fast. This event about Jesus was important to Peter and the apostles. The adrenaline was strong. He was quite aware of his betrayal. Make some private tests on yourself and you will see. :)        

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