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1946 Quebecs Burning Hate.pdf

I wondered what was all the fuss about this tract. Then I went to the Thursday meeting. As to the question "What effect did the [Canadian Supreme Court] victory have on our brothers and sisters?'

... now I know that I am with the right / correct internet forum / team !!! the best team !!!   

  • 3 weeks later...
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If it does not work you can purchase a reproduction of it on ebay at only $9.99 with free shipping on archaic paper to look like the original. I like it much better than printing out a pdf on regualr paper as this one looks like the original and not a copy. However if you do not care about looks and just want to read the material then pdf is the way to go.

Find it here http://www.ebay.com/itm/VERY-RARE-1946-QUEBECS-BURNING-HATE-tract-persecution-Watchtower-IBSA-Jehovah-/272691421049?hash=item3f7dacdf79:g:JnEAAOSwX61ZA7Ln

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