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Jehovah's Witnesses member receives 5-year prison term in Kazakhstan for inciting religious hatred

Guest Nicole

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Guest Nicole

Astana, May 2, Interfax - Court No. 2 of Astana's Saryarka District has convicted Jehovah's Witnesses preacher Teimur Akhmedov of "inciting ethnic, social, religious, family and racial hatred in collusion with a group of other persons" and has sentenced him to five years in a medium-security penitentiary, the court's press service said.

The court also banned Akhmedov from performing any religious ideological and preaching activities for three years, it said.

According to the case files, in 2016 Akhmedov and his accomplice, Asaf Guliyev, "organized religious gatherings involving the capital's residents recently recruited into the community at different apartments in the city of Astana."

During such meetings, in the presence of their followers, the two men publicly spoke negatively about representatives of Islam, Catholicism and Orthodoxy and said that one religion was superior to another.

During a trial in February 2017, Guliyev pleaded guilty to all charges, publicly repented and, given the mitigating circumstances, was given a five-year prison term.


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Who is bringing the case against this extremist?

Han har helt sikkert ikke været et Jehovas vidne.. ! Det kan være at han har haft et ønske om at være det, men ikke helt forstået og haft kundskab nok endnu, og derfor ikke reageret på en måde so

".... Moscow, May 2, Interfax - The Russian Orthodox Church sees Jehovah's Witnesses as a dangerous sect and has supported the ban imposed on it in Russia. "This is a sect, totalitarian and harmful

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Han har helt sikkert ikke været et Jehovas vidne.. !

Det kan være at han har haft et ønske om at være det, men ikke helt forstået og haft kundskab nok endnu, og derfor ikke reageret på en måde som stemmer helt overens med bibelens principper.

Jehovas vidner følger ikke mennesker og deres filsofi, men følger de normer for at behandle andre mennesker med respekt..  Bibelen anbefaler at vi behandler myndighedspersoner med respekt, og anderkender deres stilling, som værende indsat i deres relative stillinger af Gud for at holde ro og orden. Vi ønsker på ingen måde at omtale andre mennesker, ej heller repræsentanter for Islam, katolicismen og ortodokse; på en negativ måde. Vi ønsker så vidt muligt at holde fred med alle mennesker..! 

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On 5/3/2017 at 2:35 PM, Eoin Joyce said:

(Me in red) There's the coffin nail!  :(

".... Moscow, May 2, Interfax - The Russian Orthodox Church sees Jehovah's Witnesses as a dangerous sect and has supported the ban imposed on it in Russia.

"This is a sect, totalitarian and harmful at that. I am well aware of this because I have had an opportunity to speak to former adepts of this sect more than once," Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Synodal Department for External Church Relations, told a program shown on the Rossiya 24 (VGTRK) TV channel.

Jehovah's Witnesses members are dangerous because they approach people in the street and offer them their literature, introduce themselves as a Christian organization, while their activities are based "on manipulating consciousness, and they erode the psyche of people and the family," the metropolitan said.

In addition to that, adherents of Jehovah's Witnesses "warp the teachings of Christ and misinterpret the Gospel," he said.

"Their doctrine contains a lot of false teachings. They do not believe in Jesus Christ as the God and the Savior. They do not recognize the doctrine of the Trinity. Therefore, they cannot be called Christians," the metropolitan said. .



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