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Early Christians Believed in the Trinity

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1 minute ago, bruceq said:

Father Son and spirit are mentioned together means they are the same, by that reasoning Abraham, Issac and Jacob are also mentioned together several times does that mean they are all the same being?

Quite true (although the grammar needs adjustment) :).

And you don't even have to get that complicated. Gen.2:24 describes the closest human relationship between two persons possible saying "they will become one flesh",  but surely, no one understands this as meaning they will become one person.....or do they???

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In Haiti, even today .. the population is 85% Catholic, and believe in the Trinity, as an institution (individual results may vary ...) AND 85% or so of THAT group also practice Voodoo and worship the

But not by First Century Christians taught by Jesus you know the ones in the New Testament. They used the BIBLE. The Bible, every single book in it, was written by Jews and Jews do not believe in God

Very good point. After all if the Trinity was in the Bible in the first place then NO ONE would have tried to put it there by a forgery. Which of course proves it is not in the Bible. {Yet that is not

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sigh .....

I am trying to imagine what instant in time that the Apostle Paul was walking down a dirt road in the hot sun, and being well versed in Jewish History and the Law of God .. which he knew would call for his death by stoning, for preaching about a 3-in-1 god, stopped in revelation and against everything the Jews had learned for thousands of years, facepalmed his forehead, and realized that Jesus was praying to HIMSELF those nights  ... and it finally came to me, boys and girls, what time it was ....


( Apologies to those less than 65 years of age who may not get the reference ...)


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8 minutes ago, Eoin Joyce said:

Quite true (although the grammar needs adjustment) :).

And you don't even have to get that complicated. Gen.2:24 describes the closest human relationship between two persons possible saying "they will become one flesh",  but surely, no one understands this as meaning they will become one person.....or do they???

Yup, I sure hope I am not one flesh with my wife! 9_9 AND are we not made in God's image. That would make ALL of us Trinities or maybe multiple personalities. LOL

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5 minutes ago, Eoin Joyce said:

And you don't even have to get that complicated. Gen.2:24 describes the closest human relationship between two persons possible saying "they will become one flesh",  but surely, no one understands this as meaning they will become one person.....or do they???

That is the one example that PROVES that you have to understand idiomatic expressions of the time, otherwise one may draw the conclusion that cannibalism has occurred.

...and ARGUE FOR IT!



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4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

If they read 'beating around the bush' in an article, they understand the meaning. It they read it in the Bible, they look for the bush.

If they read of persons shedding 'crocodile tears' in an article, the understand the meaning. If they read it in the Bible, it is proof to them that the persons were really crocodiles.

Kinda like "coming with the voice of an archangel" and the WT looks for an archangel? 

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1 hour ago, Ann O'Maly said:

The whole debate centered on the divinity of Christ, his ontological relationship with and his derivation from the Father.

And isn't this the whole reason WHY the Jews were going to stone Jesus?(John 10:31-39) The claims Jesus made about Himself, through the eyes of the Jews, made Himself equal to the God of the Jews. 

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15 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

Kinda like "coming with the voice of an archangel" and the WT looks for an archangel? 

LOL If Jesus was God why use an angels voice at all? Certainly he would use his OWN voice instead of a created being. Howdy Doody indeed. 

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5 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

And isn't this the whole reason WHY the Jews were going to stone Jesus?(John 10:31-39) The claims Jesus made about Himself, through the eyes of the Jews, made Himself equal to the God of the Jews. 

Perfect example of what we are talking about. BTW John who wrote that passage you quote was a JEW and JEWS do not believe in a Trinity so you cannot find it there. Sorry

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10 minutes ago, Eoin Joyce said:

By George!! I think you've got it!!!

Howdy Doody; Double Doody; Photo Doody...........they were all one and the same!!

Let's all take a break.....


All those kids were singing the SAME song at the SAME time they must all be the SAME!!!

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8 minutes ago, bruceq said:

LOL If Jesus was God why use an angels voice at all? Certainly he would use his OWN voice instead of a created being. Howdy Doody indeed. 

So you also believe that Jesus is a trumpet? I could see that, i mean from your way of thinking.


Does a King announce himself?

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