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Early Christians Believed in the Trinity

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6 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

So do you believe Jesus equal with the Father? That was the understanding by the Jews of Jesus claim and why John wrote what he did. 

Jesus can be equal just like other angels have been throughout history. But where is the Trinity, you keep avoiding that point I see.Angels have been called "God Almighty", "The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob" and even by the name "Jehovah" but they were still just angels speaking for God.

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In Haiti, even today .. the population is 85% Catholic, and believe in the Trinity, as an institution (individual results may vary ...) AND 85% or so of THAT group also practice Voodoo and worship the

But not by First Century Christians taught by Jesus you know the ones in the New Testament. They used the BIBLE. The Bible, every single book in it, was written by Jews and Jews do not believe in God

Very good point. After all if the Trinity was in the Bible in the first place then NO ONE would have tried to put it there by a forgery. Which of course proves it is not in the Bible. {Yet that is not

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2 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

We are not talking about John's beliefs here, nor mine nor yours. The statement is what the JEWS thought. John only recorded it. I'm beginning to think you don't even care to discuss, but only to dodge and avoid the Biblical facts presented to you. 

I am talking about the BIBLE here which IS John's belief. He wrote the Book of John so of course it is his belief. Sorry if you thought otherwise. Where is your Trinity, show me a Scripture from the BIBLE to prove it PLEASE I am waiting patiently.

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1 minute ago, bruceq said:

Jesus can be equal just like other angels have been throughout history. But where is the Trinity, you keep avoiding that point I see.Angels have been called "God Almighty", "The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob" and even by the name "Jehovah" but they were still just angels speaking for God.

NOWHERE in the Bible is ANY angel equal to GOD! 

We can discuss each and every instance where you think so, but you first have to demonstrate your ability to have an intellectually honest conversation.

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Just now, Shiwiii said:

NOWHERE in the Bible is ANY angel equal to GOD! 

We can discuss each and every instance where you think so, but you first have to demonstrate your ability to have an intellectually honest conversation.

LOL. Who was "speaking" to Moses at the burning bush and said "I am the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob"?

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1 minute ago, bruceq said:

I am talking about the BIBLE here which IS John's belief. Sorry if you thought otherwise. Where is your Trinity, show me a Scripture from the BIBLE to prove it PLEASE I am waiting patiently.

John's recordings were that of what the Jews believed. It is not John who is proclaiming the statement, but rather recording it. I'm afraid that your determination to "prove" the word trinity isn't in the Bible just will not work. Everyone knows the word "trinity" does not exist within the manuscripts of the Bible. If that is your "win", then I guess you win. 

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1 minute ago, bruceq said:

LOL. Who was "speaking" to Moses at the burning bush and said "I am the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob"?

but you first have to demonstrate your ability to have an intellectually honest conversation.

Did you forget this part? 

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Just now, Shiwiii said:

John's recordings were that of what the Jews believed. It is not John who is proclaiming the statement, but rather recording it. I'm afraid that your determination to "prove" the word trinity isn't in the Bible just will not work. Everyone knows the word "trinity" does not exist within the manuscripts of the Bible. If that is your "win", then I guess you win. 

And that is BECAUSE the Bible Writers were not Trinitarians.  Very good.

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1 minute ago, Shiwiii said:

but you first have to demonstrate your ability to have an intellectually honest conversation.

Did you forget this part? 

So far you have failed to even give ONE Scripture to prove that the Bible teaches a Trinity. Still waiting.

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By your Trinity belief the angels who spoke for God and said God's WORD [logos] they are all GOD. Since they thenselves said the words "I AM GOD" !!!

Do you now DENY that Jesus is God just because angels said the same thing?

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1 minute ago, bruceq said:

So far you have failed to even give ONE Scripture to prove that the Bible teaches a Trinity. Still waiting.

You cannot develop a conversation without first laying a foundation of what the topic is. You can try and throw out all of your ideas and thoughts to the other party, but most will just go over their head, 

2 minutes ago, bruceq said:

And that is BECAUSE the Bible Writers were not Trinitarians.  Very good.

So for you the word "trinity" needs to be there for you to accept the view is possible? Got it. 

Is Governing body in there? 

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2 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

You cannot develop a conversation without first laying a foundation of what the topic is. You can try and throw out all of your ideas and thoughts to the other party, but most will just go over their head, 

So for you the word "trinity" needs to be there for you to accept the view is possible? Got it. 

Is Governing body in there? 

Topic is Trinity, so prove it with the Bible as the "foundation" anything else is just the word of men. Jn. 17:17

Should not the identity of God be in the BIBLE??? LOL :S

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I'd like to continue to have this discussion, but your constant evading and intent to take this down rabbit holes, just doesn't convince me that you are capable of intellectual honesty. Those who follow down this thread to this point will see exactly what I am talking about. If you choose to continue,and truly want to have this discussion, then please by all means make the attempt to try. 

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