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"Jehovah felt regrets that he had made men in the earth, and he felt hurt at his heart."—Gen. 6:6


You Can Make God Rejoice


CAN we actually affect the way God feels? Does God have the capacity to rejoice? One dictionary definition of the word “God” is “the supreme or ultimate reality.” What if that awesome reality were simply a force? Could we expect an impersonal force to rejoice? Hardly. Consider, though, what the Bible says about God.


“God is a Spirit,” said Jesus Christ. (John 4:24) A spirit is a form of life that differs from humans. Though invisible to human eyes, a spirit has a body—“a spiritual one.” (1 Corinthians 15:44;John 1:18) Employing figures of speech, the Bible even speaks of God as having eyes, ears, hands, and so forth.* God also has a name—Jehovah. (Psalm 83:18) The God of the Bible, then, is a spirit person. (Hebrews 9:24) “He is the living God and the King to time indefinite.”—Jeremiah 10:10.


As a real living person, Jehovah is capable of thought and action. He manifests qualities and feelings, likes and dislikes. The Bible, in fact, abounds in expressions that reveal what things please or displease him. Whereas man-made gods and idols merely mirror the traits or qualities of their human inventors, the almighty God, Jehovah, is the very Originator of the emotions that he planted in humans.—Genesis 1:27; Isaiah 44:7-11.


Jehovah is without a doubt “the happy God.” (1 Timothy 1:11) He not only rejoices in his creative works but also takes pleasure in accomplishing his purpose. Through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah declares: “Everything that is my delight I shall do . . . I have even spoken it; I shall also bring it in. I have formed it, I shall also do it.” (Isaiah 46:9-11) The psalmist sang: “Jehovah will rejoice in his works.” (Psalm 104:31) But there is yet another source of joy to God. He says: “Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice.” (Proverbs 27:11) Think of what that means—we can make God rejoice!


How We Can Make God’s Heart Rejoice


Consider how the family head Noah made Jehovah’s heart rejoice. Noah “found favor in the eyes of Jehovah” because “he proved himself faultless among his contemporaries.” In stark contrast with the wicked people of that time, Noah’s faith and obedience were so pleasing to God that it could be said that “Noah walked with the true God.” (Genesis 6:6, 8, 9, 22) “By faith Noah . . . showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household.” (Hebrews 11:7) Jehovah was pleased with Noah and blessed him and his family with survival through that turbulent period of human history.


Do Not Make God Feel Hurt


An example of how Jehovah’s feelings can be hurt is found in the account about the days of Noah. At that time, “the earth became filled with violence. So God saw the earth and, look! it was ruined, because all flesh had ruined its way on the earth.” How did God feel as he surveyed the depravity and the violence? “Jehovah felt regrets that he had made men in the earth,” says the Bible, “and he felt hurt at his heart.” (Genesis 6:5, 6, 11, 12


God felt regrets in that the conduct of humans had become so evil that he had a change of attitude as regards the wicked pre-Flood generation. 


Because of his displeasure over their wickedness, God turned from the attitude of the Creator of humans to that of a destroyer of them.


Jehovah also felt distressed when his own people, the ancient nation of Israel, persistently ignored his feelings and his loving direction. The psalmist lamented: “How often they would rebel against him in the wilderness, they would make him feel hurt in the desert! And again and again they would put God to the test, and they pained even the Holy One of Israel.” Yet, “he was merciful; he would cover the error and not bring ruin. And many times he made his anger turn back, and he would not rouse up all his rage.” (Psalm 78:38-41) Even though the rebellious Israelites rightly suffered the consequences of their own sinfulness, the Bible tells us that “during all their distress it was distressing to [God].”—Isaiah 63:9.


The Bible leaves us in no doubt that God is deeply pained by unrighteous conduct. (Psalm 78:41) Things that are offensive—even detestable—to God include pride, lying, murder, practicing magic, fortune-telling, ancestor worship, loose morals, homosexuality, marital unfaithfulness, incest, and the oppression of the poor.—Leviticus 18:9-29; 19:29; Deuteronomy 18:9-12; Proverbs 6:16-19; Jeremiah 7:5-7;Malachi 2:14-16.


So no one needs to become the object of Jehovah’s anger. “Jehovah is very tender in affection and merciful.” (James 5:11) With full confidence in God’s feelings, you can “throw all your anxiety upon him, because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7


Be assured that those who make God’s heart rejoice have the wonderful prospect of enjoying his approval and friendship. Hence, it is now more urgent than ever before to “keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord.”—Ephesians 5:10.


How marvelous that God in his undeserved kindness has revealed his glorious qualities and feelings! And it is within your power to make his heart rejoice. 


If you desire to do so, we urge you to contact Jehovah’s Witnesses in your area. They will be happy to show you what they have found to be practical and attainable in their endeavor to please God.




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