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Friday morning

No. 1 Chairman’s Address: We Must Not Give Up —Especially Now!
No. 2 Continue Preaching “Without Letup” (Symposium)—Informally
No. 3 Continue Preaching “Without Letup” (Symposium) —From House to House
No. 4 Continue Preaching “Without Letup” (Symposium)—Publicly
No. 5 Continue Preaching “Without Letup” (Symposium) —Making Disciples
DRAMATIC BIBLE READING: Jehovah Delivers His People
No. 7 Jehovah—The Greatest Example of Endurance

Friday afternoon

No. 8 Enduring Despite . . . (Symposium) —Unjust Treatment
No. 9 Enduring Despite . . . (Symposium) —Advancing Age
No. 10 Enduring Despite . . . (Symposium) —Our Own Imperfections
No. 11 Enduring Despite . . . (Symposium) —Humbling Experiences
No. 12 Enduring Despite . . . (Symposium) —Prolonged Illness
No. 13 Enduring Despite . . . (Symposium) —The Loss of a Loved One
No. 14 Enduring Despite . . . (Symposium) —Persecution
DRAMA: Remember the Wife of Lot—Part 1
No. 16 Cultivate Qualities That Promote Endurance (Symposium)—Faith
No. 17 Cultivate Qualities That Promote Endurance (Symposium) —Virtue
No. 18 Cultivate Qualities That Promote Endurance (Symposium) —Knowledge
No. 19 Cultivate Qualities That Promote Endurance (Symposium) —Self-Control
No. 20 How You Can “By No Means Ever Fail”

Saturday morning

No. 21 How Jehovah “Supplies Endurance and Comfort” to . . . (Symposium)—The Weak and Those Who Are Depressed
No. 22 How Jehovah “Supplies Endurance and Comfort” to . . . (Symposium)—Those in Material Need
No. 23 How Jehovah “Supplies Endurance and Comfort” to . . . (Symposium)—“The Fatherless”
No. 24 How Jehovah “Supplies Endurance and Comfort” to . . . (Symposium)—Older Ones
No. 25 Build a House That Will Endure (Symposium) —Be “Content With the Present Things”
No. 26 Build a House That Will Endure (Symposium) —Safeguard Your Children From “What Is Evil”
No. 27 Build a House That Will Endure (Symposium) —Train Your Children in ‘the Way They Should Go’
No. 28 BAPTISM: “Do Not Give In to Fear”!

Saturday afternoon

No. 29 Imitate “Those Who Have Endured” (Symposium)—Joseph
No. 30 Imitate “Those Who Have Endured” (Symposium)—Job
No. 31 Imitate “Those Who Have Endured” (Symposium) —Jephthah’s Daughter
No. 32 Imitate “Those Who Have Endured” (Symposium)—Jeremiah
DRAMA: Remember the Wife of Lot—Part 2
No. 34 Learn Endurance From Creation (Symposium) —Camels
No. 35 Learn Endurance From Creation (Symposium) —Alpine Trees
No. 36 Learn Endurance From Creation (Symposium) —Butterflies
No. 37 Learn Endurance From Creation (Symposium) —Arctic Terns
No. 38 Learn Endurance From Creation (Symposium) —Lapwings
No. 39 Learn Endurance From Creation (Symposium) —Acacia Trees
No. 40 Young Ones—Your Endurance Makes Jehovah Rejoice!

Sunday morning

No. 41 We Must “Run With Endurance” (Symposium) —Run to Win!
No. 42 We Must “Run With Endurance” (Symposium) —Train Diligently
No. 43 We Must “Run With Endurance” (Symposium) —Let Go of Unnecessary Burdens
No. 44 We Must “Run With Endurance” (Symposium) —Imitate Good Examples
No. 45 We Must “Run with Endurance” (Symposium) —Eat Nutritious Food
No. 46 We Must “Run With Endurance” (Symposium) —Drink Plenty of Water
No. 47 We Must “Run With Endurance” (Symposium) —Obey the Rules of the Contest
No. 48 We Must “Run With Endurance” (Symposium) —Be Confident of Gaining the Prize
No. 49 PUBLIC BIBLE DISCOURSE: Never Give Up Hope!
No. 50 Summary of The Watchtower

Sunday afternoon

DRAMA: Remember the Wife of Lot—Part 3
No. 52 “Keep in Expectation . . . It Will Not Be Late!”



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Table of contents Friday morning No. 1 Chairman’s Address: We Must Not Give Up —Especially Now! No. 2 Continue Preaching “Without Letup” (Symposium)—Informally No. 3 Continue Preaching “

And yes, we all look forward to serving Jehovah in the absence of evil and wickedness. But remember, Ezekiel was told to start his marking work at the "sanctuary".   Brother, what is your st

"in inconsequential matters"! Brother, That is almost blasphemy! How can you feel that following direction is "inconsequential"? Actions have "consequences"..., ALL actions do. You say that like we ca

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On ‎6‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 1:20 PM, tromboneck said:

I would like to read the letter that was read at our Wednesday night meeting on June 26. Is it available ?

Thanks Tom

Tom, the announcement AT the convention itself, asks those with integrity to NOT spoil the convention for those who have not attended yet. The loving thing would be to be obedient. That's not what we do, as humans. They also asks us to attend the convention to which you are assigned. But it is so disheartening to hear the excuses we hear from the "Friends" who disobey that request because they "can't wait" until their convention. It is sad to know that some of our Brothers and Sisters are so selfish that NOTHING else matters to them. And for those of us who are faithful to our Promise, and don't try to blur the line of demarcation, and take the risk of making the convention uncomfortable for those who are assigned. It's heartbreaking to know that we can't obey, even the simplest commands, and that the Inspired Words on 1 John 5:3, 4, "For this is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome, 4 because everyone who has been born from God conquers the world. And this is the conquest that has conquered the world, our faith", are really to no avail to them. It is really heartbreaking.

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"in inconsequential matters"! Brother, That is almost blasphemy! How can you feel that following direction is "inconsequential"? Actions have "consequences"..., ALL actions do. You say that like we can say of Eve, "well, it was just a piece of fruit". That same "inconsequential" attitude caused King Saul his relationship with Jehovah. It was also the leading factor in Ananias' thievery. 


Brother, there is NOTHING inconsequential about disobedience.

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And yes, we all look forward to serving Jehovah in the absence of evil and wickedness. But remember, Ezekiel was told to start his marking work at the "sanctuary".


Brother, what is your standing in your congregation? There are troubling overtones to your apathetic reasoning about disobedience.

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15 hours ago, tromboneck said:

I am a 50 yr. veteran of the spiritual warfare that God's anointed son's are assigned to fight against this system of things and our own and other's imperfections. I am awaiting the "final sealing" or "marking" of the ones who actually serve in the spiritual "courtyard of priests" and the "Holy compartment" of God's great spiritual temple on this earth.

You imply that those who may, for one reason or the other, must attend a convention that their congregation is not assigned to are breaking their integrity to Jehovah and are not loving or obedient Christians, That is simply not true. With these brothers in mind you refer to them as "Friends" which implies that they are not such. But they are, if we are friends to them.

You refer to your brothers as selfish and you place a very clear line between them and "those of us who are faithful to our Promise" which of course, includes you. There are much more important issues ahead for all of us than the ones you complain of. 

Work hard to put on the new personality which includes compassion and forgiveness. You would do well to lighten up on being so judgmental, as well.

After you have been around for a little bit longer you will understand what I am saying. The answer to your audacious question, which is also haughty and prideful, is that not only am I in good standing in my congregation and have been so for the last 47 years. But the truly important thing is my standing with my Loving Father in heaven, Jehovah and His only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ! I suggest that you make every effort to work on your relationship with Jehovah by first loving his children here on earth.

You sound very young and have somewhat of an elevated opinion of yourself, "Bragging Rights" sounds to fit you well. However, bragging is for the self-assuming and NOT for any of us.

If you are mentally inclined otherwise, pray that Jehovah will reveal the above attitude to you.


Well, 09/22/1962. That's my baptism date. So, 55 years ago, I symbolized my dedication. I am a full time servant, and am proud to try my best to promote obedience among my "Friends". Brother, I am not haughty. I am experienced in the worse way. I made the "little" mistakes of choosing what to obey, and what was "inconsequential". That led me to a place where I "longed to be filled with the carob pods that the swine were eating". That's a place I want ALL of my "Friends" to NEVER see. I would never assert any "Bragging Rights" brother. I know better. 


I asked you about your standing because I went to your other posts, and you are asking for BOE letters, from anonymous individuals on the internet. If your standing is what you assert, you should be able to go to an Elder in your congregation, ask for the letter you want, and get it. Why didn't you do that?


I don't judge anyone, Brother. Doing so only reserves a harsher judgement for myself. My pain at the mistakes of my "Friends" is a sign of the love that I have for them. I see what could be something that they might need to address in their personalities. Because of "the rafter" in my eye, I don't try to remove the straw from theirs. But I also don't consider disobedience, in any form, to be inconsequential. Your assertion: "You imply that those who may, for one reason or the other, must attend a convention that their congregation is not assigned to are breaking their integrity to Jehovah and are not loving or obedient Christians", is mistaken too. They may have "disobeyed", but I wouldn't brand them as "disobedient". Your perusing the internet in search of documents that are sensitive, and not open to being passed around anonymously is of far greater concern. And your service, your years of service, notwithstanding, hold you to a much higher standard. The judgement of this is not mine to make. It's yours. 

"I suggest that you make every effort to work on your relationship with Jehovah by first loving his children here on earth." I truly appreciate that admonition brother, and I hope that you would look at things from a different lens, and you, too, make every effort to work on those little things, those inconsequential things. Please don't stumble because of what I say. Please, in your prayers, make those with issues like mine, a matter of concern. We would appreciate it.


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Another thought, brother, for the "Friends" who simply can't make the convention: The BOE decides if they would be eligible to get the streaming link, and they can view the entire convention. Then, they can access, with a clear conscience, all of the releases, subsequent to that convention series. You see, Jehovah is so loving, that he look after the "lowly ones", and sees to their needs. But those who don't want to go to their assigned venue, and it is that group that my concerns were for. Sorry you couldn't understand that.

I looked at a post above, and someone has posted the manuscripts for the talks at the convention. Do you, also, agree with that?


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Brother, that disclaimer is there. I have the material downloaded, as I have attended the convention, but it still asks the same question: "Have you attended the Convention". Yeah, it's still there. And what I asked was, if you agreed with the talks being posted online. There are far too many people, far too liberal, with the material that should not be viewed by just anyone. Not that there are secrets, but there are things that should be confidential. The Elders book for instance. That's online for download. Do you think the Branch is OK with that? "All things are lawful, but not all things are advantageous". (1 Corinthians 10:23) There are lines, that due to integrity, we should not cross.

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10 minutes ago, tromboneck said:

Jehovah’s Witnesses


Convention Releases

After each day of the convention, click the link for that day to view or download the convention releases.




Maybe you're right. "Weak conscience"..., really. I tried again, after I replied before, and the disclaimer on my primary was gone. So, I went to my laptop that I use for work, went to the website, jw.org, and went to publications; clicked on convention releases and, VOILLA!


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Mr. tromboneck, again, sir, what is your standing in your congregation? There is another gentleman on this site, Jay Witness, that I would ask that question of. You can consider it rhetorical, or you can just ignore it altogether, but I think something is amiss here, if your conscience doesn't do anything to you anbout the unethical proliferation of our confidential material. If you have no issue with having the Elder's book online, or the entire library of talks for this year's convention, WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE BRANCH, then you really do need to examine WHO you are as a Christian.

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      Bonjour mon frère 
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      Hello, Darlene, I just love your name, I had a cousin named Darline, and had a classmate also named Darlene! It's a pleasure to know another Darlene! Especially a Spiritual Sister! There's some websites, Ministry Ideaz , JW Stuff.com, and Etsy that I use to order my yearly buttons for the Conventions! They always send me what I order, and their also Jehovah's Witnesses, that send us the merchandise we order!  You can check out these websites, and they might have what your looking for! I hope I have been helpful in assisting you, Darlene! Agape love, Shirley!😀
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